

01 Sep


Originally posted by mimi_moo

Hey, thank you for giving us a game we both enjoy! <3 He will appreciate the coins for sure as he always likes buying cosmetics when he can as a way to support the game. Will dm you his riot tag :D

Perfect. Yup, just DM me his tag - username and the #. :)


Originally posted by Quick-Leadership-524

This comment has convince me unironically to buy the Premium Pass of Awakening. Like, How I am suppose to not spend money in a game with devs like these?

This is perfect. From now on if I were ever to get in trouble for being on reddit too much at work, I can just link to your comment. :)


Originally posted by get_voice


Can confirm


This is fantastic. Tell your dad we’re grateful to have you both in the game.

If he would like some coins to one of the family’s accounts, let me know. I’ve got some I’ve been looking for a chance to give out. :)


Barely related, but one of my bosses named his recurring 1o1 meeting with me “Danapalooza!!!” and my calendar has never been the same since.


Thanks for playing our game. :)


Really clever idea for tying the shape of the mana gems to the shape of the mana cost. If the game was brand new, it would be very interesting to explore various shape languages here. I think the current proposal would be misleading on spell mana though, as if I saw this I'd assume correctly that non-spells can't use spell mana, but I'd probably assume spells could *only* use spell mana.

Thanks for sharing the idea. Little changes like this can help a lot with usability, and they're often hard to introduce into an existing game that wasn't built around them from the start.

31 Aug


Originally posted by WellaWeiss

Is there any hope we could have some discernable level of possibility in the future for those of us that have been building into the hype of getting to play Norra in PoC's, finding out the day of the one I was most excited for was listed as a typo has kinda wrenched me rather hard. Still feels kinda crazy the only Bandlewood rep we got for PoC's was Veigar.

As always, I can't confirm or deny either way. In general I don't talk about anything unannounced, whether I'm certain we're doing something or not, because sometimes priorities shift in development based on learning new things.

Sometimes something that seems super easy turns out to be a lot more time-consuming and technically difficulty than expected, resulting in us making tough choices between doing A or B when we thought we could do A and B easily. Sometimes we discover that players enjoy something else much more than we expected, meaning we should probably do C instead if we're listening to our players.

When we make 100% sincere statements about what we expect to do in the future for the future it can read like a promise and restrict our ability to change our minds and explore new ideas based on what players are actually enjoying in the game, and limit our ability to respond to feedback quickly; because we feel an obligation to honor past statements th...

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Originally posted by chzrm3

As much as I enjoyed those adventures, none of them compare to the feeling I had today when I booted up the game and saw 8 new champs to play as. Mmmmmmm that's exciting.

It totally makes sense. If the choice is between 8 new champs or two new story adventures, then forget it, it's not even a question. Champs are the way 100%.

Love everything you guys have done with PoC. This new event looks awesome, I'm so excited to get started. :D

That's awesome to hear. Have fun! :)


Originally posted by Skullbazon

I'm so pumped for the update to POC , hopefully all the characters get quests so we can get more shards!!!

Check the Event quests and Event Pass, there's some good stuff there. :)


Originally posted by Demonphoenix

Hiya. Sometimes it feels like there's a lot of negativity in user's reactions but I hope you guys recognise that PoC2 is pretty amazing despite admittedly having some issues.

I love it and play it tons everyday. However, in my opinion it is difficult to unlock champs and then Star powers. I don't know how much one person's comments are worth, but please could it be passed on that making champs easier to unlock (or tilting more heavily towards shards for non-3 star champs) would help a lot. Thank you to Riot in general for the awesome game and PoC2 mode though!

Thanks, we're still working out the best rhythm for rewards in the path of champions, needs to be a good mix of engaging for dedicated players but without pressuring people with less time to play more than they enjoy or have time for. It's also important to hit the right mix of surprise/discovery (random fragments, which were always intended to be high quantity but low agency, encouraging players to try out champions they might not otherwise) and satisfying progress (wild fragments, intended to be low quantity but high agency).

When things are purely random its frustrating because you can't make meaningful progress on your goals. When things are 100% predictable with wild fragments, its kind of boring because you know exactly how long it will take to unlock a champion and it can start to feel like a chore. Many players also feel pressured to spend their wild fragments "correctly" and feel guilty about spreading them out to various champions before maxing out a single one, w...

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Originally posted by CompSciHS

I am playing PoC every day and loving it. Looking forward to the weekly adventures. Thank you!

Glad to hear it. We’re all very excited :)

30 Aug


Originally posted by potatomaster59

Out of curiosity, will we get some personalized Adventures for either new champs or kaisa/Gwen/evelynn/taliyah

I can’t predict the future but it’s extremely time consuming compared to other things we can do for the mode. It takes about 4x as long to make a single story adventure that only a single champion can play than it does to make an entire new champion, so it’s a classic example of it being something really cool that we’d love to do more of (adventures are crazy fun to design) but there’s often other things we can spend that time on that will have a bigger impact overall.

It’s not about it not being worth the time to be clear, it’s about what other cool stuff we can make with that time. By deciding to not make story specific adventures for the new champions, we’ve been able to spend that time making a bunch of new champions - as well as the new weekly adventures.


Originally posted by FiloTG

Out of curiosity, why is Norra the only champion from the new expansion not been released? Her playstyle seemed amazing for the mode

Mainly cause we can only type so fast. We also wanted to get a healthy mix of old champs from previous iterations and new ones too.


Originally posted by ScarraMakesMeMoist

Fancy seeing you here, wanted to say I really enjoy your posts and interactivity with the community.

P.S send the higher ups the message we demand more emote slots so we can justify spending money and also Xerath needs a blue lightning bolt. :)

Thanks. It’s a nice place to be. And I’ll pass it on. :)


Originally posted by fenix0

But thank you for responding

The duality of existence. :)

Glad I could clarify.


Originally posted by Edwerd_

Dan please please please let the team know we need more emote slots like OP said. please, did i say please already?

I shall carry your message onward


Originally posted by Jackpino1

Hey just to know has anyone on the design team ever played pvz heros?

It’s a digital card game that didn’t received a patch note in 4 years but still has a developing meta (it kinda reminds me of yugioh’s GOAT format for that) and the philosophy when creating a card is the complete opposite to LOR’s cards design: as most cards are kinda just thrown around and then it’s the community that needs to find synergies 1 example is three-nut which in LOR wording would say: “when another ally is summoned set its power to 3”, this card was really looked down upon but since last year it’s the main focus of one of the best plant decks.

I’d like to know more about why most cards have to be so tailored made for a single package and if we will see more cards like go hard in the game: cards that are just thrown into the mix not to support an old archetype and neither to be new staples.

Yup, I’ve played it. Chatted a bunch with one of its main designers too, who also worked on LoR at one time. :)


It was a typo. Yumi is indignant. She won't let anyone pet her at the office right now.