Destiny Dev Team

Destiny Dev Team

24 Nov


  • Fixed an issue where strikes in the Vanguard playlist where incorrectly set to 1100 Power. 
      • Vanguard strikes are now 1050 Power. 
  • Fixed an issue where enemies would continue to spawn during certain activities in the Cosmodrome.  
      • NOTE: This should resolve an issue where gaggles of Guardians would convene in the Divide, all shooting into a cave-like structure. 
  • Fixed an issue where players could skip to the end of the Veles Labyrinth Lost Sector.  


  • Fixed an issue where Defeats’ audio was playing too often. 



  • Fixed an issue where Trench Barrel was not being removed after firing three shots.  


  • Fixed an issue where prime attunements were not being applied properly after reaching the soft cap (1200 Power). 
  • Fixed an issue where the ...
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19 Nov



  • Fixed an issue where the Coriolis Force Fusion Rifle was getting more ammo than intended from ammo bricks. 
  • Fixed an issue where the Witherhoard damage debuff wasn't being removed properly. 
      • Witherhoard has now been re-enabled. 


  • Fixed exploits with the Warlock Shadebinder Super. 
  • Stasis breakout damage reduced (110->90hp).   
      • Adjusted the curve that reduces breakout damage using Resilience.  
      • Increased the damage reduction effect Resilience has so that higher tiers of Resilience are more valuable.   
      • Caps out at 90 Resilience.  
  • Penumbral Blast (Stasis Warlock melee) projectile speed reduced by 20%.  
  • Penumbral Blast (Stasis Warlock melee) range reduced (was 28m now 16m).  
  • Winter’s Wrath (Stasis Warlock Super) duration reduced (was 30s now 24s).  
  • ...
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17 Nov

Two-Drink Minimum

The crowded room fell uncomfortably silent. The Eliksni server placed a metal cup of liquid on the table as though issuing a challenge. 
Crow raised the drink and sniffed at it. If it was poisoned, it was mild. He took a swig, grimaced at the bitterness, then took another. 
Across the room, the big Eliksni Captain slowly brought his lower arms up to rest on the table, leaving his weapons holstered. He clucked in approval and the tension drained from the room. The Eliksni who brought the drink scuttled back behind the bar, and soon the air filled once again with the series of staccato clicks and thumping that passed for music in the Empty Tank.
Glint flitted out of Crow's hood and scanned the contents of the cup. "It certainly isn't good for you," he said, "but this much won't kill you. What does it taste like?"
Crow took another sip. "Hmm. I'd say engine coolant, paraffin, and a kind of smoky chalk at the end." He ... Read more

16 Nov


“Huh.” Sagira patches a strand of Light into the jumpship’s control deck as they tumble through the black-drop, stars twinkling out beyond reach. “Something’s in the static out there…”
“What is it?” Osiris asks.
“Some kind of subspace transmission. Hang on.” Sagira boosts the jumpship’s comm receiver. “It’s Cabal.”
“From?” Osiris absentmindedly pushes a sack of candy corn aside with his foot and leans forward.
“Somewhere outside the system. Some pretty heavy encryption at work, but… there’s a repeated phrase. A name. Caiatl?”
“How many Cabal leaders still vie for dominion atop Ghaul’s grave? Let them grind each other into dust.”
“There are responses from Nessus, the Reef, the EDZ.  She’s calling the Legion home… or, no… back to her bosom? She wants them to capture Calus to prove their loyalty, but it sounds like the Leviathan  is missing.”
“Their bloody feud continues. If Caiatl is stirrin... Read more

13 Nov


Commander Zavala stands behind his desk riddled with documents to greet Osiris. Through a cloud-covered shroud, the reforged Traveler fills the office with a delicate glow. “Osiris. I am glad to see you safe and with us again. Please, sit.”   Stress draws trenches in Zavala’s face: battle lines between worry and hope, duty and friendship; between survival and annihilation. Osiris meets Zavala’s eyes. They do not scream traitor, exile, heretic . Instead, they seek wisdom—to confide in another who knows burden.
“This won’t take long,” Osiris states, remaining on his feet. “Something is communicating across the forces of the Darkness. Do not let Eramis blind you to other threats on our borders.”  His disquieting voice prickles.
“I can provide operational support for you, but that is all. The Vanguard’s focus is on Europa. We won’t abandon immediate threats to chase cryptic omens.”
Osiris scoffs in disbelief. “Since when ... Read more

In an effort to keep them engaged with their new bodies and stave off the dissociative rejection that killed Mr. Zhuk, I have assigned my exos to scout through the gateway. The Vex statite has a surface area larger than Earth, so we have plenty of exploring to do. I cannot believe that I actually find it tiring, but the sheer scale and passivity of the Vex constructs infuriates me.
Imagine stumbling upon an inscription in the desert: “I am Ozymandias, king of kings. Look upon my works. Or don’t. I really don’t care.

