

18 Nov


Originally posted by kht120

Right now there is zero reason to use a slower rate of Fire weapon. As the fast rpm weapon kills with the same amount of bullets. Just master the recoil.

This is patently incorrect. Slow rate of fire weapons gain TTK relevance over faster-firing ones very fast, as soon as ~20m in many cases. I've covered this several times, and even someone like /u/DICE-RandomRecoil can confirm.

I can confirm that.

29 Oct


Originally posted by sirdiealot53

But burst firing auto guns WILL be more accurate?

Thanks for the response :)



Originally posted by sirdiealot53

It says in the update notes "all automatic weapons".

Since other autos aren't getting a nerf as well, does this mean all autos will have accuracy buffed in 5.0?

Not if you magdump them.


Originally posted by OnlyNeedJuan

But if it affects bursting, won't this mean that the in-burst of the breda gets worse? Because from what I can tell this change has to do with pauses between bursts, but it's too vague to really tell (really though, the rof breda needs some love :()

Unless its some massive SDEC buff, which would be neato

Or will I just have to wait till the Symthic datamines? lol

You can still try out the bug until you get the patch. Use Suomi, M1928A2 or MP28 with extended mag, and shoot something like a 5 round burst at a wall without recoil compensation. Try it with both a long break (around 3 s) between the bursts and firing the next burst as soon as the recoil has decreased. You should notice how the fast bursting has weird jumps between the first and second shot. This happens because a random dispersion value (for the shot that could have been fired in the old burst, but was not) gets subtracted for the second shot of the follow-up burst and the following shots are all offset by it. This is how you sometimes get vertical recoil going down instead of up.

21 Oct


Originally posted by OnlyNeedJuan

1912 has since become a good replacement. Sad to see the revolver brought down so much, I miss having fantastic sidearms. Either way, if you run a 450rpm sidearm, it's better than the Bren in CQB (especially if you don't spec in quick aim, though I'd never recommend doing that) which kind of invalidates the reason for the bren to be a thing vs the Madsen. Maybe a sneaky universal +5m 4btk extension could make the bren shine more?

What will become of the revolver anyway? Is its niché gonna be exclusively "dome someone for instant kill"? Or will we see a reemergence of sniper sidearms from Bf4 with a chunky ranged damage model?

There might be something coming soon.


Originally posted by FreshBrilloPad

Hey why does is the madsen a 5-shot kill at close range? I think it’s the only gun like this

So it can also 5 hit kill at long range without being too meta.

17 Oct


Originally posted by kht120

I personally pull out my revolver for all my 10m work when using the Bren, especially since the bad hipfire and the use of a 3x scope makes your hipfire and ADS time almost unworkable in CQB. I guess I shouldn't underestimate other people's habits, even if <10m Bren use already isn't a good idea.

Revolver is overrated imo and not a good replacement for anything full auto. Its TTK barely beats the Bren and if you miss a shot you are screwed. Only really good if you hipfire headshot. Ruby or M1912 are much better to replace a full auto weapon.

16 Oct


Originally posted by kht120

For all intents and purposes, the Madsen is pretty much flat out better.

  • premiere weapon stats guy

I don't have telemetry on the Madsen yet, but the Bren still gets a lot of kills within 10 meters. You should not underestimate the relevance of this range in regular gameplay.

11 Oct


Originally posted by Lt_Flak

Hey RandomRecoil, sorry to stalk you but this is relevant to the topic, and I made a post about this myself, but is there any chance that the AA sights on MGs up upped to 2x or 2.25x instead of being at the 1.25x where they are?

Most of the default iron sights offer a decent, unobstructed field of view, especially the Lewis Gun, and with an MG you really wanna have good target acquisition since it's a medium-range weapon, besides the Madsen, and it can be hard to keep your eyes focused on an area you're suppressing for your squadmates with the muzzle flash. I always use the 3x on my MGs since area denial is an important aspect of the squad's automatic weapon, but that heavily obstructs field of view, as it's intended to, and I like to maintain more situational awareness while also being able to observe any targets trying to rambo it through my suppressive fire, not to mention the MMGs don't get 3x, as I know everybody on this forum is happy about.

Not to mention...

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I would not expect such a change to happen unless we bring back zoom level customization somehow. In that case 2x or 2.5x at least on iron sights would be an option.


Originally posted by Junoviant

And who decided it was an accesibility "issue" that needed to be "fixed"

I really wanted to keep zoom and reticle customization for BFV. I came up with it for BF1 because of how players completely ignored some scopes because they did not like the reticle or thought the magnification was a bit too high, while other players with bad eye sight asked for an option to get more magnification on iron sights, so they did not have to use scopes all the time. I am happy to see my idea has been received so well and people asking for it to return, but there is not much I can do at this point.


Originally posted by QuantumPancakeLord

Would it be possible to make the vignette on the inner ring of the aperture sights less muddy/blurry looking? It looks really horrible, and probably pushes more people towards scopes.

I get how such a sight works IRL, having looked through one, but in a videogame it just causes eye strain..

Otherwise could we just get the 2x scope (like the one on the pistol carbine) added to more/all other weapons? A 3x scope is often too much zoom and, as noted above, the aperture sight is a poor alternative.

We have improvements like this coming up in the next patch. We also improved the visibility of the front sight against gray backgrounds. It might look a bit weird sometimes, but you can basically always see the ring.


