

23 Mar


Originally posted by AntonioPeroba

Hi! Would you mind explaining why is difficult? Because on the Steam website (https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/steamdeck/proton) it looks like the process for the non-eos version is quite simple. You can't imagine how much I'd like to play HLL on Linux, it's the only game that holds me back on Windows today.

Ah, even the non EOS one is not that simple, especially with a older engine version or EAC. So for now reporting/requesting is key.

19 Mar


Originally posted by Motherofallboards

How can I do that?

This is indeed the solution on a PAK crash. Also OP, make sure the game is on SSD or NVMe...

16 Mar


Originally posted by jts222

To add to this, from what I’ve read it’s fairly easy to implement. https://boilingsteam.com/enabling-eac-support-on-linux-now-easier/

Its sadly not that easy, its only easy with EOS. The game runs on EAC and needs a engine upgrade to function well. This will take time.

For now I suggest just to simply send in a request to Team17 Support so they can track the number of requests ;).


Hmmm... I also dont understand the hate. OP has and had a legit good Q, so Thanks all for helping tracking down the exact answers...

14 Mar

13 Mar


Steam had a outtage of some server locations. Should all be fixed again.


Steam has a small moment of server issues. Should be fixed by now.


Originally posted by CuteTwo3

Servers are down/having major issues the past hour

True, Steam had some server issues. Should be resolved.


Hahahhahaahhahha! Would loove to see the link to your LinkedIn!

09 Mar


Originally posted by PEPE_IS_BASED

Seen some open hedges that are impossible to walk through too


07 Mar


Originally posted by Sabre_Killer_Queen

Do you know what team 17's email is?

Ah, through the Team17 Support site please.


Originally posted by Sabre_Killer_Queen

Yep, it's a great tactic! Especially for PHL!!

By the way Danny would it be possible to make it so that engineers can build bridges? That would be incredibly useful (and probably more historically accurate than just ramming a truck into a river lol)

Aaaah, thats a Q for Team17 Support... well, more a feedback Q really...

06 Mar


Originally posted by Lo0seGo0se

here you go, as you can see the tree pops in a few steps and the shrub instantly when ADS and also reduces in model size. View distance epic - texture quality medium - foliage quality high. i have the same result with every thing on epic.

Thanks! Yeah, that does look a bit closeby... do send this to Team17 Support and they will make a bugreport out of it!

03 Mar


Originally posted by Lo0seGo0se

after the most recent patch i notice it, (maybe i just didn't notice it prior), but it seems to happen only over a few steps forward now. with a FPS that is already hard to spot enemy movements this popping draws the eye as it doesn't seem natural, entire shrubs just appear suddenly (as well as some other textures) and some become more transparent the closer you get, essentially enemy's can hide behind these at range and you will never see them, but they can see you. i read above that it isn't possible to have a toggle option on this, some one should get coding, if they figure this one out they will be a very wealthy person. now that i have seen it i cant un-see it lol, but i will still continue to enjoy the game, legends.

Aaah, interesting... any chance on a video of that? Also, do share that vid with Team17 Support please, so it can ve picked up and fixed. Thaaaaanks!

01 Mar


Originally posted by Quazikill

I just tried to reproduce it several times in a server and was NOT able to. Here is the imgur link of where/what it was that got me stuck this morning.


Ah, then I hope it was a rare edge case.


Originally posted by Dystopia_Love

What’s the difference between no sound and no audio?

Wondering about this too... whats the issue?