

21 May


We've been preparing a preview article for the abilities and armor tuning coming in The Final Shape. With so many changes to cover, this was one of the largest articles we've ever written at around 9k words. So, we've decided to split it up. Here is what to expect this week.

The Abilities Tuning Preview will cover updates coming to all the Light and Darkness subclasses in The Final Shape, and it will be released this Wednesday at 10 AM PT.

Our Exotic Armor Tuning Preview will come out this Thursday at 10 AM PT, and This Week in Destiny will follow on Thursday at 11 AM PT as usual. We have a full TWID lined up too, it's going to be a fun week.

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Originally posted by ricdvs

Also, this will only be available for 1 week according to the welcome msg on screen?

That welcome message was created before dates were finalized. The Pantheon will remain active until Destiny 2: Into the Light ends on June 3.


Originally posted by DataLythe

/u/destiny2team Can we get some clarity on this?

I imagine a lot of people are going to be wondering about this.

That in game message was created before dates were finalized. The Pantheon will remain active until Destiny 2: Into the Light ends on June 3.

16 May


In next Tuesday's update, we are reducing the required number of Triumphs needed to earn the BRAVE Title from 10 to 9. The Title will still have 10 available Triumphs, but you can now just choose which 9 you’d like to complete for the Title.

We felt that the Breaking the Charge Triumph wasn’t quite hitting the difficulty mark we intended. It required either full clears on Legend over multiple weeks or full clears on Normal that relied on RNG. We hope this improves the experience for those looking to earn this Title.

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15 May


Originally posted by ownagemobile

u/Destiny2Team , are you guys planning on taking a look at the Avalanche machine gun from Dawning? It has an extremely low inventory size stat which makes it unappealing to use over literally every other machine gun in the game. Or is that just because it's a seasonal weapon and they are supposed to be less good than other weapons?

It's inventory stat is 20, and the next lowest I could find after a quick scan is 40, so it has half the amount of reserves of most LMGs in the game

We'll be taking a look at Avalanche's stats for next Dawning.

10 May


In The Final Shape, we’re introducing the Ritual Pathfinder, a new rewards path that will replace Vanguard, Crucible, and Gambit bounties and their weekly vendor challenge. While the Pathfinder will replace bounties at these vendors, they will remain unchanged at other vendors.

We’ll have more info to share on the Pathfinder in the next couple of weeks. We wanted to give a heads up so everyone preparing for The Final Shape can prioritize how they spend their time. Any Ritual bounties held when The Final Shape releases on June 4 will be abandoned.

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09 May


With the release of the PvP Map Pack, we want to give everybody the opportunity to experience the new maps going into the weekend. As such, the New Territory playlist will hold its place as the 3v3 Event node and Trials of Osiris will not be active this weekend.

Trials of Osiris will return next week and feature each of the new maps in the last three weeks of the Season, starting with Eventide Labs. Take this time to learn the maps and prepare for Trials next weekend!

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How is everyone feeling about The Pantheon so far? We are keeping an eye on the feedback and want to hear your thoughts.

How is the difficulty?

Are the encounter tweaks enjoyable?

How do you feel about the scoring and time bonus?

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01 May


This week, we made some changes to the way ADU Batteries work in Onslaught. While looking to fix a bug where Batteries could heal defenses, we decided to keep the healing with a few balance tweaks: we buffed the healing factor and made healing consume the Battery.

This is a great example of the community discovering something that was unintended, but fun, and our team looking for a way to lean in rather than just fixing the bug.

We felt this was interesting functionality and something worth analyzing as a potential permanent change. To start, we wanted to ensure it didn’t have griefing potential or introduce exploits.

We also wanted to avoid trivializing Legend Onslaught, where we want difficulty to matter. Next, we needed to ensure we could improve on the experience to communicate this functionality (adding VFX, audio, etc.) and test the new Batteries to make sure they felt good to use.

Pivoting on a design change like this so quickly can be chall...

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29 Apr


We have a change going live tomorrow on April 30 with how the Special ammo meter functions. Right now, the system is difficult to understand between modes, and there is a dramatic difference in the amount of ammo earned depending on a player's performance, which strongly favors a limited selection of weapons.

We will be reducing the number of mode-specific meter variants to one for respawn modes and one for elimination modes. We are reducing the amount of ammo awarded per transmat from two kill's worth to one, but the meter will now charge slightly more than twice as fast.

