

01 Mar


Originally posted by Quazikill

I got one stuck this morning on Saint Mere (i think? city with a big church in the middle) unfortunately... the front bumper got stuck into some wooden boards holding up some plants in a little backyard garden.

Vid please. It might have been a edge case... but 99% sure itll be fixed for 99% of all players according to programmers.


Originally posted by NativeInternetGuy

Next time i see it ill grab photos, it looks kinda like 2 massive tiles not joining together, not sure but you can see underground. (or somtimes just the skybox)



Originally posted by NativeInternetGuy

yeah i deleted the HLL file though app data, 100% my fault lost all my fav settings. Ill give that a check now! Again thanks for the comment.

PS: also not sure if this is common knowledge, i've been seein though the ground on the lowest graphical setting. Not sure if its this shader cashe stuff or what, just wanted to let you know! Again thanks for the replys!

Interesting... thats unknown to me indeed... Happy to reply!


Originally posted by NativeInternetGuy

omfg i just removed shader cashe on Starcitizen, didnt know i could do that with other games!!! Ill give that ago and disable dx12! (altho i love the extra frames it gives)! Thanks!

Ah, to be clear, thatll be the Nvidia Shader Cache...

28 Feb


Originally posted by steakmm

I do appreciate your response, truly. Don’t get me wrong, HLL is one of my all time favorites. I think the devs have made something special, which is really tough to do with a WWII game. With that being said—if you’re relying on security through obscurity to protect against cheating/exploits you’re doing it wrong. I think that is a weak excuse, and UE cheats are going to be written that affect HLL either way (opaque GSP servers or allowing community servers).

I am not changing anyone’s mind on that. My issue is in that we are locked down in the ability to administrate these servers. No point selections, no timer start/stop/set/reset, requiring a slot for admin cam. No way for competitive players to set map/game parameters for matches. There is still no training mode for the new players. Is the plan really to ignore the competitive side and let it die?

Wait wut? Im missing the link between the Q about cheats and the whole list of competitive players...


Originally posted by steakmm

Thank you. Don’t really expect any sort of reply; but, gentle reminder that y’all are going to kill your game without community run servers or addressing the competitive community. The black-box opacity approach isn’t working, and ignoring the issues only stands to alienate your most dedicated playerbase. Don’t be another dev that only cares about sales.

We are black box to make sure the cheaters are unaware of what we do and how we do it. To the admins and community we always tell, please always report any strange activity with the server admin and they will check out the player and report out a SteamID to EAC and the bunker. Then action will be taken ;).


Action against player has been taken.


Verify game files, clear shader cache and remove dx12 command...


Originally posted by nortontwo

They won’t cuz of game engine limitations, they need to migrate to Unreal 5

Nope, thats even worse for many players.

25 Feb

21 Feb


Originally posted by Thekinkyteatowel

Brilliant :D


17 Feb


Originally posted by ski11ful

Why can't we have it?

It would require to render the scene twice at 60FPS afaik. One for each eye, unless ofcourse there are advancements to only render the scene once and compensate for the eye distances.


Originally posted by _j03_

How about FSR?

Same boat as DLSS I assume. Also, in theory you could give FSR a try with "Lossless Scaling" on Steam.


Originally posted by HerrFledermaus

I was more thinking of sun rays, the shadows in the woods of Foy, reflections on the water in Utah beach… but indeed: if it has such an impact on performance, it is understandable that reflections in the mirrors of supply trucks are not crucial.

Strange, we have sun rays, reflections and shadows. Also, ray tracing isnt producing sun rays right? Also the reflections of mirrors need a render to texture afaik. No idea if raytracing can reach that far...


Originally posted by HerrFledermaus

Nice. Thanks. And raytracing adds to a realistic environment, no? Loved it in RDR2.

Such as? There are many elements in RayTracing, like shadows, reflections, GI, AO... all come with their own cost in performance and gain minor in quality. RayTracing imho would work best with scifi or contemporary styles and surfaces.

15 Feb


DLSS is on the radar, RayTracing isnt. No idea why we would even need that... nope...


Originally posted by omgiafs

My only hope is Nanite. I tried all the ways to make FPS smooth, but i have failed. Even if game starts without any stutters, after one or two mapchanges screen starts to stuttering for a split second, especially when you're running on Stalingrad map. IDK what to do.

No Nanite, no UE5.


Originally posted by Karl_H_Kynstler

Devs have said in the past that increasing player count is not going to happen.

True. Not happening.


Originally posted by Lo0seGo0se

this is still a problem for many people. has a fix been found yet?

I think its best to check PTE or see if its worked in P17.