Did you get the Predasite as you were incubating a different Companion? If so, could you mature that one to see if it fixes your situation?
Did you get the Predasite as you were incubating a different Companion? If so, could you mature that one to see if it fixes your situation?
Anyone else have this happen? Any ways to fix it?
This seems to be an edge case of an issue we fixed shortly after mission release.
Do you recall what happened in the mission prior? Like did you go down into Last Gasp or die? Did an Invasion happen or a helping Lich/Sister appear?
It was part of a steam christmas(?) sale event along with the Phased skins, and they've just seemingly been
completelymostly forgotten.
They do apparently get fixes when updates break things.They were limited stock, one-run-only skins, and some of the higher rarity ones sell for outrageous prices on steam market now. They also don't look particularly fantastic, imo, but would make for a solid set of cosmetics to throw in a fashionframe 101 starter pack.
The Vauban Phased skin got a bunch of improvements with Koumei last year. Should be good now.
Thanks for the screenshots. I had a look Solo in the same location during Cold and had no issues grabbing a bunch of Tromyzones.
As Client I was not as lucky. It looks like an old issue resurfaced:
Please try Solo and see if you still don't get any spawns. We'll try to get this fixed as fast as possible.
Hiho! Are you on PC?
For clarity, the item does not really get deleted. It is still visible for the Host, so this should not cause any progstops.
We have a Code fix lined up for this which should come with Techrot Encore.
I ran Intel® Driver & Support Assistant before I saw you reply sorry but it showed me this:
That version is dated September and it's not recommending me any kind of bios update? This is the Intel tool I downloaded.
From the linked Intel thread:
For all Intel® Core™ 13th/14th Gen desktop processor users: the 0x12B microcode update must be loaded via BIOS update and has been distributed to system and motherboard manufacturers to incorporate into their BIOS. Intel is working with its partners to encourage timely validation and rollout of the BIOS update for systems currently in service.
The CPU-Z tool shows whether your version is 0x12B or higher.
Ahh I see, it's a fairly new computer (November just gone) so I'd hope it's up to date, but if not do you know of a tool that can check that?
Thanks Purzzle, I have followed the link chain and ran the Intel Processor Diagnostic tool, it seems my system passed the tests:
From what I can tell that diagnostics tool only checks functionality of your processor, not if it has the right update version.
Hi u/DE-Purzzle , I've tested it on D12 like you asked and now got this:
Hiho again!
You may be hitting this error https://www.warframe.com/en/intel13-14
We're working on automated diagnosis but in the mean time you could use a tool like CPU-Z to check if your microcode version is 0x12B or higher.
Hello! I don't have my most recent one, I could get that on the next crash but this is one from yesterday:
It's a Dx11 issue, could you try switching to Dx12? Will check with our programmers to see if there's an easy fix.
Hiho! Could you share your WAR-number from the crash handler?
I click on Support for the account or Technical support then?
All should work, "Quests" or "Technical" would fit the best.
We're aware of this issue but the fix sadly requires Code changes.
If you are affected, please send a Support ticket and put something like "Please remove me from The New War" in the title.
Support website: https://support.warframe.com/
We're are working to ship the fix for these freezes as soon as possible. Once the issue is resolved, you'll be good to continue with the quest.
This issue comes up from time to time but we haven't been able to get a solid repro for it yet. Do you recall if there was anything that stood out prior to this happening?
Like maybe a Host Migration, you getting downed or something like that?
Thank you for your report. We're currently investigating the issue and are hoping to resolve it as soon as possible.
Thank you for your report. We're currently investigating the issue and are hoping to resolve it as soon as possible.
Thank you for your report. We're currently investigating the issue and are hoping to resolve it as soon as possible.
Thank you for your report. We're currently investigating the issue and are hoping to resolve it as soon as possible.
Thank you for your report. We're currently investigating the issue and are hoping to resolve it as soon as possible.