

12 Jun


Something I added in a reply to someone: Ion weaponry is very effective against their shields. I highly recommend it.


Originally posted by Doomslayeer


Can you give a rough estimate on file size for JFO? Are we talking in the range of 50 to 100 gb?

Way too early to tell. Sorry!

11 Jun


Talked with Guillaume about this the other day. It's something we're looking at, but nothing to confirm at this time.


Please report this to EA Help if you haven't already. I'm sorry that this happened to you.


Originally posted by rhythmjones

He means the release of Extraction.

Correct. I meant the release of the mode.


Originally posted by ProbablyFear

the reason player counts are low in extraction is because THERE ARE 2 MAPS!!!!!!

That's definitely part of it. Part of it (which isn't captured above) is that the population for that mode has never been very high, even at release. It spiked and then dropped fast since most people wanted to play HvV and GA (and now CS). Halo 3 saw the same issue when they started adding a whole bunch of modes and Halo: Reach addressed it by putting said modes into a single playlist. We're currently discussing things like that. Just adding stuff to it won't bolster the player-base enough.

10 Jun


Originally posted by TPJchief87

I don’t see this one, is the link below where I should go? I know gamers can be difficult and Star Wars fans can be difficult so I don’t envy you but I appreciate you handling this task.


Gameplay Overview, not Media.


Originally posted by brooksmc5

Will it still one-hit kill if the Star Card increasing damage is equipped?

The balancing is to his base damage, so Star Cards are unaffected.


Originally posted by brooksmc5

Wait so u/F8RGE or u/EA_Charlemagne, does this mean that Heroic Might won't one shot troopers anymore?



Originally posted by arczclan

Any word on if Droidekas can be ragdolled with Force Powers? Push/Pull/Retribution etc?

They're pretty tanky, so it's more so a stagger. We're looking at how different units can interact with and be affected by the battlefront in different ways.


Wyyyshock spiders is its real name. Someone let Wookieepedia know.


Fun fact: What you saw at EA PLAY was what Andrew Wilson got his hands on with and what he talked about several months ago (though he got to play more than what you saw).


When it comes to livestreams, it's fairly common to take things a lot slower so that it's easier to watch on the initial viewing, in part to make it more cinematic and in another part to allow people who are watching live to follow easily. The same developer played in the above clips as in the livestream.


The ability is known as Force Slow. It's not the same as Force Freeze but it is similar. Consider it the light side version, if you will.


Originally posted by Clone12319

u/F8RGE u/EA_Charlemagne pls let the the armour look more like its not used for the first time it needs more scratches like in the movies

If I recall correctly, the version in-game is actually accurate to the overall legion while the image shown above was for a specific group within the legion.

09 Jun


Check our website where these videos are hosted.


Originally posted by capturedacommandpost

They should've used this guy instead of their "expert player" to play the game lmao.

It’s the same person.

08 Jun


Originally posted by Colonel_Chestbridge1

Was the crashed speeder tease on purpose?

Nope. It was not a fun day/week/month.

07 Jun


When they showed me this for the first time, I just stared at it for a while. Not sure why, but this piece (artist here) helped make it feel real.


I could have sworn the second one was Droidekas. Oh, that means it must have been—