

21 Oct


Originally posted by Risin

Why were loyalists removed? 

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The Undead Loyalists were part of the Imperial Uprising event. It's likely the mechanic will make a return at some point. For more information on the end of the event, check out the wrap-up post here:

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LE_Steam_EventHeader_ImperialUprising-WrapUp1920×622 93.7 KB

Victory Travelers!

Thirty-one days after the Immortal Emperor let loose his loyalists legions into the world, the uprising has successfully been quelled. With a total of 760,523,009 skeletons slain, the Immortal Emperor has realized their grave error and been forced to pull his forces back to standard deployments. To reward your efforts in stopping this uprising, Yulia has managed to acquire a special item from the Emperor’s personal stash for you, which you will be able to claim from the in-game MTX shop (at no charge) to add to your cosmetic inventory.

This marks the end of the Immortal Uprising Event. We hope everyone enjoyed all t...

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20 Oct

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you very much for putting together these great clips! Pathing issues like these need to be addressed on a case by case basis, so having videos of where exactly it’s happening is perfect. I’ve passed this along to the team for these areas to be addressed.

08 Oct


Hello Travelers,

We are currently planning some server maintenance taking place Tomorrow, 10/9/2024 at 9:00 CT (14:00 UTC) . During this time, we will be making a number of backend service changes as part of our ongoing efforts to improve transition times and overall online performance. We do not anticipate any disruption in game services. However, if at any point you notice a change or disruption in the ability to play, please let us know immediately.

Thank you all, and we will see you in Eterra!

External link →

21 Sep


Originally posted by werdna76

now I'm getting a new error - ghost images of my shards, etc., are sticking aorund in inventory after I mass move them to crafting stash... only after the update

We have just released a small hotfix reverting the stash tab optimization changes from due to inventory graphical issues. We will continue investigating this to get a new fix out as soon as possible.


We just released a new hotfix to resolve this issue. We will be continuing to investigate stash optimization to get a new fix out ASAP.

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

We just released a new hotfix which reverts the change which was causing these graphical artifacts. We will be continuing to investigate stash optimization to get a new fix out ASAP.

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct


  • Reworked the Isle of Storms quest, to avoid a possible progression block. The entire collect the Moon Fragments step has been removed, along with the two altars. The portal to Lagon’s Temple now appears right after speaking with Liath in the Moonlit Shrine.
  • Your efforts to unburden all the Loot Lizards of Eterra have been paying off! Many of the Loot Lizards are now safely back at home having been freed of their burdens. In response, the factions employing them are becoming more wary of sending their Lizards into the world.
    • Blue and White Loot Lizards now start spawning in area level 12 and above. This prevents players finding Idols before having any Idol slots unlocked in normal gameplay scenarios
    • Loot Lizards spawn less freq...
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20 Sep

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Are you using something like a Chronostasis that’s consuming ward on a melee skill use (and grabbing a melee ability shrine)?


We're currently working on getting a hotfix out ASAP for this issue.


Originally posted by AlexZohanLevin

But why?

Using character name instead of account name display in-game means it's much more confusing to figure out who is who in general chat, or grouping with people. Particularly for players that jump characters a lot, or don't use uniform character naming like "EHG_Kain_ShieldBash". There's certainly arguments to be made for both sides, but we decided to use account names as the representing name to make for more consistent social experiences with other players, and get to know other players.


Originally posted by AlexZohanLevin

But when you are in game it displays the account name over your character instead the characters name

That's correct, yes.


Character names are displayed on leaderboards, but primarily so you can keep track of characters. If you're like myself, and have > 100 characters combined offline and online, having names allows some way to track what character is what. IE. my character is "HAVEYOUSEENMYSHIELD" - so when I see it in the character list down the road, I go "oh, that's my shield bash character."


This is a known bug. You can however open the forge anywhere by using the forge hotkey (default 'F'). The physical forges in the world are primarily just as part of world building.


So the idea here would be to dump into a tab before looking over the gear to decide if you actually want to stash it properly if I understand correctly.

I've passed along the feedback to the team!


Originally posted by warmachine237

Some times your companions get random names. Summoned carb just seems like a typo though.

Dunno about that - it looks pretty tasty