

02 Aug


Originally posted by Typhron

Alright now listen


Originally posted by Grimnize

Hey Dan, they're in the album pics: https://www.reddit.com/gallery/wdxln0

Ah for some reason i didn’t realize it was an album. :)


Originally posted by TrueLolzor

but they are bruvs, nothing fanfictional about it

Batman is batman in fan fiction too.


Oh my god.

Its achieved sentience.

And it's a fan fic writer.


Where are the rules for this posted?


Originally posted by The_Fatman_Eats

I know we're supposed to avoid "prescriptions,"

Not really the point of the post, I know, but I keep seeing this and I want to take a moment to clarify what my understanding of Dan's words were: It's not that the dev's don't want our suggestions for fixes, it's that the more important thing they want is our symptoms. They want to know what we did or didn't like, and why. If you want to include suggested fixes in addition, that's great! Just don't forget to tell them what problem you're trying to solve and why you're trying to solve it in this manner.

Yes, absolutely. Suggestions are totally fine, feel free to suggest things if you have ideas for how to improve the game. I often ask for suggestions in various comments when a topic comes up too. It's just that the most valuable feedback, and key to understanding any suggestions included as well, is the description of the player experience.

Suggestions are like the chocolate sprinkles on top of the ice cream. The description of your player experience, what you're feeling and when, the way you think in the moment to maximize a play, what feels like a great, clever moment and what doesn't, that's the ice cream.

01 Aug


Originally posted by RareMajority

Hey just wanted to tell you that I love the game you guys are working so hard on. Design is hard, and you'll almost never get it perfect, but as long as the LoR team is willing to take feedback from its players and always strive to improve, this will continue to be an amazing game! Thanks for all you guys do 🙏

Thanks. :)


Star guardian gundam crossover? I am here for it.


Originally posted by Frogdg

Have you designed or published any of your own RPG systems? I love reading other systems to get inspiration for my own designs.

Nope but that may change soonish :)


Originally posted by HuntedWolf

Ah that’s even better than the example I use. Mine was for Hearthstone originally but the card was a 1 mana 1/1 with Battlecry: deal 30 damage.

Almost every class would go to 50% win rate because it’s just a matter of who goes first, or who gets the card in the mulligan, with a minor meta developing around 0-1 mana armor gain or draw cards.

Exactly. I like the thanos example because it’s actually even worse for the game environment than a 0 mana “you win” card. Undermining the core fun of the game experience is what breaks the experience, power level is just one aspect (like how a power surge can fry a computer but not the only way to break it) :)


Originally posted by Tagodano

I'm also a game designer and also have some games. While I'm not as good as riot games, I will try to post dome issues I have with the game and try to address them as you say:

-Elusives feel unfair many times. In an game that was sold as an interaction game, having a "can't interact" keyword that only counters with itself seems wrong. Mechanics that counter with themselves usually I do t like and many people also agree. I FEEL like the keywork should have a mini rework so players can have more resources for it, other than using also elusives or printing a ton of elusive counter cards. Make elusives non buffable/last one turn/units with 3 or less attack than elusive can block it. Whatever you consider, they just need a rework -Maximum of 2 attacks per turn; I don't like to get 3 enemy attacks when they don't even have the attack token, seems unfair and that I don't have resources to keep up. No one likes demacia perma rallies and no one likes azir Irelia.


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Thanks for the write up. I want to clarify, I am absolutely happy to have people share ideas for solutions - I just also want to get an understanding of what they’re feeling as well. I also give suggestions when I write game feedback if I have some in mind, I just I make my goals and experience that motivate those suggestions clear first.


Originally posted by MRIT03

Meanwhile I have you, do you have any advice/resources for game design? I’m a beginner in programming and interested in many fields, game development being one of them. I’m not just interested in coding games but also designing them and I find the field pretty interesting. Any advice from an expert in the field would be beyond appreciated <3

Sure thing - the book “the gamer’s brain’ by Celia Hodent is about ux but it’s god tier game design cognitive science principles. It’s incredible as a resource.

Study the principles in that and test out the ideas in modding projects or boardgame projects if you want to get good at game design fast. I still to this day do constant side projects, I’m planning on doing a weekend jam on a boardgame with some friends from work soon..