Until I can synthesize my own version of the mind fluid, the Vex are necessary to the work. But I find their indifference verminous. They elicit the same emotions as a fat c*ckroach wandering across a wall: disgust, contempt, unease at the thought that these mere machines, these automata, are flourishing all around us.

And I fear that if troubled, they might swarm from their hides to run across... Read more


Service Stability
  • Resolved an issue where Destiny 2 could crash when players interacted with the Vault in the Tower on Xbox consoles.
  • Implementing backend changes to improve Destiny 2 service stability.

  • Adjusted Rose’s fire rate from 150 RPM to its intended 140 RPM.
      • Players may once again equip this legendary hand cannon.
  • Heir Apparent has been removed from the Monument to Lost Lights – Exotic Archive. 
  • Resolved an issue where Collectors Edition emblems were not being granted or appearing in collections properly. 

10 Nov


Vendor Armor 

  • Vanguard, Crucible, and Gambit vendors now all reward a Prime version of their respective ritual engram for completing the weekly challenge.  
      • These engrams award the ritual's new Season of the Hunt armor on a knockout list until the full set has been obtained. 
      • Once the full set is obtained the engrams drop re-rolls of the ritual armor as well as world weapons. (Note this is on a per-ritual basis; each ritual engram assesses separately.) 
      • All armor dropped from these engrams is high stat armor.  
  • The base (non-Prime) version of Vanguard, Crucible, and Gambit engrams now drops world armor until the respective ritual set has been obtained from the Prime ritual engram. 
  • Once the ritual set has been obtained from the Prime ritual engram, low-stat ritual armor will drop. 
  • Zavala, Shaxx, and Drifter now sell low-stat versions of their new Season of the Hunt armor....
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20 Oct

Gameplay and Investment


  • Fixed an issue where rewards in the chests at the end of the Haunted Forest would incorrectly drop gear at 750 Power.


  • Added missing Korean VO for Nokris Interference mission.

08 Oct

Those words have finality when said aloud. An indirect farewell. Zavala can't quite see Ikora's expression in the muted reflection from his office window, but he can hear the disappointment in her voice. Beyond the glass, the City seems agnostic to the tempest of emotions. Ships soar through the night sky, lights glitter against the dark, the Traveler looms silently.

"I know," is Zavala's belated reply. He watches as Ikora's reflection reaches toward him, but he's still surprised when he feels the weight of her hand against his shoulder. 
"I want to commend them for their bravery," he says, confiding in her. "But I'd prefer they be here to berate them for their foolishness."
Ikora wordlessly squeezes Zavala's shoulder in response before standing beside him at the window. "I remember when you and I felt invincible. When our Ghosts felt invincible. When we could lay the foundation for the future with our bare hands. But now, it’s different. The li... Read more

23 Sep

On the frozen moon of Europa, Eramis, the Fallen Kell exploits a dark power to grow her army’s strength. The Vanguard’s attention is demanded.
The allure of this ancient power clouds your focus and tempts you with Darkness. Stasis whispers in your ear before you even arrive. You touch down in the snow-covered clearing; the distress signal from Variks still lingering in your ears.   
The crunch of your boots in the snow makes you aware of the silence. A silence that is short-lived. It starts as a light gust, carrying away the gentle flakes of snow that rest on your shoulders. Then, without warning, it hits you. A sudden wave of frozen air cuts through your armor. The hut in the distance seems farther away – harder to see. You lean into the wind as it grows in strength and can’t help but wonder, “Why didn’t I park closer?”   
Frost begins to spread across your helm and the storm howls as Europa challenges your every step. The squall envelops you and your destinat... Read more

22 Sep

Gameplay and Investment


  • The Refurbished Black Armory shader now drops 100% of the time when dismantling Black Armory Refurbished weapons acquired from completing Forge Ignition activities.


  • Fixed a crash that could occur when too many arrows were shot into a Titan’s barricade.

