

17 Jun


Originally posted by fondocean

I've been having the same issue and reporting since 2 seasons ago, and still no answer

Hey Fondocean, sorry if you sent in a ticket that went unresolved. Can you please try sending another? I'd like to look into your account more in-depth as this may be an account-specific thing, so waiting wont necessarily resolve it.

It's also possibly visual. I'd say check out our section on recording here and take a short clip changing the armor to see if we can find any visual indicators of what's going on.

16 Jun


Hello {{original.poster.user_name}}, thanks for the report on [issue to make sure they know you read it and are taking it seriously]. I've gone ahead and [forwarded it for investigation / looked into the matter, it should be resolved now / credited x].

Thanks for your patience!

09 Jun


(Sorry in advance to any designers that read my post)

Throw spear at the behemoth for up to 3,600 damage but you have to spend a full 3 seconds trying to pull it out of the Behemoth without getting hit. If you miss, you have to jump off the nearest cliff to recover it.

07 Jun


Originally posted by RPG-Gamer-4ever

In-Game Name: Zedric V. Trius

Type of Bug: frequent game crash

Expected behavior: Return to Ramsgate without game crashing

Actual behavior: Game crashes often when returning to Ramsgate from a hunt or escalation. Never seems to happen when entering Ramsgate for the first time after loading the game, nor when travelling *from* Ramsgate to a hunt.

When this happens, the "entry platform" on Ramsgate is loaded, and you can see yourself and maybe other slayers standing there, but everything is frozen. Background music plays, but nothing moves and the controllers are unresponsive, as though suffering extreme lag or a loading delay. After maybe 10 or 15 seconds, the game closes with a console (Switch) message saying "the software was closed due to an error."

Reproduction Rate/Steps: This seemed to start with version 1.10.2, but I didn't notice it right away,...

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Hello, can you please write into support via we'd like to take a look at your accounts. Also u/Royal_Doubt5718 u/Rico_Agave

Please specify that this is regarding your post here: ...

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01 Jun


RemindMe! 27970 days "Increase support staff"

27 May


Originally posted by LEGITPRO123

I thought the green one was healing and died the first time lmao

100% happened to me the first time as well. This video sums it up perfectly.


A drasilisk? This looks amazing!

11 May


Sorry to hear about that. You can contact us here I recommend going through the "Technical" section first though. Please include any error messaging you're receiving if you're unable to resolve the issue after following the available documentation.

26 Apr


It could be a "whoops" moment and they feel that the instant revive may be needed and more valuable later. If not, it's going to be a slog from start to finish either way if you aren't able to easily carry others. I don't think there's any ill intent. Most of us at some point bit off more than we could chew and were the corpse.
I just try my best to get them through and hope they don't get self-conscious and hop out near the end as some do. All part of public matches, you never know what you're going to get.

I also try to get defensive revive if it pops up when I see someone struggling. I would rather keep reviving them and have them struggle through so they can feel like they helped instead of leaving them on the ground.

18 Apr


Originally posted by -eXiGe-

Is antagonizing the player-base with sarcasm a job requirement at Phoenix Labs?

I didn't realize this was a sensitive subject, but I appreciate the responses as it makes me more aware of some of the community's feelings on these quests. Poorly landed joke is all. Y'all are awesome, as is the achievement in the OP!


Thanks! I've forwarded your suggestion for more reforge quests with high end rewards.

Edit: Wrong chat box.


Originally posted by ClayZKyle

i have the same issue here, thought i was the only one... all other conditions were completed and then my phased pellicle is stuck at 21/8 for both quest and unable to complete them or earn fresh phased pellicles...

im from pc port tho...

Thanks for the additional report! It looks like some changes were made to this quest which is causing this, and we hope to have the issue resolved in a coming patch.

14 Apr


Originally posted by UselessRequiem

For me there was only 2 dyes available for some reason

Please send in a screenshot (or two) to support and we'll take a look, if you feel any specific ones are missing, please list those. Thanks!


Originally posted by Splyshyx

I don’t know how to embed images in Reddit posts.

In Game Name: PlasmaInPyjamas

Type of Bug: Quest Rumor/Behemoth Drop

Expected Behavior: Item Drops go to quest/receive quest completion (Timeweave Vambraces/Timeweave Quadhammer)

Actual Behavior: When I break and receive “Phased Pellicle” from Chronovore events, it does not go to my quest total, this has been the case for the last couple of days. My total drops before the update was 26/50, and this bug has impacted me within the couple days and is now 26/8 with the quest change.

Reproduction Rate: 10/10 within the last couple of days including today after the update. Earned phased pellicles are no longer credited towards the rumor. Earned pellicles after the update do not change the 26/8 status and I’m still unable to complete the tumor.

System Specs: PS5 (physical disc one)

Geographic Location: PNW (Washington, United States)

Please send in a screenshot to Support here make sure you also have 500 aetherdust as well as complete the 500 hunt pass xp portion then talk to the Middleman first though to ensure nothing else is missing on the quest requirements.


Originally posted by UselessRequiem

In-game name: UselessGamerBoi

Type if bug: Cosmetic

Expected behavior: Hunt pass dyes being under behemoth dyes

Actual behavior: Hunt pass dyes not being visible at all

Reproduction rate: Happens constantly when opening customization

These should be available within the "Premium Dyes" section.


Originally posted by Dragonlord1009

Some of my bounties don’t have descriptions anymore. Kind of annoying to have only two options since I can’t read the third one.

This should be resolved in a coming patch, sorry about that! These are focused around targeting enraged behemoths, for now I'd avoid picking up new ones unless you're confident in completing them. If you absolutely have to abandon them, please let us know over at support.


Originally posted by Fifi0n

I don't know how to word the bug but I do have a video of the bug happening, where do I send it to?

You can send it to our support team at the top left here under "Submit Request" if it's already listed as a known issue there's no need though.


13 Apr


Looks like your link broke, try this one. You have the video set to private.

12 Apr


Originally posted by ThisCocaineNinja

I'm surprised how often people fail to mention Tough 6 for tanky builds, it gives you around +50% health and healing. Easy mode in my opinion, and gnasher pieces are easy to craft. Something like this would make the game easier and you can customize it and change parts for more damage if you want:

Bastion and Iceborne omnicells will help. Bulwark tonics from Granny Strega will make you very tanky for a couple of hits too, if you don't mind collecting some herbs or have the spare rams to buy them.

Agreed on tough. Tough 6, Koshai's Bloom, and Icebourne Omnicell combination can make it pretty hard to die on all but the toughest challenges. Take away any one of those 3 and you're still probably rarely going to die and can focus the rest on damage output.

I'm a big fan of Koshai's as a survivability option because it still hits hard and adds mobility on top of the recovery. It can also be used to escape keystone behemoths grab/eating you on the chance you miss a dodge there.

31 Mar

  1. Thrax
  2. Lightbound Koshai
  3. Pufflehop