

14 Jun


Originally posted by [deleted]


That’s literally the reason. Fallen Order isn’t the only title affected. We discovered the discount linking could be used by anyone if it was exposed by someone who knew how to find the link (since Origin also has a website). We’re working to change how the system works.


Originally posted by RonenSalathe

You know what’s unfair? Offering a 10% discount for Fallen Order on consoles and not pc.

And by this logic why work on fixing Aim Drift? Only part of the community is affected so it doesn’t matter I guess.

Edit: downvotes? How would you like it if pc and Xbox got a 10% sale for Fallen Order but ps4 didn’t? How would you feel if they decided not to work on aim drift since it only affects Xbox?

We want to, but we discovered an exploit on PC for it. It won’t be resolved by the time of release, though.

13 Jun


Important to remember that games of the past didn't have motion capture, face scanning, or anywhere near the fidelity of modern gaming. Before, it was just blocky characters getting chopped up. Now, it's practically actual people.

Artistically, it's also not something seen often in Star Wars battles. When Jedi/lightsaber wielders fight, it's often just deep cuts, as seen in Order 66, TCW, Rebels, Battlefront, the comics, and other scenes/mediums. It's usually only used as an intense moment, like when Ben beheaded the Praetorian Guard or when Dooku cut off Anakin's arm. It rarely if ever happens in regular fighting against troopers (not including droids). Even Darth Vader didn't cut up body parts while fighting through the Tantiv IV at the end of Rogue One. It only really happened in a handful of EU/Legends video games.


Originally posted by twarner23

would it help if I got out and pushed?


Originally posted by [deleted]


No, I'm saying that using official logos on user-generated content is very misleading and, if anything, makes it more likely the creator won't get credited for their art. It would be like making your own video game and then putting the DICE logo at the startup. DICE didn't make that so you shouldn't attribute credit to them for your work. I get it looks cool and official when you do that, but it's misleading. You're reading into what I'm saying very wrongly.

In short, putting official watermarks for three companies on UGC is misleading.


Originally posted by twarner23

THIS one goes there, THAT one goes there! Got it?!

I'll relay that to the engineers/software developers who've been working on this. Hopefully, that's exactly what they needed to know to fix it.


Originally posted by [deleted]


I'm asking them not to watermark this to look like it's something official produced by EA/DICE/Lucasfilm. I never insulted the art.


Originally posted by Hobbes8080

We’re investigating this

Hey, us, too!


PS4 online services seem to be recovering.


Great shot, (kid. Don't get c*cky), but please avoid using our official watermarks. I don't want people to think these are official screenshots and I don't want our legal team to get nervous over players making fake official images. You deserve credit for your work, not us, after all.


Originally posted by DarthGrievous

Is it possible to add things only to PC or vice-versa? Or have it to be toggleable?

From a technical standpoint, yes, but I'm not sure we'd want to add something just to PC. That's unfair to console players and it also means less than a third of our player-base (not even counting those who have lower settings on PC) would be able to enjoy it, so it wouldn't be the best use of dev time. We'd rather make things everyone can enjoy when possible.


Originally posted by bocaj93

u/F8RGE and u/EA_Charlemagne I know there's a lot in the works for BFII at the moment, but I think this would be a quality effects update that will add so much to the feel and immersion of the game. Could this be something worth discussing with the team?

I can certainly bring it up. As I'm sure most know, there are these effects in BII, just at a reduced rate or tied to specific abilities. Part of it is that adding additional VFX makes the game more intensive on hardware, but I'm not the right person to say whether or not it's feasible while maintaining good performance.


Stig and the team have said a couple of times during their interviews that it's not a short game. Ultimately, it's still in development so it's hard to put a number to it at this time.

On top of that, though, it's a Star Wars game, so it's pretty packed with lore and details that many are going to spend a lot of time checking out, discovering, and learning about, making it even harder to know how long an average playthrough is at this point (though, it's not necessarily a bad thing to have a lot to do and discover, haha).

For now, we're not going to share estimates on length, but know we're dedicated to providing you with something high-quality that's worth every dollar and hour you spend. Your time and money are valuable and something we respect. We have no desire to waste either.

12 Jun


Originally posted by Lilfire242

No I love this game, if I had to play any game for eternity it would be this.

Haha, don't worry. "I'm seriously not serious."


Originally posted by Lilfire242

Nah, they might realize and feel like shit after.

Wait, so you didn't uninstall? Banning you.


Originally posted by rhythmjones


So, it's effective against the armor, not just the shield?

It's very effective against their shields, to be clear, but I believe it also bypasses their shields to some degree and deals damage to them.


Originally posted by Egyptianballa

I want it and I want it now



Originally posted by HowdyFeller23

What's the HP on their shield? This is pretty important to know.

Also will they be available in modes like blast/strike.

To my knowledge, they'll be available in any mode that has reinforcements. As for their shield strength, I'm not sure. I think it's still being finalized.


Originally posted by Goku_black95

Cant use ion shot as lando. These droidekas will easily destroy blaster heroes smh. Also will saber users be able to strike them while the shield is up or no

Lightsabers will be able to go through the shields since we found they were too strong without that. Blaster Heroes can shoot from afar, but at the same time, I think it's good to have units that counter other units well, including countering heroes.