

23 Apr


Originally posted by wh1testriped

Damn.. just restarted my console and still no change. I randomly tried pressing A on the mission tasks and it tried to get me to restart the whole quest. No way I’m doing that haha

Could you message me with your gamer tag/ign? I'll have a look at what's going on here.

19 Apr


Originally posted by Davajita

If you have a host migration while still inside an iso vault, the tubes that transport you immediately back to the surface break and you have to find your way out manually.


When did you last encounter this bug?

Have had a few tries and was always able to use them after Host migration.


Originally posted by Watteripatteri

Didnt they fix this in some update not that long ago? I hated it but after the fix I havent encountered anymore

Yup, we did fix it. Haven't encountered it since.

If anybody still has this issue, please let me know. Maybe there's an edge case we missed.

17 Apr


Originally posted by FewRecommendation404

It might have been when I fell and it faded to black and reset me then once I got kicked out of the necromech that's where it spawned me maybe? Or just the game didn't know where to spawn my back "safely" and so it just kicked me out. I have no idea, this seemed to be a problem that start right after WITW from some of the comments

I tried a few variations of that but it never resulted in your issue.


Originally posted by FewRecommendation404

I am playing on Xbox not pc which sucks idk if there's a way there or not

Sadly not at the moment but if you do have an idea what may be causing it, please do share your findings.



If you are playing on PC, could you send your logs to support in case this happens again? (ideally mention [DE]Purzzle in the ticket, so I see it faster)


How to get logs:

With issues like this, the source of the problem may not be obvious and logs often contain hints towards what exactly is going wrong.


16 Apr


Originally posted by Alex3627ca

Hey, so I've made a habit out of F6ing whenever glitchy shit happens, map layouts or otherwise, and have several years of these screenshots. Is there anywhere I could just dump them all for you guys to take a look at whenever, without erasing the metadata in the process?

I fear a lot of those screenshots may be outdated by now. Ideally you'd only send in recent issues.

If you have more than a couple of screenshots for a current issue, you can put them into a .zip folder and upload that.



Originally posted by Intillex

Would you like these screenshots from tile sets outside of the new labs? There's one specific location in the Void Cascade tileset (the large open room with the Parallax ships parked all over) that's done it 100% of the time as long as I can remember.

It's a well enough known issue in the Void Cascade community that when that tile set is encountered, most teams opt to just reset in the hope that we don't get that set again.

I'll be beyond stoked if that particular one got fixed, because otherwise I love the tileset and love the game mode!

Yeah, sure! If you see something that doesn't seem right, feel free to report!


Originally posted by Grunslik

It's especially annoying when the map registers you as having fallen off the map, when all you've really done is gone up some stairs. Thanks, glitched OOB markers in Albrecht's Labs tiles. :P


Those weird reset volumes are due to tile overlap, kinda like these things:

If you encounter one on PC, could you please take an F6 screenshot and send it to support and tag me in the message?

F6 screenshots include meta-data that helps us identify where map generation went wrong, allowing us to fix it. (send to support as images uploaded to hosting sites often remove this important meta-data)


... Read more

12 Apr


Originally posted by Hogofogo01

It has most likely something to do with spawning npcs as I had screen freezes every time large ammount of npc appeared

Thank you!

It looks like you are hitting a DX12 crash. If you switch back to DX11, it should stop happening.

We're currently investigating the issue. Could tell me if your Drivers are updated?

EDIT: Are you using AMD or NVIDIA?



Do you have a WAR-number you could share with me?

When the game crashes, a crash handler should appear and give you a WAR-number when you send the crash report.




Could you save your logs when this happens and send them to our Support?

Just tag me in the ticket and I'll have a look at what's going wrong.


How to get logs:

Alternatively: If you get the crash handler, could you tell me your account name and the WAR-number it gives you?


11 Apr



Could you send a support tickets with your logs when this happens again?


How to get logs:

Just tag me in the ticket and I'll have a look.


10 Apr


Originally posted by Arlithas

More LoS Improvements in Future Update:

No Magnetize listed here is concerning. The explosion portion of that ability is LoS and is really frustrating when you've built a 1M+ damage explosion only to have a bunch of enemies not take any damage.


As /u/dwenzyy mentioned, if you are aware of abilities with lacking LOS checks, please post on the forums to let us know.

We're looking to improve all line of sight abilities to have the same checks as Dante.

Alternatively send me a message and I'll add it to our internal list to check.



Do you like the K-Drive you got during the Fortuna quest? If yes, this goes deeper into the mechanics for that.

In case you don't enjoy it, you can always pause it and continue with another one instead.

04 Apr


Originally posted by FabulousRhino

Look, my two cents here: I don't really mind the nerfs as they are stated on paper. sure, I don't like stuff I enjoy playing being nerfed, but it ain't me making this game, so I just roll with the punches.


can you guys

make improvements on how line of sight is calculated? it's horribly inconsistent and has been for a while now. I've once managed to not hit an enemy with khora's whip while it cracked right next to said enemy because of a tiny bump on the ground.

On paper, Dante's 4 needing LoS is fine, we'd just need to reposition before unleashing the tragedy or idk maybe bullet jump, but in a lot of cases enemies that should have logically been hit aren't due to badly implemented LoS calculations.


If you notice LOS abilities not working properly, could you record a video for it? Without a video it's often very difficult to tell where an interaction goes wrong.

Post them on the forums or via support ticket and I'll check it out. Just ping or @ me when you do, so I don't miss it.



Originally posted by csont2002

Hey a few (not angry) questions here:

  1. Can we get an option to turn off GI lighting and the fog on CONSOLES, due to those lowering the game's performance?

  2. Why remove blind from breach surge? This was part of it since day 1 why remove it now, especially since it's useful and essential in steelpath defense where objective dies in 5 seconds?


  1. We are actively working on performance improvements for GI lighting. If you could post on the forums with your settings and current performance, we'll check it out. Just ping me, so I don't miss it.
  2. The abilities listed were already changed a week back and should only affect how enemies with Overguard react. Please let me know if you notice changes with regular enemies!




For visibility here, we're actively reading your feedback on the nerfs/changes, Deep Archimedea, etc.

We hear you on it all and are not taking it lightly. We're reviewing LoS right now with Dante.

Appreciate the constructive comments.


EDIT: We see that Dante's Tragedy LoS does not hit ragdolls and has issues hitting enemies in your general sight (as noted in this thread.)

We're testing a change to Dante's LoS that both effectively hits ragdolls and does the increased number of checks per enemy to improve the reliability of marginal hits.



For visibility here, we're actively reading your feedback on the nerfs/changes, Deep Archimedea, etc.

We hear you on it all and are not taking it lightly.

Appreciate the constructive comments.


EDIT: We're reviewing LoS right now with Dante.

EDIT 2: We see that Dante's Tragedy LoS does not hit ragdolls and has issues hitting enemies in your general sight (as noted in this thread.)

We're testing a change to Dante's LoS that both effectively hits ragdolls and does the increased number of checks per enemy to improve the reliability of marginal hits.


Originally posted by Kass_Ch28

I think iOS has been isolated again because of certification issues with the recent updates. So no cross-save available for now.

At least i haven't heard about it being fixed already. maybe with todays update.


iOS getting isolated was only for a few days. It should be back to normal.

If you're still experienceing issues, could you check your browser cache or your popup blockers?