Originally posted by KnockouT_7

Why not switch iron sights from 1.5 to 1.0 and nydar sight 1.0 to 1.5?

Honestly I think that the new weapon skill trees in place of magnification customization is not a good compromise. I'm not asking for more weapon perks or anything like that. I just want customization consistent with previous Battlefield games (BF4 got it perfect, BF1 was understandable given the era but allowed us to modify magnification instead, which is a great tradeoff between authenticity and gameplay). I feel like in this regard, and many others, BFV has taken a step back in an attempt to bring in new systems and features. We don't really get any variety in customization overall with the current state of weapon upgrades.

I applaud the effort in moving the franchise forward but there many aspects in previous games that got things done pretty well (example, UI and accessing settings/customization).

Because 1.5x, great sight picture and fast zoom in like irons would probably make iron sights totally obsolete. I would rather make iron sights 2x than 1x. At least in ADS, distances would actually look close to IRL 1x then.


It was considered an accessibility issue. The problem is that at this point, it would also be complicated to bring it back, because the way the weapons have been set up makes it hard to customize your sight, zoom in speed and magnification at the same time.

06 Sep


Originally posted by jack-fractal

So he's the guy I have to tell that the medal on the Lewis Arras Skin barrel shines through the magazine (or any material)?

It is a known bug, but not the highest priority compared to some other things.

03 Sep


Originally posted by UmbraReloaded

no more the random bullet deviation username?

Different person.


Originally posted by 4Arrow

Well my guess is they changed the ported barrel perk to custom stock which means the weapon should have more horizontal recoil, but at the same time they reduced the base horizontal recoil... Which is wired, we'll see how it plays out.

If you use the extended magazine, it is a minor buff if you move while ADS, otherwise a minor nerf. If you use the higher ROF, it is a buff, primarily because these options were only good at killing a single enemy at really short ranges. Now they have a bit more range for that.

05 Jul


Originally posted by BelgianRattlesnake

Remember we are talking about low fire-rate guns in class and this time you take the MP40/STEN as an example for the second slowest rate of fire for the SMGs. The MP40/STEN fires at 540 RPM or 9 RPS while the StG 44, the second slowest firing assault rifle, fires at 600 RPM or 10 RPS. That is a 100ms difference in TTK already there. ARs also get access to hipfire accuracy improving specs so their hipfire ain't that far apart from the SMGs. At 5 or 10 meters, the chance of you missing your hipfire is almost zero. If you truly want to lead ahead with the SMGs, the choices you have really are the MP28, the ZK-383, the M1928A1 and the Suomi. They perform significantly better than their equal rate of fire ARs at the SMGs' optimal range due to generally bigger magazine sizes and hipfire.

AR hipfire is always worse than SMG hipfire. Upgraded AR has about 10 meters. hipfire range, base SMG about 15 meters and upgraded SMG around 20 meters. For headshots, those ranges are about half. Getting the hipfire upgrade on the StG also stops you from getting the ADS upgrades. On the MP40 you could get the ADS upgrades, still have better hipfire and make up some for the raw damage output disadvantage you have, particularly beyond 30 meters. The hipfire upgrade is not free and has a clear performance downside at medium range.

Within 30 meters, the raw TTK disadvantage of the MP40 or STEN against the StG is 33 ms. Zoom in advantage can be as high as 266 ms, although 66 to 100 ms is more common. Sprint to fire advantage is 66 ms.

Between 30 and 50 meters, raw TTK disadvantage is 150 ms. Effectively less if the StG has the hipfire upgrade and the SMG comes with the ADS upgrades. You will lose most perfectly even 1v1s. But if you have 100-200 ms of a drop on somebod...

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Originally posted by BelgianRattlesnake

But most of the low rate of fire weapons aren't doing what they are designed to do and don't have enough advantages over other weapons. For example, SMGs are close range weapons and now you are saying that they outperform other high rate-of-fire SMGs at ranges which they are clearly weapons not designed for. You can go over to other classes like the Assault and pick up the StG 44 and wreck the MP40 or MP34 users. The only balanced case so far is the Lewis Gun with a low rate of fire but an extremely large mag and ok-ish accuracy.

However one-shot-headshot is out of the equation. If it were in the game, everyone would use MMGs because the pace would drop down and they spray a lot of lead really fast.

ARs have no meaningful advantages over SMGs up until 30 meters. SMGs have meaningful advantages within that range (zoom in speed, time to fire after sprinting, hipfire). If you want more range, the slower firing SMGs are absolutely relevant and useful.

LMGs and ARs only pull ahead after 30 meters because SMGs now need one extra bullet to get a kill. Sometimes this is partially compensated for by the faster zoom in. But with only one bullet extra required to get a kill, you will still usually win if you have the drop on somebody. Again, this makes the slow firing SMGs relevant, because they allow you to engage still. Your range is heavily limited with the Thompson and Suomi in comparison.


Originally posted by TheLankyLobster

The balance of Battlefield V is already in favour of fire rate.

The MP40 starts performing better than the Suomi around 21 meters, the Lewis Gun beats the FG42 after around 27 meters. And the difference before that is not exactly massive either.


Originally posted by Numba1booolshit

But then worse players will just get stomped and the player base will die, which is why they probably keep it

There is matchmaking for that.