is there any thoughts from the team about not being so severely handicapped when you reforge? feels bad going back to level 1 each time. Other than that, I know its too soon after the rollout of this system but do you have any loose goals for the release cadence of new islands of hunt grounds or adding events to the existing ones? In additions I wanted to say thanks I have my issues with the update (Mostly that I have to reforge multiple times to get my armor sets back to the +3 they had compensation WAS NOT GOOD ENOUGH) however, the hunting grounds feel very good and theres less down time which is really nice.
First off, we missed the mark on migration and will be doing a second one to grant some more items (more info later).
As for reforging, the goal here was to get players engaging with all the game's content. This way, even if you're at the end game, there's an incentive to go back and cycle through ALL the content again. We did this so end game players weren't just grinding the same hunts over and over.