

06 Aug



If you encounter one of these while playing on PC, could you take an F6 screenshot and send it to support?

F6 screenshot have meta-data of the location and help us figure out what went wrong.

How to contact Support:

Just mention [DE]Purzzle in the ticket and I'll have our Level Design check it out.


26 Jul



Would you mind messaging me your Warframe name? I can have a quick at what's going on.


EDIT: Situation should be resolved now.

19 Jul


Originally posted by Own_Reflection4993

It’s happened during grineer missions and I assure you there is no nullifier bubble. Watch the toggle for Grave Spirit; it was still active until after I went down

Ah, I missed you recasting the ability after running through the bubble. Not seeing too many reports about this issue, might be setup related.

Will have a look.



At 2:23 in your video, you walk through a Nullifier bubble (enemy located behind you) which turns off the ability.

Does it only happen during mission with Corupted/Corpus enemies?


18 Jul



You do not need to print them, having them on your phone for scanning is enough.


12 Jul



There's been a small hiccup with this week's offerings. If you refresh the Relay, the item rotation for this week will be visible.


09 Jul



Yesterday, we found a possible cause for a lot of seemlingly random crashes. The issue is covered here:

Should your PC have one of the listed processors, could you see if the described fix works for you?

If not, could you share your WAR-number from the crash reporter?


27 Jun


Originally posted by More_Winter_736

Dagath Scythes slow Thrax dying animation. Fix please

I saw reports for that but haven't been able to reproduce the issue so far. The only interaction where I could confirm a bug was Atlas Petrify.

Could you record an encounter with Dagath? Maybe there is something I am missing.


Originally posted by EUGEN1XXX

ive sent a message, thank you very much!

Hmm, I am not seeing anything out of the ordinary and haven't been able to repro so far.

Would you be able to record the next time you kill a Thrax and they lock up? Or send logs from the session it happens to Support?


How to get logs:




Could you message me your Warframe account name? I'll have a look at what's going wrong here.


04 Jun



Thanks for the report, videos and screenshots help a lot with issues like this.

We are shipping further fixes for sticky corners/stairs with Jade Shadows.

I had a quick look at the locations from the video and was not able to get stuck anymore.


17 May


Originally posted by Leekshooter

Pretty sure the skin is bugged, it seems to be applying the sigils in the place where the sentinel it's equipped on would wear a sigil instead of the correct mounts it should have, so if you put it on Diriga your sigil is stuck in the tail.

Ah, thanks! You're right, Sigil location is not using the correct offset.

15 May


Originally posted by Narrow_Bodybuilder74

Did they fix that joystick dead zone error that would make your character stick moving on pc/deck?


We sadly don't have a fix for the issue yet but can offer this workaround for the time being:

  1. Go to Steam Settings->Controller->Calibration page
  2. Change the default Deadzone value for both Joysticks (i.e. from 10,000 to 10,002)

08 May

  1. Turn off Grid Snapping
  2. Place the deco in the general area you want it to be
  3. Hover over it and press R to access Constrained Movement
  4. Click the Transform button to switch from World to Local
  5. Hold F
  6. Use the mouse to slide it lower

03 May



As far as I can see, this is fixed on our internal Test Server. It should be good after the next Hotfix.


29 Apr


There's an issue for Titania if she enters Extraction in Razorwing form. You should be fine with any other Warframe or even Titania if you exit her 4 before extracting.

24 Apr


Originally posted by icyteardrop

I really hope duviri / circuit will be looked at soon. I've come across so many bugs in circuit. For example:

  • Equilibrium being bugged in circuit. Health orbs get stuck following your warframe and the sound of collecting the orbs just plays on repeat which honestly makes me go insane. I have adjusted all my builds with equilibrium just for circuit because of this bug.
  • Defense mission not continueing to the next round. Quitting the mission is the only option.
  • Not being teleported to the next tileset/mission, and your team can only continue the moment you quit.

I don't know if it's just bad luck on my part, but at this point I'm too afraid to even get far into into circuit because I have lost all my progress multiple times because of bugs, I only do fairly short runs now to prevent it.

We did a big Circuilt overhaul for Dante Unbound which should have fixed most game breaking issues in that mode.

If you are playing on PC and still get any of those issues, please save your logs and send them to support! Tag me in the message and I'll forward them ASAP.


How to get logs:

Logs are incredibly important for issues that don't have ...

Read more

23 Apr


Originally posted by wh1testriped

I sent a new one, hopefully you got it

Thanks. Just start the quest again and it will fix itself.

It looks like the game switched off TNW as active quest right at the end when it wasn't 100% complete.

Restarting it will put you at the end of the completed tasks and will NOT fully restart it. Do not worry.^



Originally posted by wh1testriped


I did not receive anything. Are you sure you sent it?