

07 Jun


Originally posted by IZated_IZ

/u/EA_Charlemagne A couple months ago you seemed certain these rolly boys would never make it in with all the complications surrounding their development, I'm kind of curious what changed behind the scenes since then to make this possible? A ton of hard work? New Mechanics? Etc.

Anyway, this is pretty epic. Thanks guys, can't wait to play as them!

It was definitely hard work, but we knew they were coming back then. We just had to keep that to ourselves until they were ready to be shown since we don't like to over-hype expectations. The dedication of the people who worked on the Droideka can't be understated. I'm excited to see them rolling around the battlefront!


Originally posted by nwb04296

Thanks. Investigating this.

06 Jun


Our live customer support at help.ea.com should be able to resolve this for you.

05 Jun


Originally posted by Effects123

imagine working for EA what an embarrassment

You had the chance to say “EmbArrassment” and you completely missed it. Disappointing.


Originally posted by TsunGeneralGrievous

Oh, cool! I got to go to eat at the one in the Burnaby Office in Canada years ago. That was amazing.

That’s one of the EAT ones!

04 Jun


Originally posted by TsunGeneralGrievous

I thought the “EA” was just so you can make the pun EAt for the in-house cafeteria

With the fall of the pizza guy, I don't see how that's possible...he shall never be forgotten, though.


Originally posted by CadburyChocolateEggs

Ect Awhen ?

This. This sound accurate. Familiar, too. Not sure why.


Yes. The "EA" in my username stands for...not Electronic Arts.


Honestly, I thought the two of you were escorting Luke to be executed via the open shafts or something, like walking the plank. He accepted his death and wanted to go out with some dignity.


"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the F—...oh."


Originally posted by ryansg8

Can you at least comment about protections against hackers? I know it's been a problem since launch on this game, went away for awhile, but recently on PC I've been seeing more aimbotters recently.

Nothing I can commit to right now, but we’re talking. Trust me, we hate it when people ruin our games for others.

03 Jun


Originally posted by DarkLord84

Pity this post has been removed even though you guys appreciate me bringing this to your attention.

The mods made the right call. It's the same reason why we don't comment on this stuff too much. It leads to witchhunts and worse. Better to handle these things privately.


Originally posted by RonenSalathe

Hey I really hope the way that these trolls are talking to you doesn’t impact how you work on these issues.

It doesn't. The team gets the feedback, never the negative attitudes. Though that's for me to take, I call it out when it goes too far. We should all hold each other to a higher standard.


Originally posted by Emanu3000

Lmao, Battlefield 1 everybody? They did this too and it's from the same devs.

So, the logical assumption is that it's clearly more complicated than it seems if the same people have shown they can do it elsewhere.


Originally posted by HowdyFeller23

I mean, you could also just say 'No we're not doing anything about this'

That would be lying.


Originally posted by HowdyFeller23

I feel like that's up to debate.

u/ea_charlemagne anything to say about this? These type of posts should receive dev responses.

There are multiple different asks about this sort of thing, so there's no one answer. Some people want a map/super high birds-eye view, some people want a nice scene, some people want a live look at the game, etc. So yeah, all of it is up for debate, per se, haha. Nothing else I can really say though since I don't want players to mistake it for a commitment. We're aware players want something like this, but we don't have any plans to share.


Originally posted by peepeeguy25

whatever it takes for devs to actually acknowledge this :)

We rarely comment on these matters due to legal reasons, as we've said many, many times. You being downright rude in several comments you've made to me is not appropriate. I brought this up to our team directly during the weekend.


Thanks! I've brought this directly to our security team over the weekend when it was flagged to me. I won't be able to provide updates beyond that, though.


Originally posted by peepeeguy25

Stop being a jerk. I'm trying to be helpful and you're just being condescending. That doesn't make anything better. I'm talking to the team about this right now.