

27 Mar


A few things were out of date in the BRAVE arsenal dev insight article, so we have a couple of quick corrections on the available perks:

Succession will not roll will Desperate Measures.

Edge Transit will roll with Autoloading Holster instead of Ambitious Assassin, and Adrenaline Junkie instead of One for All.

Hung Jury should have read Explosive Payload instead of Explosive rounds.

26 Mar


For the first time ever in Guardian Games history, we've encountered a three-way gold medal tie with Hunters, Titans, and Warlocks all winning seven days each.

But there can only be one winner and--with the tiebreaker--Hunters are your 2024 Guardian Games champions!

Guardian Games has built in tiebreakers to determine a winner in case of a tie. In the case that all classes are tied in terms of daily winners, we then calculate each class's total rank by assigning a point value to each placement (gold, silver, bronze) and tallying the total.

With Hunters earning 11 silver daily medals to Warlocks' 10 silver daily medals, Hunters have earned the highest total rank and have won Guardian Games 2024. Congratulations, Hunters!

External link →

22 Mar


Originally posted by DrBacon27

Destiny 1 inspired armor

Here's hoping for that iconic D1 box art armor set

Quick correction to the TWID: the upcoming armor set for Destiny 2: Into the Light is not inspired directly by Destiny 1 armor, but early armor concepts from Year 1 of Destiny 2.

Sorry for the mix-up! We'll show off the armor and more in the developer stream next week.

21 Mar


Hello Guardians! In the event the Zavala figure gets locked in the compartment, the door on the back of the Tower is opened by a magnetic lock, so any magnet should be able to open the door while the unit is powered on. Good luck on the rescue!


Originally posted by hohihohi

The way they're acting like it's all natural despite having openly talked about adjusting the score balancing before just feels wrong

We were transparent that we updated the scoring specific to focus activities on March 8 and March 12 which affected Hunters' initial dominance. Since then, we have not made any further format or scoring changes, so Warlocks' recent wins are solely a result of shifts in player activity. In other words, it's in your hands now.

20 Mar


Originally posted by PoseidonWarrior

It's baffling how the poor dev got bombarded with outright disturbing messages on steam after he accidentally tabbed out. The guy seemed like a cool dude and he was visibly bothered when those friend requests started coming in from people naming themselves the literal N word, "kys" spelled out, and a reference to sexual assault.

OP isn't talking about burned out players voicing criticism, that's okay. OP is talking about the kind of person who changes their steam name to "KILL ALL N*****" and sends a friend request to a black game dev in front of thousands of people. It's disgraceful and those people should be eviscerated for it.

Edit: apparently I got the username of the troll wrong. I fixed my comment but the actual name is somehow worse.

It was disappointing to see those notifications, but we know they were from a few awful individuals and not reflective of the community at large.

We were able to track down the accounts of several individuals who sent the harmful notifications and we have banned them from Destiny 2.

We are taking extra measures to make sure this doesn't happen again and look forward to sharing more info with you all in next week's stream.


Originally posted by ChimneyImps

You're failing to take into account that wins on a 7-win card after going flawless have a chance to drop an adept. (much higher if the card is still flawless, but still decent if not)

If you just want one adept for the week, persistence will probably be fastest. But if your goal is to actually farm adepts, you should get flawless with ferocity and then just keep playing.

If you have gone to the Lighthouse, Adepts can drop afterwards on wins on ANY 7-win card, including Persistence. The text on the passage just indicates that the Persistence card cannot be turned back into Saint for an additional focused Adept.

09 Mar


We just issued a change to apply scaling to Focus Activity scoring to help balance out the population difference between classes. We are giving a boost to Warlocks and Titans over the weekend based on previous class concurrency and will issue a more permanent fix early next week.

Although the overall event scoring is based on average Medallion score, Focus Activities have been dominated by Hunters due to them having higher numbers and players understandably switching over to Hunters to get the rewards.

We'd like everyone to play your class of choice for the next few Focus Activities so we can monitor the changes. Go rep your class and don't let the Hunters win without a fight!

If you would like a peek into the data, you can continue reading through details on what we're seeing...

At the start of the event, Warlocks held a slight lead heading into the first Focus Activity (1). Hunters won, and their winnings jumped them into the lead (2). W...

Read more External link →

08 Mar


Originally posted by a_bad_capacitor

Passage of Persistence doesn’t work

To clarify some confusion with the Passage of Persistence: If you lose while at 0 wins, your card will become Flawed and will not remove wins on losses or reward the Adept at 7 wins.

To fix this, if you lose while at 0 wins, reset your passage to remove the Flawed status.


Originally posted by Rhundis

What about those rare game crashes regarding Skimmers being equiped? Any news on that?

We have a fix that will be deploying soon. Currently planned for the next update.


Appreciate the report, we are currently looking into this issue.

05 Mar


Hey everyone - Just wanted to let you know that we are aware of this issue and currently working on a fix.


Originally posted by ldene

something is wrong, Guardian Games supremacy is taking an age and gambit class vs class took ages (though i appreciate that might take a little longer).

Just wanted to confirm that it appears the increased matchmaking time was caused by temporary server issues that should be resolved now. If you run into further issues, let us know.


Just checked into this and confirmed it's a bug and not by design. We are currently investigating a fix.

28 Feb


Originally posted by deangaudet

did you reset the rotator list, i.e. we have to wait another 7 or so weeks until we can farm the new prophecy guns? or did you just override this one week? (it ruins the week for anyone who wanted to farm ghosts! ugh.)

Not a full reset, just an override this week. Rotation will remain the same.


Originally posted by Quantumriot7

Hey while you are here is there any chance the weekly focused raid and dungeon system could get a reevaluation as with this many raids and dungeons it takes forever to see a specific one. This is particularly annoying for stuff like master difficulty being unavailable if they aren't featured making many titles unnoticeable for large portions of the season.

Definitely interested in your feedback on the weekly rotators overall we can share wider with the team.


Originally posted by krilltucky

it's for people who had no idea the rolls they wanted were getting removed with no warning and no chance to farm one last time.

Yes our intent here is to give everyone a final chance to be able to farm any weapons/rolls before the reward pool is updated with Update 7.3.5 next week.

22 Feb


To clarify a few things on Passage of Persistence. Progress on this card, like all other passages, is reset weekly. When we said permanent in the TWID, we meant that those wins could not be removed by losses.

Passage of Persistence has a trailing backstop which means even though losses remove wins, your passage will never drop below your furthest progress minus one. For example:

  • Get to 2 wins and you can’t drop below 1.
  • Get to 3 wins and you can’t drop below 2.
  • Get to 4 wins and you can’t drop below 3.
  • And so on.

21 Feb


It looks like we are going to slightly one-up last week's TWID tomorrow as this one is coming in at 6700+ words from the PVP Strike Team.

Expect details on our PVP plans for Update 7.3.5 and beyond as we cover reward updates, rule changes, matchmaking and more.

External link →

20 Feb


With today's weekly reset we have adjusted the lobby balancing system for Competitive Division to try to improve match quality. We’ll monitor and provide updates as we make additional changes.

We'll share more details in this week's TWID about other matchmaking insights, along with other updates from the PvP Strike Team on Crucible changes coming up in Update 7.3.5 and beyond.

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