09 Sep

On this day, six years ago, players all over the world began a grand adventure. Since then, over 167 million Guardians have joined our ranks and championed the Light for over 8.6 billion hours. 
During that time, this community has answered the call time and time again, raising over $8.5 million for Little Lights and worthy causes all over the world. So, when it comes to defending humanity, whether you’re in the 31% that smash, the 31% that love space magic, or the 38% that make cloaks look good, we’re humbled that you have chosen to make the Tower your home. 
And now, as we stand at the precipice of a new era, ready to step beyond the Light, we should at least have some cake first. So, let’s light the candles and celebrate with the friends we’ve made in this truly incredible community. From the Farm to the Moon, it’s been a wild ride and we’re incredibly proud to have you at our sides for all of it. Here’s to the future – happy birthday, Destiny. 
... Read more

08 Sep


  • Fixed an issue that caused players to freeze when spawning into Gambit.

Prophecy Dungeon
  • Fixed an issue where enemies could stop spawning in Hexahedron area, blocking players from progressing.

  • Fixed an issue where enemies would stop responding to players if they carried motes from a Contact event into the Savathun's Song or Festering Core Nightfall.

Gameplay and Investment

  • Fixed an issue where players who completed Tommy's Matchbook catalyst pursuit were re-awarded it.
  • Fixed an issue where the Trials vendor engram advertised rewards at zero Power level.
      • Note: This was simply a display error; the actual Power you would receive was not affected.
  • Fixed an issue where the Cold Denial ornament ADS view looked very different from ...
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Welcome to this edition in our series of Stasis spotlight articles where we’re examining Stasis via each of the three Guardian classes in Destiny 2. Earlier in the series, we featured the Warlock Shadebinder and the ... Read more

03 Sep

Welcome to this edition in our series of spotlight articles where we’re examining Stasis via each of the three Guardian classes in Destiny 2. In our previous edition, we featured the Warlock Shadebinder. Here, we’re getting to know the Titan Behemoth. 

Titan. Smash. Two things that simply go hand in hand. There are few combat situations in Destiny 2 that can’t be solved – or at least made... Read more

01 Sep


Welcome to the first in a series of Stasis spotlight articles, where we’ll be taking a look at Stasis via each of the three Guardian classes in Destiny 2. Stasis is the first new elemental power to Destiny since the original trio of Arc, Solar, and Void, and its introduction in Beyond Light will have ramifications for players across all aspects of the game, from narrative to combat  , to the way in which players will customize their Guardians.

Each Guardian class will feature a new Stasis subclass with Beyond Light and, as you might expect, each class will use Stasis in a unique way. Stasis is the domain of control; an elemental power that is less about outright aggression and more about careful control of enemy com... Read more

20 Aug

Gameplay and Investment

Solstice of Heroes
  • Fixed an issue where Bright Dust was not being rewarded from Solstice of Heroes weekly and repeatable bounties.
  • Fixed an issue where the Solstice of Heroes weekly challenge was not granting players a Powerful reward.
Means to an end
  • Fixed an issue where the challenge to complete “Means to an End” could be accidentally removed from player’s inventory independent of the weekly reset.
      • All players will need to reacquire the pursuit after the reset. 

04 Aug

Nightfall: The Ordeal

  • Fixed an issue where the Ordeal version of Lake of Shadows was inaccessible at tiers above Adept for players who do not own Forsaken.
  • Fixed an issue where the Festering Core Master Nightfall was listed as 1080 Power in the Director, but was actually 750 Power.
      • Guardians should expect a much greater challenge when engaging with this strike.


  • Leviathan rewards of XP, Glimmer, and chances towards Exotic Engrams or Bright Engrams are now back on a weekly lockout.
      • Note: Weapons and armor are not affected by the weekly lockout, and can be earned multiple times a week.


  • Fixed an issue where some players could not acquire the “Means to an End” quest from the Prismatic Recaster.


  • Fixed an issue where Ruinous Effigy could trigger the heal from the Stronghol...
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28 Jul

A shadow approaches. The Pyramid ship floating above Io serves as a looming reminder that we are unprepared – that we know not what the future portends. You must search for answers if you hope to face the oncoming storm. You must seek the Nine.
You must hear the prophecy.
And so, you find yourself standing at the doorstep of a new realm. But how did you get here? And what is “here” exactly? To answer that, Andrew Hopps (world lead) and Brendan Thorne (senior designer) – two members of Bungie’s Raid and Dungeon team – take us back to the beginning. Back to when rainbow roads were for Italian speed demons and walking on walls required scrolling green text and leather trench coats.


Both Andrew and Brendan have been at Bungie for over seven years. During that time, they worked together on more than 10 ... Read more