

20 Sep


Character names are displayed on leaderboards, but primarily so you can keep track of characters. If you're like myself, and have > 100 characters combined offline and online, having names allows some way to track what character is what. IE. my character is "HAVEYOUSEENMYSHIELD" - so when I see it in the character list down the road, I go "oh, that's my shield bash character."


This is a known bug. You can however open the forge anywhere by using the forge hotkey (default 'F'). The physical forges in the world are primarily just as part of world building.


So the idea here would be to dump into a tab before looking over the gear to decide if you actually want to stash it properly if I understand correctly.

I've passed along the feedback to the team!


Originally posted by warmachine237

Some times your companions get random names. Summoned carb just seems like a typo though.

Dunno about that - it looks pretty tasty


with 1.1.7, The quest was changed to have three parts:

  1. Visit the shrine in the center
  2. Collect the east and west fragments
  3. Return to the center, and activate the Pearl Altar

You no longer return the fragments to their individual altars. We have heard and are investigating reports that the quest may encounter an issue if you collect fragments before visiting the center shrine to obtain the quest to collect the fragments.

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Not in this hotfix, but the team is working on it to get a fix in ASAP.

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Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a display bug where passives were displaying incorrectly

Originally posted by Mr_W_Buffalo

Hey big dog, I like this game a lot and you all tend to do a good job of communicating with the community, but this change absolutely was not "previously added" to your patch notes for 1.1.7. Checking the web archive (linked here) you updated the notes and added a "Steamdeck and Linux" heading to include it, presumably sometime today after players starting asking about it.

I don't necessarily think its omission from the notes initially was malicious, but why say they were there when they weren't?

I apologize for any confusion. When I said "added to notes", I meant added in post (after patch notes went live). I didn't mean to imply they were always there. There was certainly no malintent or desire to hide this change, as we do believe it's a positive change. Not only for Steamdeck, but makes Linux in general a much more consistent experience vs. the differences of 80+ different distributions of Linux that all handle a 'native' client differently. We added it to the patch notes, and created a section to call it out better in the patch notes as soon as it was noticed that the note was missed.

19 Sep


Originally posted by the_truth15

Is this going to be fixed soon ?

We have a hotfix in the works


With implementing better support for Steamdeck, we are no longer building a Linux client, and instead using Proton. Proton offers a much better experience for Steamdeck, and consistency across Linux platforms. This change also allows Steamdeck players to automatically launch with Proton, which is the preferred compatibility layer. Linux is still supported through Proton, and this was previously added to our patch notes for 1.1.7.

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We are currently investigating reports of passive trees displaying incorrectly and have a fix in the works. The passive trees do appear to be working correctly to 1.1 balance changes, and is just a display issue.

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Patch 1.1.7 - The Imperial Uprising Event is now live!

Hello Travelers,

Fight against the Immortal Empire over this month-long event with bonuses to Reputation and Favor gain, as well as increased Gold and Random Unique Item drops. This event also introduces Stash Tab Priority, Loot Lizards, and 28 new Shrines!

A few reminders:

  1. Patch notes for 1.1.7 :

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17 Sep


Originally posted by _Repeats_

They really hyped up the Steam Deck improvements... Wow, that was next to nothing, not to mention that the memory fix improves ALL systems, not just SD. There are so many problems with environment affects that I get slide show performance (literally <5 fps). How did they think this would be enough for getting Verified???

Also, this is a MAJOR change, not just a bug fix:

Fixed mod rounding being biased against the extremities of a range.

Many of the Steamdeck improvements were in adding support for UI scaling. As this is a signifigant feature which is also applicable to non-steamdeck users, we decided to put it under its own section in the patch notes.

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

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The Imperial Uprising Event Launches 2024-09-19T16:00:00Z

It’s Patch Notes Day!

The Imperial Uprising begins in just two days and runs from 2024-09-19T16:00:00Z through to 2024-10-20T07:00:00Z. This event introduces Loyalist Undead, Loot Lizards, the Stash Tab Priority system, Bazaar improvements, UI Scaling, and more. We’re excited to kick off this event with you in just a couple of days, and share with you today the patch notes for this event patch.

As previously announced, and con...

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13 Sep


Originally posted by poet3322

Okay so people can keep playing in the restarted cycle after the event ends? Is that correct?

That is correct, yes.


Originally posted by Shmooperdorf

As someone who chose that I feel my characters are useless once they go to legacy, I think a cool option would be to let us "prestige" our characters. When a new cycle starts let me choose an existing legacy character I would keep the same name and options i.e hardcore or softcore, cof or mg. But I would be level 1 again but maybe I get a cosmetic for prestiging. Or maybe we get to skip the campaign for using a prestige character and start at level 50. Idk what exactly but I think this is a fun baseline to think about for our legacy characters to have use in cycles.

An interesting idea for sure. I've passed this along to our design team to mull over, thank you!


Originally posted by Tartos56

Thnaks for these updates !

Stash tab priority looks good, can we have more infos on exalted items ?

  • Can we set rules on affix level ?
  • Can we add rules likes 2 or more affixes >= lvl 6 ?

Also, do you plan to add an option to delete characters after end cycle merge for thoose who never play legacy ?

Can we set rules on affix level ?

Not currently. We had discussed adding affix filtering capabilities to the Stash Priority system, but currently it's a lot of extra load for it, which we expected to result in slow item depositing into the stash.

Also, do you plan to add an option to delete characters after end cycle merge for thoose who never play legacy ?

You can delete a character at any point. We don't currently have any plans to have a "delete all legacy characters" button.


Originally posted by poet3322

So my question is, if this event lasts until October 20, and 1.2 doesn't come out until Q1 2025, what happens after this event is over?

Once the event ends, The Event Modifiers will be gone, as well as the Loyalist Undead packs. The Shrines, Loot Lizards, Stash Priority System, and other improvements will still be in place for the remainder of 1.1


Originally posted by Emajenus

Dungeon rework when?

With the event patch, we're removing some of the blockers, as well as reducing the level sizes. We also have some bigger improvements in the works coming in 1.2 for Dungeons.


Originally posted by Chrozzinho

Looks good overall, however one small thing I don't like is being able to list from the stash. I actually enjoy going to the Bazaar but I'm sure thats pretty unpopular

You still need to visit the Bazaar, but you can open your stash within the Bazaar stall to list from your stash.