

06 Sep


Great to hear. I'm looking forward to figuring out the best champions to use each week. They're randomly generated so I can't plan ahead. :)


Originally posted by nudeldenbaer

Wat, I don't see any rewards there on my mobile version, I thought it was only XP

If you already completed them once this week, you'll only see XP for replay rewards. If you haven't, they give the full rewards. :)

04 Sep


There's just one set of quests for the corrupted event, you can see them all right now. We originally had the rewards spread out over 3 chapters but ran into a technical glitch right before launch that made new chapters temporarily unworkable. We condensed the rewards into a single set of quests, which also solved a problem I was worried about - the one you're describing. We wanted people to be able to plan for the event, and being able to see all the quests at once helps a lot for that. I really like the idea.

Unfortunately, localization takes a long time (have to translate and QA across all our languages) and there wasn't time left to remove the "chapter one" text that can imply there is a second set of quests hiding. The quests you see represent all the quests for the corrupted event (though the weekly adventures will be spicing things up regularly too from now on).

I actually really like how this model turned out, giving people an immediate idea of the challenge...

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Originally posted by Sneaky__Raccoon

doesn't elise also already give fearsome to spider allies? 6/6 fearsome was fine at the time, but now is barely a threat in some match ups. I agree with giving it overwhelm, it might just make it playable

Could also give them double-fearsome with elise and call it Fearmost.

03 Sep


Originally posted by FitzyFarseer

I made a post before the patch dropped complaining about how bad it feels trying to earn new champs in PoC and that I’d probably be spending less money on the game in the future because all the gameplay content I want is locked behind a stupid shard system.

Patch drops, Riot added a metric s***-ton of new missions and battles for PoC, plus included champ shards in the battle pass! I bought that pass day 1 without hesitation, thank you Riot for getting this right.

Glad you're enjoying it. I've been really excited about this patch. :)


Originally posted by bigguccisosaxx

Hi, I'm sorry I hope you don't mind me asking, but are we getting any new features soon? We get expansions and lab updates but is there anything new planned? Like in game tournaments or new draft mode or anything?

I don't mind you asking as long as you don't mind me not answering. Can't ever talk about unannounced stuff, whether it exists or not. It'd be as weird for me to announce something myself without coordinating with our folks that work on that as it would for someone in marketing to go change a card's mana cost and ship it to live.


Originally posted by Waterstealer


Lol. As always I can’t confirm or deny anything unannounced, even if it’s happening tomorrow or I know isn’t happening anywhere in the pipeline. Like with how tempting it was to tell path of champs players wild shards were a few days away when they were about to release, but I had to wait. :)


Originally posted by Waterstealer

willing to change those plans based on player feedback, new information, or new cool ideas popping up that didn't exist before.

is it fair to say that the fiddlesticks fervor has reached riot at this point? it seems like every other reveal people are begging for fiddlesticks

I've definitely seen a lot of fiddlesticks requests. Just a general note; card sets are also the longest in development, starting over a year out in some cases, so while live balancing and feature updates can move faster sometimes; requests for specific champions and cards are both always going to take longer and also have to navigate other stuff; like making sure they play well with a set's other themes and mechanics, etc.


Originally posted by Faust2391

After the collective sigh of relief from Path of Champions players, I think its safe to say you're welcome to take as much time as you want.

Thanks. I have to say, it is nice to know a fun surprise is coming. I managed not to hint at it too much, just saying that I looked forward to proving to folks that path wasn't abandoned. :)

02 Sep


Originally posted by kaneblaise

Glad to hear it. The latest patch notes were a step in the right direction, but I hope they keep improving their communication and we start getting new roadmaps before the current one expires. Kind of ridiculous how much time we spend in limbo not knowing information for what's coming - dates for new sets, worlds prizes, seasonal dates, etc.

They're working on improving I believe, but there's still plenty of room for more improvement.

Just speaking in my own experience as both a player and a dev at various studios, roadmaps are tricky because the moment you say "we currently plan to do X, based on what we know right now" then it often makes it very hard to make changes based on player feedback or learning new information; as some folks think this means the studio was "lying" or is now "breaking a promise".

It's difficult to find the right balance between stating the current plans for the future and being willing to change those plans based on player feedback, new information, or new cool ideas popping up that didn't exist before.

It's much easier to make a roadmap when working at a studio that doesn't care as much about listening to players. :)


Originally posted by Briangless

w-was that a flex? either way I'm jealous!!

Lol, not a flex. My username just doesn’t have Dan in it, so I used the prefix.


Originally posted by ElizabethRTriplett

Wait your a dev?

One of the game designers :)


Originally posted by ElizabethRTriplett

I think I accepted I'm not sure

You did :)


Originally posted by ElizabethRTriplett

Yes please, the more the better hehe

Sent. Look for the one that starts with a Riot. :)


Got room for one more? :)


It varies immensely with where you are on the ladder, and the state of the metagame. A new patch often means everyone wants to try out the new cards. LoR's meta often has tons and tons of decks that are viable though, some days I've gone for hours without playing the same matchup more than twice.


Originally posted by mimi_moo

Hey, thank you for giving us a game we both enjoy! <3 He will appreciate the coins for sure as he always likes buying cosmetics when he can as a way to support the game. Will dm you his riot tag :D

Sent. Hope he enjoys. :)

01 Sep


Originally posted by TheRybka

The Dan, the myth, the legend! Were the champion riddles your idea? They were really fun!

Nope! I sure did like them though. :)


Thanks for playing. :)