

29 Nov


Originally posted by anialater45

I don't mean to write this as a 'takedown' or a rejection of your feedback, we all want the best for the game and I genuinely appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts on how to get there.

Unfortunately you don't need to really worry about that since the article that just came out really did the job rejecting all our feedback for you :(

Two formats allows us to expand the space by rotating outlier synergies rather than meganerfing them or power-leaping past them.

But doesn't that just rotate them into Eternals and then the problem is there now? It's already a slow balance cycle, and Eternals is getting even LESS balance so it's just kicking the issues at the people over there.

if rotation starts causing more problems than it solves I'll push hard to revert it or change it so solve those problems.

How long would we have to wait for any sort of fix/reve...

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Unfortunately you don't need to really worry about that since the article that just came out really did the job rejecting all our feedback for you :(

I get that it probably feels like that, and I admit that seeing comments like this is pretty discouraging. It makes me feel like all the time we spent pouring over feedback and talking with fans is wasted, if people assume that we aren't doing it anyway.

We genuinely believe this approach is going to help make the game better for everyone overall. We might be wrong, but if we thought it was a better approach to just not do rotation it'd be the easiest decision in the world. It's much scarier to risk angering your most dedicated players in the short term. The only reason we're doing this is because we genuinely think it's going to help us make a better game for everyone.

But doesn't that just rotate them into Eternals and then the problem is there now? It's already a s...

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Thanks for the detailed thoughts. I think there's some confusion about the specific design challenges we're talking about, because it's hard to know all the cards we don't make unless you're the ones not making them.

I understand you've been a player in both Hearthstone and LoR. Glad to have you! I've been a designer on both Hearthstone and LoR too, so this is a great chance to talk about the differences of each. I don't mean to write this as a 'takedown' or a rejection of your feedback, we all want the best for the game and I genuinely appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts on how to get there.

We likely won't know for sure until we have tried rotation for a little while if it's ultimately a good approach to building the game. I could definitely be wrong. I just want to provide some clarifications about the current reasoning.

Currently, the reasoning behind rotations is mainly to ensure that they don't have to re...

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27 Nov


Originally posted by dannymanny3

Are you still doing these? :) If so, I'll whip up a description of my pup, Brody! I could definitely go on about him

That’s a great pupper there but Window closed. Might open one again in the future :)

26 Nov


Originally posted by Wiwade

This one comment might have restored my faith in LoR. You are a legend.

Thanks. I'm looking forward to everyone seeing the new stuff we're working on. :)


Originally posted by Saltiest_Grapefruit

God damn it. Bamboozled again. It's like that CEO position as Disney all over. Q_Q

Bob Chapek? Is that you?


Originally posted by Romaprof2

Thanks. :)


Originally posted by [deleted]


I'm not sure what your situation is so I'll give general advice:

Step 1. Don't think about the foot in the door, focus on the dream job you want in 10 years. For game design students for example, Senior Designer or Lead Designer at a major studio is what most of them focus on.

Step 2. Look at LOTS of companies with job postings up with that title right now, not just one. Scour linkedin, go to lots of career pages on company websites. Make a note of the requirements listed to apply. Some requirements, even those listed as not optional, are flexible - but either way you'll get an idea of what the most common requirements are for getting the ideal candidate.

Step 3. The common requirements/qualifications you wrote down are now your quest log. ONLY take jobs that get you some of those requirements over the next 10 years. It is MUCH better to take a job that gets you some of those requirements at a tiny studio or even outside the game industry than it is to get a...

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Originally posted by Saltiest_Grapefruit

I didn't apply anywhere, but you still didn't call me to say I got the job.

What gives Mr Riot? Am I not good enough for ya?

I didn’t think it was polite to call and tell you that ;)


Originally posted by Waterstealer

you guys got any plans to fight back against marvel snap? it's stealing your big streamers.

From a design standpoint (my job) - Mostly just planning to make a great game people love playing, the best we can for our players and ourselves (cause we play too). We were going to do that regardless of what new games release. :)

Im really glad people like eating at our restaraunts but I don’t expect them to do it for every meal forever. Marvel snap is a delicious snack, LoR is a wonderful turkey dinner.

Mmmm turkey…


Originally posted by TreeKeeper15

They're referring to the content creators leaving, like Grapplr and Mogwai who both started doing more snap content.

There’s a lot of new games coming out right now, and I don’t mind folks checking them out. I do too. I want everyone’s games to get a chance to be seen and explored. We’ll just make the best one. :)


Originally posted by BullfrogCapital9957

Just a joke that was not obvious enough.

Just wanted to check to make sure. We try to give folks a good interview experience. :)


Originally posted by BullfrogCapital9957

I see I should stop waiting for my phone call ; ;

Did you apply to something without hearing back?


Originally posted by ShitAtTheToilet

Y'all gotta do something big man all the big CCs are leaving

Remember, LoR launched in 2020 but it was in development for a lot longer. More than six years. That’s a long time for anyone to work on one game. Most folks naturally want to try new things after a while.