Originally posted by Powder_Keg

I'll try too (though it might be a little all over the place)

I didn't like the Bandle City expansion because I felt like most cards were just different ways to get to the same endings - 1. either very strong statted individual units or 2. strong statted board swarms (like Yordles and Fae kind of just do the same thing). However these strategies were very strong and I felt like I needed to play similar decks to keep up. I felt like this all was too oppressive for strategies that wanted to go into the late game, that really kicked in with other types of game winning effects around turns 8 and beyond. In fact, I felt like control decks were already getting pushed out of viability since the last few Shurima sets.

In my mind it seems like most gameplans released recently have had the goal of ending the game around turns 5-8. I like decks that control the board early game and start to slowly overpower the opponent starting from turn 8, but I haven't had a good way of...

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taking notes


Originally posted by shutupreddit2

I'm grateful for the tip and all but it just doesn't work. I went to my doctor with an open mind trying to explain the Kai'sa symptoms and he had no idea what was I talking about.

Sounds like you need a new doctor. Mine is super into LoR so they totally get it. :)


Originally posted by HuntedWolf

Something I’d like to add on, is that many people don’t understand what balance changes are meant to do. Balance the game is obvious, but the real driving force is to increase player engagement.

That means people playing, talking or streaming the game. Because engaged players are more likely to spend money. New sets, new cosmetics and balance changes are all meant to do this.

So when looking at balance changes, this is why how something feels to a player is much much more useful feedback to designers than suggestions, as the post explains. The designers want you to feel good, and have fun while playing the game. If something possibly unbalanced is causing you to not want to play, it doesn’t matter if it’s actually balanced or not, it needs to be changed. Similarly, if something is slightly unbalanced but has a good perception, it’s much less likely to be changed. It still might, but it’s a lower priority.

Very true - an example I like to give when talking about balance is if a card said “start of game: flip a coin, heads you win and tails you lose” it would be the most balanced win rate deck ever created and by far the worst for the game, because it utterly destroys the gameplay.


Originally posted by realnomdeguerre

Haha, "desert lux", i can't unhear it now!

This is a great excuse to talk about an interaction I had somehow never heard before - when a certain unit sees Fizz they shout “nobody likes Soggy Teemo!” Made me laugh so hard I disrupted a meeting at work.


Originally posted by MRIT03

Let’s try this for Evelynn.

I absolutely love playing Evelynn, not because of her power, not because of the decks, just because of the thematics. Playing demons and devouring the victims is just beyond satisfying to play. Unlike what people said when she was revealed I feel like the best thing about Evelynn is her thematic.

With that said I don’t like how restricted she is, which was a bummer since her being a Runeterra champion excited me the most. Building a deck with eve feels like creating a cheesy strategy with not much synergy in between cards. The reason it feels so cheesy is because in any given region there’s at most 2 cards that interact partially well with husks and it’s usually some card that buffs them (taskmaster or voice of the risen). And for a viable deck to work I think it would need more synergy. Also I fee like even if I found some deck to build, my favorites cards in the package, allure and solitude, feel a bit on the weak side to include. So w...

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taking notes


Originally posted by archivisty

Very nice read, probably super clarifying for a lot of people. With enough recognition, this could really re-shape how most vocalize their views on the game so the team gets more productive and resourceful feedback.

Loving your activity, Dan. Keep it up.

Thanks. It’s been great to see such a positive response. :)


Originally posted by Zancibar

Kay, I'll try. It got longer than I wanted.

One thing I've noticed in recent releases is the lack of feeling I earned the win or my opponent did, newer cards like Bard and Kai'Sa being by far the biggest offender, but also Annie and Gwen to a lesser extent, are cards that encourage you to play normally like a midrange deck but then come with what feels like a free advantage.

I compare Bard Kai'Sa to my favorite decks (Dragons and Warmothers) and they have a feeling of actually fighting, I have a warmothers deck that struggles not to be overrun by turn 7, but then with the ramp I can get a Warmothers off and start turning the tide though it's still not a free win because if my opponent played well I'll be 3-4 Nexus Hp, Kai'Sa plays already good cards early and drops herself turn 5 or Abomination turn 8 without even the slightest setup other than "playing already good units with already good keywords". The saddest part about Kai'Sa is that outside of her demacia pairi...

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taking notes