

26 Nov


Originally posted by Ofhoeofwat

gpu spikes at 100% and i hear the van as soon as i log in to rs 1 min after laptop just shuts down and have to boot up and select boot in normal mode. And i tried min settings , reinstalling game, reinstalling drivers all sort of versions. Im really at the end of my wisdom.

This sounds like some sort of overheating or hardware issue. Threaded rendering, when working correctly, will raise FPS and GPU usage. You can reduce it by reducing foreground FPS in graphics settings and/or enabling vsync


Originally posted by Hellobenchod

Thanks for response. My drivers are as up to date as possible. I've been switching to compatibility since mondays update just to be able to move my character around, its woeful though, consistently drops to 1fps for about 3 seconds, every 10 seconds or so. Forgive me I'm not very computer literate, but I appear to have two display adapters showing up in my device manager, AMD Radeon 7400m, and Intel HD graphics 3000. They are intergrated into my laptop/toaster, whatever that means. For clarification, I've been playing on 'Normal mode' and getting 40-50fps until mondays update, now It's 5-15fps, unless I switch to compatibility mode, where it drops from 40 to 1 as mentioned earlier making the game unplayable. Hope some of this information helps.

It's probably using the 7400m then, however that is also not supported by threaded rendering, so equally confusing how you have been badly affected. I'll give things another look on a similar AMD card


Originally posted by Hellobenchod

Still stuck at 10fps, my machine unfortunately is fairly old and uses Intel 3000 the exact one mentioned in the patch notes, but I was able to play with 40-50 fps until mondays update :/

Intel HD 3000 is not supported by threaded rendering, so not much changed for it in monday's update. Try changing to compatibility mode or vice-versa and updating your graphics drivers


Originally posted by Ofhoeofwat

My laptop still crashes completely when running rs for 4mins. And this wasnt before. Amd radeon r7 m260

Can you describe the crashes? Does your laptop reboot? Blue screen?

Best bet is to update your graphics drivers


Originally posted by Hannah_MtF

well youve fixed the login screen havinga heart attack, but things still just dont render at certain angles

We have only observed this on minimum settings, if you turn your settings up slightly it should be resolved (any of: shadows on, water detail to medium, SSAO on, etc.)


Originally posted by FTXScrappy

Is there a setting for it that I don't see?

I know my that my CPU is from 2012, but it does have 4 cores and 8 threads.

In displayfps if you see 'Render FPS' as well as 'Main FPS' then it's on. If you only see 'Main FPS' then it is off. There is no control for it, it is enabled on any system that we support it on

25 Nov


Mac high sierra issue was fixed on monday


Originally posted by Djlammers

It runs better yeah . But still more frame drops than usual (after disabling my intel HD and only having my GTX run). Intel i confirm only playable at compatibility mode with all settings as above turned off. But still significantly frame drops. Intel isnt playable at all in normal mode crashing every 10 secs.

Could you PM me your ingame name please to check on these crashes, it would be useful to tally a certain type of crash to this combined nvidia+intel configuration


Originally posted by Djlammers

Update for me :

After following instructions above with turning off settings .. it didnt work for me. Still crashing and crazy textures ingame and within the interface. This is when i run the client in auto mode or normal mode. When i disable all settings as above , in compatibility mode it works , sometimes frame drops . But it works for now. GTX 2080 msi and HD 630 intel. Did test with and without graphics card. But still the same since this problem started at monday.

You should not be getting these issues on nvidia, only intel. Do you still get issues if the Intel card is fully disabled (in bios or windows) and your monitors are plugged directly into the nvidia card

24 Nov


Originally posted by WasteGiraffe

Still getting those lovely 10 fps on AMD. Best thing is that they improved performance where it really did not matter (150-300 fps) on high end Nvidia cards and crashed almost everything else.

We've got a fix coming soon for AMD GCN and possibly RDNA that will unlock the intended effects of threaded rendering (up to 2x fps)

23 Nov


Originally posted by cara_do_rock

Today we had an update that added multi-threaded rendering system. It pushed OpenGL drivers to its limits, according to what Mod Dark said. And as AMD support for OpenGL is not that good, we are suffering from today's update now.

When we get to the bottom of the driver issue hopefully there will be a net gain in performance (compared to before today's update) for AMD users as intended


Originally posted by cara_do_rock

Doesn't all these platforms have Vulkan APIs? At least Windows, Android and Linux have Vulkan drivers. Not sure about Mac and iOS, but I remember seeing something about this too.

They do now, but we went with opengl some time before vulkan existed


Originally posted by cara_do_rock

If I may ask, Why Jagex are still sticking with OpenGL? Why not DX12 or Vulkan? For what I know, OpenGL has very bad performance. Before NXT was a thing, I'm sure we had DirectX support.

The main driving reason behind OpenGL is cross platform - it is pretty much the same code between windows, mac, linux, android and iOS. I'd love for us to support other backends like Vulkan, but it's a massive undertaking for a custom engine to do so. Hopefully some time in the future. The rendering code before NXT was a lot simpler.


Crash fix coming tomorrow, in the mean time you can workaround with a few techniques (the more the better):

  • Disable depth of field
  • Disable ambient occlusion
  • Disable bloom
  • Disable shadows
  • Disable anti-aliasing
  • Set water detail to low
  • Hide any 3d UI elements (character inspection, treasure hunter chest, etc)

The things that will generally push it over the edge are either teleporting or rendering inventory icons, but can't exactly say don't do those things :)

I must stress that these are temporary workarounds, they will not be necessary after the update tomorrow, and ONLY apply to crashes, they will not fix corrupt graphics, slowdowns, etc


Originally posted by Lorberry

I think there's a mild bug with the patch note (in keeping with the spirit of today, apparently), the next note is " released before year 2020. ", which I think is supposed to be stuck on the end of what you quoted.

Yes this is correct, threaded rendering is restricted to 2020 drivers on AMD due to crashes on earlier drivers that proved impossible to workaround


Originally posted by 1trickana

Any reason why AMD systems have shit the bed? Was getting 150+ fps on Ultra before the update, 5900X, 5700XT 1440P. Now getting 30% gpu usage/5% cpu and 50-60 fps, nothing is framelocked/vsync/whatever

It will be a driver stall from the threaded rendering update. We are pushing OpenGL drivers to their limit with this stuff, and AMD does not have the best OpenGL reputation :) We are looking into it


Originally posted by Lucaschillinout

It seems a lot of people are having a similar issue, folks with powerful graphics cards too. I'm currently on my laptop, which doesn't have a dedicated graphics card. I did however update all the drivers 2 days ago.. Though I'll go home soon, and see if it works on my pc

Can you confirm what graphics card is in your laptop and your desktop PC please?


This and the other engine changes have been added to the patch notes now


Originally posted by xBHx

Im having no issues with my 2080ti, If anything I'm getting vastly better performance? (Unsure if today was THE update)

Yeah threaded rendering went out today, glad to hear it's working as intended :)


Originally posted by FeshawHusky

What happened to the multithreading that was going to come out November?

It was released today