This happens when someone is using a Kuva Nukor (stretches body parts and contorts) and gets hit with Radiation turns on friends. So fun fact Radiation turn on friendly fire.
Gave it a try but they seem to return to normal after a few seconds.
This happens when someone is using a Kuva Nukor (stretches body parts and contorts) and gets hit with Radiation turns on friends. So fun fact Radiation turn on friendly fire.
Gave it a try but they seem to return to normal after a few seconds.
sorry i alredy restartead the game but is there anything else i can do to help? beacuse the same thing would happen with the extraction dot just appering somewhere random
Should you get another mission like this where no enemies spawn at all, could you send in your logs?
I ran through the whole mission and not a single unit spawned not even an angel
In case you haven't restarted the game till that mission, could you send your log file in a support ticket?
How to get logs:
Just mention me in the ticket and I'll forward it to one of our programmers to see what went wrong.
Ah, ye. This is Dulpex Bond activating during Leverian visits. We got a fix for this shipping with Xaku Prime later today.
We're aware of this issue and have the fix for it scheduled to release with Xaku Prime tomorrow.
I have occasionally had that mf just despawn himself mid mission and insta fail it. Not fun considering how much of a slog it is.
We recently changed Defense Operatives to make it so they can't get ragdolled anymore:
Fixed auto-failing the mission if the Defense Operative were to ragdoll out of the playable area. This bug was most commonly experienced in an Archon Hunt mission with Chipper.
This should have fixed any is...
Read moreI still haven't found a solution
/u/no_karma_needs & /u/Low_Contribution_847 If this is still an issue for you, can you please send me your usernames?
If you turn on Anti-Aliasing: TAA for now, that should hide the issue until we've found a good fix for it. Cheers!
I've managed to recreate it but I still don't know what triggers it. Going into Operator fixes it tho
Can you message me your account name? I'll have a look with your loadout.
Yes, I'm playing on PC. I have an NVIDIA GeForce 1660 with a KINGSTON SA400S37480G driver.
Thank you in advance.
Just to be sure, are you able to repro this issue when casting Lavos 4 in the Simulacrum, when nothing else is going on?
Are you playing on PC and if so, could you message me what graphics card and drivers you are using?
What you are seeing is Lavos VFX being incorrectly read. Those issues are usually related to very specific setup combinations.
The help page not displaying anything is a known issue but this website should have all relevant info:
Thank you a lot.
it's HARD to ME
This Game is Fun Untill I Start Herrow Quest.
I will play another mission untill i ready for this :D
Should you still not be able to progress through the quest, please consider submitting a support ticket. They can skip you ahead.
idk if this will fix the melee animations bugging out but surely, they are aware if it at the very least
That bug should a have been fixed with the main Koumei update on Wednesday:
Fixed animations no longer playing if players meleed while in Archwing in Open Landscapes and/or transitioned back and forth between Landscapes and Hubs.
Please let me know if you still encounter this issue.
I am not seeing this issue on my personal account. Could you message me your account name so we can have a look directly?
I'm playing the PS4 version on my PS5. I saw an old thread while doing research that recommended disabling bloom. I did that, but now the new Volt ephemera is just solid vanta black, but only the bottom portion is affected.
I noticed that you guys added a notification on startup that recommends downloading the PS5 version, so I did that. Haven't tried it yet, still downloading. Does that mean the PS4's version is no longer able to keep up with the game?
Thanks for the message!
Ideally you'd change over to the PS5 version of the game while playing on PS5 as that one is more or less and improved version of PS4 Warframe.
But don't worry, these black boxes are a bit tricky. We mostly get them on PC where they can be caused by a bunch of different things. In the end, it's an input that is not correctly read, so it spits out a black frame in confusion.
Our PS QA team will have a look if they can chase this bug down.
What you are seeing is a NaN issue. It happens when a VFX does not properly read by your console.
Could you share your gamertag with me? Our team will have a look what exact effect is causing these black squares for you.
This appears to be a rendering issue related to specific VFX.
Infomation that help us identify and fix these issues:
Video of this issue appearing: Seeing when it comes and goes. This can help us identify what exact effect is failing for you.
Your current graphics card and drivers: Often with these black squares, they only appear with specific setups.
Updating your graphics card drivers may resolve the issue for you.
Hm, I just had a look and didn't see anything wrong with the quest or the races.
K-Drive races are on a daily rotation. Only thing I can think of is that you might be looking at the wrong locations.
Could you share a screenshot of your map while you are on a K-Drive?
Could you share your Clan & account name with me?
Also does this happen when trying to grab anything else from the Dojo?