We are removing ability kills contributions towards the meter to reduce the advantage the Shotgun-melee combo has over other Special weapons for progressing the meter and to increase the focus on Primary ammo weapons for earning Special ammo.

We'll have more details from the PvP strike team on the Special ammo meter and these changes in this week's TWID.

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25 Apr


Originally posted by Sanjuna

If power level deltas for activities stay the same, there is seemingly no reason to get artifact power level at all when you reach pinnacle cap. Either that or they genuinely mean you need to be at 2020 (+20 artifact power level) to be at max effective power for GMs. Both of which sound kind of bad?

We wanted to offer some clarification here on how the new power cap will affect the difficulty for Grand Master Nightfalls. The new power cap isn't intended to increase the difficulty of GMs or increase the power requirements to get to the same difficulty as it is today. GMNFs will still be exactly as hard they are now at Pinnacle + 15, it's just that you can go up to Pinnacle + 20 and make it a bit easier if you like.

tl:dr you can grind an extra 5 artifact levels to get closer to the enemies' levels in GMs after The Final Shape.


We are currently investigating this. Recluse and Hammerhead not having enemy highlighting is a bug and we are currently working on a fix.

19 Apr


Originally posted by alittlelilypad

Campaign -> Wild Card -> Raid -> Final Mission -> Echoes

This is the way.


Hey everyone. We wanted to talk about why The Final Shape raid is going live shortly after release on June 7. We know this is a tight turnaround and wanted to share some context on why we made this decision. Back in August, we said that finishing the campaign would not be the grand finale of the Light and Darkness saga. You will be facing off against the Witness in the raid, and for non-raiders there will be an opportunity for everyone to experience the conclusion sometime after the raid.

The Final Shape expansion is different: the additional content in the Pale Heart post-campaign and unlocking the raid for everyone is important for getting a cohesive and satisfying story experience. We're looking at you raiders to be the tip of the spear. 👀

When raid day arrives, no matter if you choose to go in for Contest mode in the first 48 hours or wait for Normal mode to unlock, in order to experience the story linearly and as intended, you need to have the campaign complete...

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18 Apr

17 Apr


We've been following feedback that there should be better incentives to stay in Onslaught for the full 50 waves, so teammates don't dip out after wave 10. We're adding two additional weapon rewards to Onslaught and buffing Trophies of Bravery drops to help address this.

Change 1: A chance for one additional weapon to drop when you complete a wave. The drop chance will increase per wave until you get your weapon, and the drop will be guaranteed on wave 50.

Change 2: A bonus weapon will also drop after you complete wave 50 in either difficulty. This change along with the first means that completing 50 waves will guarantee two additional weapons.

We will also be increasing the number of Trophies of Bravery you receive from completing waves 40 and 50 of Onslaught and waves 30, 40, and 50 on Legend Difficulty. Our goal with these changes is to make sticking it out into the later waves feel more rewarding.

We've also seen people ask if Shaxx's vendor repu...

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12 Apr


Originally posted by ksiit

Guess it’s time to get farming. I already expected I would be attuning that the whole time.

Mountaintop is the only other thing I really care about and that feels less important to have a specific roll of. Midnight coup too, that matters a bit more but I assume after getting 100 focused edge transits, I’ll probably have gotten a decent one of the other weapons.

We saw this discussion and wanted to let you know that we're currently evaluating the interactions of this combo. While we don't have a specific change currently planned yet, we wanted to give a heads up before anyone grinded too hard for this rare perk combo that its likely to be altered in the future.

10 Apr


Originally posted by Ireallytired93

Still nothing on if this works in pvp?

You can use Prismatic in pvp.

29 Mar


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Can you let this slide, just this one time?


We’ve got updates on the rollout for the BRAVE arsenal starting April 9, plus some important callouts to highlight just how much loot you’ll be swimming in during Destiny 2: Into the Light.

First up: we’ve seen the feedback on releasing an additional weapon each week after the first six drop on April 9, and we’re condensing the schedule to release everything by April 30th, rather than May 21st. We still think it's important to have fresh rewards to look forward to in the first few weeks, and we want to pack the first half of Destiny 2: Into the Light before we introduce more playable content in the second half.

Let’s talk about guaranteed limited-edition variants and weapon drop rates. By completing Arcite’s quests, you are guaranteed to get a curated limited-edition variant of each weapon. The team has intentionally picked some hot perk combos for these, and they all come with unique shiny visuals.

So even if you don't have a lot of free time, you’ll be abl...

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