

17 Jan

03 Jan

29 Dec

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please remember to remain civil in conversations.

We certainly understand the frustration of having to wait so long for an update - it is too long of a period since the last major release, and not what we were originally aiming for. However, for the future of Last Epoch, we felt taking the time now to directly address areas of feedback, and catching up on bugs and issues would help create a better path forward. We are actively expanding our team adding more members, adding both manpower to get more work done, as well as add more specialized roles for better organization and efficiency of task completion. We’re working faster, and completing more than ever before - though It’s 100% understandable that it doesn’t yet look that way. It’s not fun waiting now, but it’s for the goal of making things more fun later.

09 Dec

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

I can neither confirm nor deny any changes to arena echoes at this time.


Originally posted by Rain1058

In this vein, I don't see the original 1.2 stuff. Like the new endgame primal hunt, primordial uniques, or the ancient era story chapter.

Any update on those?

Those features will be coming in later Seasons, as we decided to prioritize the Woven Echoes system to better address endgame feedback than the Primal Hunt system. While I can't talk details about Primal Hunts, under their current design, they didn't add as much endgame depth as Woven Echoes do.


Originally posted by Aggravating-Dot132

April 2025. Oh well, 5 months to go.

And was hoping for shaman rework :(

The Sentinel rework started with the rework to Volatile Reversal. This skill was in a fairly unhealthy gamespace, as due to the power it provided it felt "mandatory" on pretty much every build. In addition to that, the mechanics of how the skill worked by moving the player back in time was generally an undesired side-effect of using the skill for its buffing power. So it was both a mandatory skill to use, and an unfun skill to use. Because of this, we've been planning and in the background working on Volatile Reversal for some time.

However, because Volatile Reversal offered so much global power, in reworking Volatile Reversal we needed to address the rest of the class to give power back where it was now missing. So we have also taken this opportunity to provide a bit more to Sentinel with these changes in skill nodes, many passive nodes, and some new interactions such as Forge Guard now being able to wield both a two-handed weapon, and a shield.

For Shaman specific...

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Originally posted by Slotega

I have enjoyed Last Epoch and got more than my money's worth, but... what is the point of roadmaps and dates if they constantly keep changing? Cycle 2 Dec.... then February. Now April? I appreciate the hard work and improvements, but it is hard to get excited about the future of LE when it is in flux so much and you never really know what content is coming.

What happened to the primal stuff? The next chapter? Is that all delayed now?

Back in our 1.2 timeline update post ( we talked about how we were changing our plans for Season 2 content (previously labeled "1.2") in order to directly address feedback, specifically regarding endgame.

We felt our previous plans for 1.2 would not be sufficient to satisfy the main topics of feedback, so we re-prioritized which features would come sooner in order to specifically targe...

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    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello Travelers,

Today, we’re sharing our updated Roadmap, letting you take your first look at what’s coming for Last Epoch, including what big features to look forward to in Season 2. Let’s look at what’s on the board with an updated Roadmap graphic before jumping into more information about Season 2.

1.2+_ContentPreview1920×1080 259 KB

As mentioned in our last update concerning the Season 2 timeline (previously referred to as “Patch 1.2” - ...

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02 Dec

30 Nov

29 Nov

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

We received a message from the future through the Epoch that you needed an awesome pie recipe. Who are we to deny the will of the Epoch?

The reason for the rework is ...

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08 Nov

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

As long as it’s not attempting to circumvent rules by simply swapping names and discussing real politics, yes that’s fine. #MinimusIsTheOneTrueLeader

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’m not sure why a thread about how discussing real world politics is against the rules devolved into directly talking about real world politics, but here we are. I’m going to be cleaning up this thread from posts which violate the Code of Conduct.

Please note that discussion of Real World Politics, Religion, and Ideology is against the rules. This isn’t pushing any agenda, as no real world politics are allowed, no matter which side, idea, country, or other is being promoted. Last Epoch is not an appropriate platform for these discussions. People play games to escape the real world and have fun, and that’s what we want to keep the space as. For more information, check out the Code of Conduct, and ...

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31 Oct

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dungeon keys can only drop after the point in the campaign at which they exit. This allows subsequent characters to utilize them as campaign skips, while preventing first playthroughs from being RNG in if you get a campaign skip or not. While T1 Lightless Arbor starts at level “22”, it’s not a particularly easy task at that level. This is as it’s intended to be for more experienced players that have already beaten the game once to utilize as a skip (though we have been discussing the exact difficulty balance of this).

Each dungeon also has multiple tiers, scaling all the way to endgame. In the case of Lightless Arbor, once you complete the campaign, it automatically unlocks a higher level T2 version of the dungeon that will be closer to your level.

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’ll pass this along to the lore team. While unrelated to lore text, I just wanted to also mention that if you right click on a key, it will open your map and center on the area for where it’s used.

I also want to note for this discussion that the “Alternate Path” is not describing a different physical approach to the dungeon, but rather that going through Dungeons is an alternative campaign path, as they start in one area, and exit in another, several chapters later.


Originally posted by Jtmoor

Anyone have an idea what this refers to?

“And now for an Osprix eye view of things happening in Eterra. Over in the Felled woods, our weather team has noticed an anomaly involving thick fog and an ethereal floor causing a bit of a stir. Traveler’s are encouraged to… Wait… I’m getting word that the fog is clearing and the ground has returned to its original solid state. Well Traveler, feel free to explore to your heart’s content. We apologize for the false alarm. On to more pressing news.”

This is referring to a bug that appeared for a short time in which Felled Wood was missing textures, looking almost like a heavy fog. This resulted in a "nameless king" joke (which was hotfixed)-

21 Oct


Originally posted by StudentOfMind

So let me ask this since I'm still vaguely confused. PoE has league content, core game content updates and balance passes. Everything gets captured in a patch. League content is specific to the league, but core game content and balance passes impact both the league and standard play.

In that context, what would a "cycle" be considered and what would a "Season" be considered? Would "Patch" be retired?

"Cycle" is the game mode. When we use the term "Cycle", we're specifically referring to the fresh start environment.

"Season" is the event of releasing a major content addition to the game, as well as the duration for which that specific new content is the latest major content, before the next Major Content patch is released.

"Patch" is the set of file changes, or changelog being released to the game. In reference to a Season, this would be a Major Content Patch. In addition to Major Content Patches, there are also regular patches (the ones we release weekly following the start of a Season), and Hotfix patches.


Originally posted by TheGingr

Do we have any timeline for season 2 starting?

Season 2 is slated for Q1 2025