

18 Jan

Hi folks,

As mentioned here: Cartel coins not being delivered, there was an issue with Cartel Coins purchases. This issue has been resolved and you should all have received your Cartel Coins. If you are still having any issues, please contact support: How to contact Star Wars�: The Old Republic� (SW:TOR) support.
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15 Jan

Hello everyone,

Here is a bit more clarification on the Minor Rampage Achievement Boost.

Hi ceryxp,

This is not working as intended and not specific to dyes. At times, a flash sale item will not be listed immediately after the sale is over as some go through a cooling off period before they are restored to the CM.
Hi bjpbjp,

You might already try the following troubleshooting step, but did you try another browser?

If yes, you should directly contact our support team. One of our agents should be able to help you verify your account. As your issue might be linked to your account, I invite you to contact the support team by phone: How to contact Star Wars�: The Old Republic� (SW:TOR) support.

13 Jan

Thanks to everyone who asked for updates on this thread!

We took a look and the dye slots on these old outfits are currently working as they should.

To give some context, these outfits were not built to accept dyes, and when the Outfitter was released, there was a bug that allowed dyes to be used on outfits that didn't have a dye slot. Unfortunately, these outfits didn't actually support dyes under-the-hood, and so in many cases, when dyes were used on outfits, the dye would not actually be applied, and the item would be consumed (it did work in some cases, though that was technically accidental).

Because we know dyeing is an important facet of character customization, in recent years we've leaned harder in the direction of making more and more outfits dyeable, but the older armors that were not created to support dyes will still remain so.
Thanks for the update and glad to read that your issue has been resolved.
Hi all,

For those who didn't receive anything when purchased Unidentified barrels and hilts purchased from the Spoils of War vendor on the Fleet, I invite you to directly contact our support team to request a restoration of the tech fragments used.

To contact our support team, you can directly create an in-game ticket:
  1. Click on the question mark icon on the main menu, (or press Ctrl + /).
  2. Click on Create ticket, then follow the on-screen instructions to provide details and submit your ticket.

12 Jan

Hi AFadedMemory,

You were faster than me, but I've moved your thread to the bug report section. Here, your post will be more accurate than in the previous section.

Concerning your character transfer, you need to make sure that you're not a Guild Leader and you have enough space on the destination server. A few lockboxes can also prevent you from transferring a character.
More information about character transfer here: SW:TOR Character transfer.

As you already created Customer Support tickets, I invite you to wait for an answer from this team.
Hi Jagdulf,

Thanks for the report concerning the bug you encounter with the crate you received from the Login Rewards.

To help our team investigate this bug, could you directly create a bug report ticket? With a bug report ticket, all the information provided will directly go to our team.
  1. Click on the question mark icon on the main menu, (or press Ctrl + /).
  2. Select the Report Bug option.
  3. Make sure to give all the relevant information concerning your bug.
  4. Click on Submit.
In addition to that, I also have an additional question concerning the bug: when you moved the crate to your Legacy Hold, did you move it through the Legacy Bank?

Avoid for the time being putting that crate into the Legacy bank. Instead, open the crate to obtain the items, and then transfer those items. We have a fix coming with 6.2.1 to address this. I'll update you if there is any change.

All SWTOR servers are once again available!

Thank you for your patience.

Today�s back-end maintenance has been extended with no ETA. We will update as soon as we have more info. Thank you for your patience.
Hi folks,

Thanks for your reports concerning the Stronghold Title Plates.

Our team is currently looking into it. I'll update you when I know more.

11 Jan

Hi folks,

Thanks for the different reports concerning Satele Shan in the Companions & Contacts window.

As noted in the Game Update 6.2 - Known Issues, this bug is a known issue.
  • Satele Shan has the wrong bio description and portrait in the Companions & Contacts window.
Our team is currently looking into it. For now, there is no additional information. But, I'll update you when I know more.

08 Jan


Hi RameiArashi,

Can you please provide info for the following questions?
  • Did you consume the item to yourself once you got to the area, or before going to the area?

    Which companions are you using and not seeing double increments?.

    Where were you when it appeared it stopped working?

    Which enemies are you fighting?

    Is it possible you are looking at Conquest Objectives and not Achievements?

Important to note that this does not increment Conquest Objective counts - so going into CZ-198, for example, will still require 25 unique kills for the CZ-198 Defeat Enemies Conquest Objective.
Hello everyone,

In an effort to keep information in one spot, we are working to consolidate the stickied threads, update the info obtained from them, and will update this post as necessary. Treat this as a living document. Please read this post thoroughly as it contains a lot of information.

General guidelines about reporting bugs
  • Please search threads to see if someone else has already created a bug report and add to that instead of creating a new thread. This not only helps keep info in one spot, but it is also easier to update one thread with a resolution/answer rather than tracking down multiple. Duplicate threads can be deleted, merged, or locked.
  • Create one thread for each unique bug. This assists with tracking and keeping conversation and additional reporting to one issue at a time.
  • This sub-forum is used specifically for game bugs. If you need support for the following, please follow the respective steps:
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Hey everyone,

We will be taking all servers offline for back-end maintenance on January 12, 2021.

DATE: January 12, 2021
TIME: 5:00AM - 8:00AM PST (1300 - 1600 UTC)

Thank you for your patience as we maintain Star Wars�: The Old Republic�!
Hi folks,

Thanks for the report concerning the bug with the Minor Rampage Achievement Boost received as a Login Reward.

I've transferred the information provided to our team for additional verification. I'll update you when I have more information.
Hi folks,

Our team is currently looking into the bug with Rass Ordo's level when he joins you for the Spirit of Vengeance Flashpoint - Solo/Story Mode.

For now, there is no additional information. I'll inform you in this thread when I know more.

07 Jan

Hi again,

The ticket creation issue is now fixed. You should now be able to create in-game tickets, bug reports, and right-click reports.

Thanks for your patience while we get this issue resolved.
Hi all,

If you encounter issues when trying to create a ticket, you can also contact our support team at the following address: [email protected].

When contacting them, make sure to send the email from the one linked to your account and to give the relevant information.

Concerning the issue you encounter when trying to create in-game tickets and bug reports, I've transferred the information to our team for additional verification. I'll update you when I know more.