

10 Jan


Originally posted by colin70000

Jep, its reported with QA.


Originally posted by Cthula-Hoops

Its on the PC version. I've never had an issue like this in this game, as far as reproducable bugs that cause crashes.

Edit: it happens if I try to open my map while I am in any stage of the ADS in/out animation. I have to make sure I wait a sec after Im done aiming to open the map or it will crash, every single time. 100% reproducable.

Ahy change you might be able to record it with keyboard/mouse presses on vid too? This for QA.

09 Jan


Originally posted by colin70000

Which system please?

Im interested too!

08 Jan



I laughed so hard seeing that vid!


Originally posted by Ives095

Being able to drive through certain bushes/small trees in tanks would be a nice touch!

We are working on it. Do send this to Team17 Support with tac-map location and screenhots.


Originally posted by ZenlolOk

Do you have any idea when the vehicle rubber banding patch on Xbox will come out?

Thatll be a Q for Flix Interactive and Team17 :).

07 Jan




Originally posted by Castle239

He definitely did an amazing job, no game that I've played can compare to the stuff I've seen in this game

Did you really poke a needle in that guys head 😃?


Heyhey! DEVs are out of office till the 10th.

06 Jan


This... is... too close to choose... #gamedev-life...

05 Jan


Originally posted by Uzul

Thank you for the info! Is there any chance that we might see DLSS at some point in HLL? It just seems like the perfect feature to cleanup the graphics and improve performance of a game like HLL.

Im pretty positive about seeing DLSS and FSR and maybe TAAU in HLL. But, time will tell...


Originally posted by Aggressive_c0w

Hey there! Sorry for necroing a 5 month old post, but I wanted to check in and see if there has been any progress on this? Cheers!

Not yet, the engine upgrade needs to come first. We waited for Epic to launch and stabilize the latest version.


Originally posted by UnableToMakeNames

Looks more like the person who took this screenshot has an issue with their files that is causing the game not to render in a building.

Some other people broke their games like this when the last update happened but it was on carentan, though apparently validating the files fixed it for those people

I think you are right!

OP can you please verify Local Game Content?


Originally posted by Meat_Sweatz25

That would at least give us free look


04 Jan


Originally posted by BilibiliCola

And how did you manage to decrypt it? I have no clue at all.

03 Jan


Originally posted by wichotl

Context, who or what is Sanchez?