Originally posted by KoKoboto

He and a bunch of developers left awhile ago that's why the game is dying

It is? Someone should have told me. This’ll be hard to explain to our new hires. :)

25 Nov


Originally posted by TrueLolzor

I didn't pre decide what you "only" care about, I merely stated that in this particular case, it very much looks like an anti-player practice being mascaraded as something good and beneficial, which it isn't.

That's the point. The resource system is done so well outside of PoC, that's why it is double as baffling how bad it is inside PoC.

I'd love to give you money. I'm doing it at every opportunity I can. But, as a good example, you made vaults drop dupes. I get dupes from vaults most of the time, and only half of my library is at 3 star, and most of the time vaults give me less or about as much as a daily quest. When I'm more excited for a daily quest than for a vault, you've did something wrong. To expand on this point, by making vaults dish out dupes at such high rate, you actually made me not 3 star my champions, because if I do, I will increase the odds of getting dupes from vaults, reducing my shard income even further. The system you made is actively prevent...

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When I'm more excited for a daily quest than for a vault, you've did something wrong.

Busy at the moment so can't go deep but wanted to say I strongly agree with this, particularly the tension around platinum vaults. People are often super tense when opening those, worried about getting duplicates. It also creates a sense of guild when taking a champion to 3-stars because you worry about the increased chance of wild fragments.

Those are both design failures, and I'm the person most responsible for them. I originally set those systems up based on some other assumptions about progression that ended up changing late in the process. Can't go into details but it's definitely on my radar to improve this when we get a chance. The trick is finding a way to improve it isn't just a quick fix creating new problems down the road, which would delay cool stuff we've got planned.


Originally posted by FlamingTacoFury

I actually didn't think anyone else was doing this. I was drawing inspiration from school lanyards, the rear end of cars, and pokemon card alters. Apparently there's a Magic set that's doing this: https://www.dicebreaker.com/games/magic-the-gathering-unfinity/news/magic-the-gathering-unfinity-sticker-reveal I am not a magic player so that was news to me.

Oh yeah, their stickers largely have mechanical implications; ways of modifying the cards that other cards can care about. Stickers are a game resource there. I think I've not seen a purely cosmetic digital version of it before. It's interesting because one could potentially put stickers on any card, when most cosmetics can only apply to a single card.


Originally posted by FlamingTacoFury

  1. I like tournaments and I really like gauntlet, however I don't often play them. They feel daunting to get into. Even after all this time, all these cards, and game knowledge. I just feel unprepared. I love ranked, but the knowledge barrier to gauntlet and tournaments dissuades me from being spontaneous. It's not about winning or losing so much as it is going to this dance and not knowing what I'm doing and my opponent is dealing with a bad dancer.

  2. I want stickers for my cards. I want to pimp out my shark chariot. Let me put googly eyes on Sion. Give me other trinkets to collect and place and I will also be happy. Avatars, skins? Nah stickers and bobbles.

  3. I'm all for buy in tournaments. So long as they have support and I can watch all the fanfare. If it's not fun to talk about the cool kid table doesn't matter.

Wait, stickers?

I've never heard of a digital cardgame doing that. Are there examples you can' point me too? That sounds interesting.


Originally posted by Lachymae

Imposing a cap to prevent excess hoarding is fine. The problem was that when one received quest reward(s) + legend reward for higher levels, they could end up losing the latter reward if they were close to the cap.

Currently we:

  • have a warning screen saying that if we're at or above the cap, we won't gain any more wild frags, which encourages us to spend them,
  • can claim the reward in full even when claiming it would make us go above the cap as long as we're below the cap when claiming.

These features are very much appreciated by all us I'm sure and they're player friendly. The issue was that the above case would make the player lose the wild frags if they were claiming multiple rewards.

Imho, when this was the case, the system should have prompted the player to champion screen to give them one last chance to spend their shards so they wouldn't lose the quest reward. It could be done in a way that if player tried to leave that sc...

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Not sure why you got downvoted, ideally players would never lose excess fragments by getting several rewards in a row. A solution like yours would definitely help prevent that. It's just a lot more time-consuming. Changing the cap was simple enough we could get it done while doing other exciting stuff, and will still catch the vast majority of problems.

It's also worth noting that the rewards as we know them weren't designed to work how they currently do. We originally intended that players would "tap to claim" many of the rewards players currently get all at once at the end of the run or when checking their mail.

"Tap to claim" means players can control the flow of rewards one at a time, and know exactly which quest or condition they completed to earn the reward. This helps them learn where all their rewards come from and how to get more. Some players don't even know chapter quests exist.

We haven't gotten this in yet but I haven't given up hope that we o...

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Originally posted by TrueLolzor

Yes, because game companies business practices are a mystery shrouded in darkness, and things like this never ever happened before.

I wrote a big explanation above, since you pointed out one of the other bonuses of the system. It does kind of feels like you've pre-decided that we only care about money though.

I'm not sure why someone playing LoR would think that, because there's a lot of very easy ways we could make money if that's all we cared about. It's just not who we are. Probably helps that a lot of us play Path ourselves too. :)

We care about building a great game that's also sustainable. We're always looking for designs that do both. Fragment limits encourage players to spend their resources instead of hording. That makes the game both more fun for a lot of players and more sustainable for everyone.