

03 Mar

Hi folks,

Thank you for reporting this bug with the Passives and Tacticals that don't get extra stacks when first applied.

Our team is aware of this issue and is currently looking into it. I'll update you in this thread when I have more information.

To give visibility to this bug, I'll add it to the Game Update 6.2.1 - Known Issues list.
Hi Tulmara,

Thank you for this report concerning Heta Kol and Bask Sunn who are not dropping any loot in the Spirit of Vengeance Flashpoint- Solo/Story Mode.

Our team is currently looking into this bug. I'll update you when I know more. To give more visibility to this bug, I will also add it to the Game Update 6.2.1 - Known Issues list.

02 Mar

Hi DimmuJanKaarl,

Your post has been moved to the bug reports section.

The issue you're reporting is still a known issue as mentioned in the Game Update 6.2.1 - Known Issues list.

As your post is a duplicate of the following one, I will close yours to avoid confusion: Spoils of War Set Bonus items not working.
In the meantime, there is a ... Read more
Here are the current known issues for Game Update 6.2.1:
  • The Spirit of Vengeance
    • Bask Sunn and Heta Kol are not dropping any loot in the Spirit of Vengeance Flashpoint - Solo/Story Mode.
    • "Conflicting Priorities" Mission is not granted when completing "The Spirit of Vengeance" Flashpoint - Solo/Story Mode.
  • Echoes of Oblivion
    • The camera shake persists during the last cinematic of Echoes of Oblivion.
    • Players can't start the cinematic at the step "Speak to Kira Carsen" when Theron is dead but Arcann and Senya are alive in Echoes of Oblivion.
  • Amplifiers
    • If all the items equipped on a character are missing a shell Amplifier, none of their Amplifiers equipped in the Armoring/Mod and Enhancements slots will appear in the Amplifier list from the character sheet.
    • An invisible "Amplifier list" persists on the screen while the Outfit Designer tabs are active.
    • There...
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As stated in the Game Update 6.2.1 patch notes, those will only be available when Season 14 starts later this Spring.

To avoid multiple threads concerning the same subject, I am closing this one.
Hi folks,

PvP Season 13 has ended with today's patch. We have now entered PvP Pre-Season 14.

As stated in the patch notes, "New rewards can be found at Giradda the Hutt on the Fleet and players will receive rewards based off of their highest-ranked rating when Season 14 starts later this Spring!": Game Update 6.2.1.

All SWTOR servers are once again available!

Thank you for your patience.

01 Mar

Hello everyone,

We wanted to post a reminder of Forum rules and etiquette when engaging one another here. In order to foster constructive discussions in a safe and healthy environment, we do enforce our forum rules and expect our community members to treat each other with respect, even when disagreeing. You can read the full Rules of Conduct here, but these guidelines will help you contribute to the community and keep it a fun, healthy, and safe space for everyone!
  • Be mindful and respectful of each other even if you have differing opinions. Tone over text can be misinterpreted. Before you click �Submit Reply�, think about how your tone can come across to another community...
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26 Feb

Hey everyone,

We will be taking the servers offline on March 2, 2021, to deploy Game Update 6.2.1.

DATE: March 2, 2021
TIME: 4:00AM - 7:00AM PST (1200 - 1500 UTC)
VERSION: 6.2.1

Patch notes are already available, here:

Thank you for your patience as we maintain Star Wars�: The Old Republic�!

23 Feb

Hi folks,

You should now be able to log back in and play. If you keep having connectivity issues, please let us know.

Thanks for your patience.
Hi folks,

Thanks for the report concerning the connectivity issues. Our team is currently looking into it. I'll update you when I know more.
Hi folks,

Due to last week's situation, Game Update 6.2.1 was not deployed as scheduled. The effect of it is that this week's Conquest is the Relics of the Gree Event instead of the Bounty Contract Week. The Conquest and Event schedule will return to a normal rotation next week.

For those who are looking for Bounty Contract Week, we are exploring adjusting the schedule to account for the fact that it was missed this week. Keep an eye on the in-game event page for any updates.

We apologize to anyone that was looking forward to the Bounty Contract Event this week. We will also update the website schedule to reflect this.

22 Feb

Hi folks,

The bug reported on the Valiant Defender's dualsaber will normally be fixed with Game Update 6.2.1. More information about this update here: Game Update 6.2.1.

18 Feb

Hi folks,

As noted in the 6.2.1 patch notes, this bug will normally be fixed with Game Update 6.2.1.

In the meantime, I invite you to directly contact our support team to request a restoration of the tech fragments used.

To contact our support team, you can directly create an in-game ticket:
  • Click on the question mark icon on the main menu, (or press Ctrl + /).
  • Click on Create ticket, then follow the on-screen instructions to provide details and submit your ticket.
As this thread is a duplicate of the following one: ... Read more

16 Feb

Hi Zerker-Kai,

For Cartel Coins issues, you need to directly contact our support team by phone: How to contact Star Wars�: The Old Republic� (SW:TOR) support.

For more information, here is our article concerning SW:TOR and Steam: SW:TOR on Steam.
Hi folks,

Due to the on-going severe weather situation in Austin, TX (where our studio is located), we are going to be delaying today's scheduled maintenance. It is still our goal to get out Game Update 6.2.1 as soon as possible. We will pass on updates when we have more information.

This does affect some other things as well:
  • Possible issues when reaching Support

Thank you for your understanding!

15 Feb

Hi folks,

The patch notes for tomorrow's maintenance are now up and you can find them here: Game Update 6.2.1.

12 Feb

Hey everyone,

We will be taking the servers offline on February 16, 2021, to deploy Game Update 6.2.1.>

DATE: February 16, 2021
TIME: 6:00AM - 9:00AM PST (1400 - 1700 UTC)
VERSION: 6.2.1

Patch notes will be available on Monday, here:

Thank you for your patience as we maintain Star Wars�: The Old Republic�!
Hi Uriskall,

For Cartel Coins issues, you need to directly contact our support team. As your issue is a subscription and they need to verify the account ownership, you should contact them by phone.

Here is our article on how to do that: How to contact Star Wars�: The Old Republic� (SW:TOR) support.

11 Feb

Hi folks,

Thanks for the different reports concerning the Ambitious Warrior Chestguard.

Our team is aware of this bug and currently looking into it. I'll update you when I have more information.