

13 Sep

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello Travelers!

With the Imperial forces gaining strength and ready to begin their siege of Eterra on September 19th, we’ve been preparing several buffs to help you Travelers rebuke them.

LE_Steam_EventHeader_ImperialUprising-Modifiers (1)1920×622 130 KB

Event Modifiers

Throughout the event from September 19th, to October 20th, you’ll receive greater rewards to help get into the refreshed Cycle, or continue gaining strength on your already legendary characters. T...

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11 Sep

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Unfortunately harassment in DM’s is one of the most common, and worst places for harassment. We’ve had this discussion around “conversations between friends”, but that’s where individuals typically try to go for some of the most vitriolic comments. In offering online communication, we have an obligation to do what we can to try to protect our players from online harassment and bullying, and DM’s are the worst place for this.

The chat system should not be this slow, and it sounds like this may actually be a network communication issue rather than the filter. Regarding blocked messages, the chat system is based on the language you’re set to. So if you’re set to English in the client, it’s going to read the message as English. This is one of the limitations we’re currently working on.

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

We absolutely want this, but it’s been a lot more complicated than it seems on the surface. In order to do this, there needs to be additional back and forth communication within the chat system, and those small calls really add up quite fast. This is something we are still looking at methods of doing, and we have a bunch of other backend improvements well underway. Moderation, and chat services don’t often make for popular conversation topics, but it’s something we have internally been quite active about.

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

It’s possible we may have already seen it, and resolved the cause. We do try to keep a close eye on feedback regarding the rules, and regularly make adjustments to the system. If you encounter anything getting blocked that you don’t understand why, please do continue to report it to us so we can take a look at it.

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

I just checked these blocked statements against our system, and it doesn’t appear to have any issue with them. I also don’t see these messages in your recent history. Do you recall when this was?

10 Sep


Originally posted by StudentOfMind

If 1.2 is still 3 months off (edit: and that's being generous. It's more like 4 months until January 2025 and they're saying Q1 instead of January for a reason, its most likely 5+ months before content updates) I think they need to beef up the cycle refresh and have what is essentially a 1.15 instead. What they have listed as part of the event is not nearly enough to entice me to come back for it. 

I agree with the other post that the poll doesn't have enough options. If it were an option I'd have voted for a postponement of the cycle refresh to October (and hey that's thematic, undead in october) so that they can focus on packing it with as much content possible. The game is in desperate need of content so I'd be focusing on putting in as much small but meaningful content as possible if I were them. This game won't survive such long patch cycles.

As mentioned in the poll, a later Cycle Refresh is not something we can do due to how much the code changes internally for the 1.2 features. This is the only window during the 1.1 Cycle for a Cycle Refresh.


Originally posted by walkman312

They continue to do this and it drives me insane.

Make a decision, get community feedback, open a poll, and change course.

If they’re going to follow what the community wants, then just open the poll before making the decision. Goddamn.

Our efforts are to adapt to community response. We were confident in this being a good window to do a Cycle Refresh (as outlined in the poll). However after the announcement we saw a lot of discourse being against it occurring. Rather than hearing, and not doing anything, we seek to have an open discussion with the community and do what we can to gauge that feedback. Listening without being willing to adapt often doesn't really feel like listening at all.

Anything changing at this point is completely dependent on the feedback we get. If there is a strong overall response against the Cycle Refresh, then we will adapt to that feedback.

Our community is the most important thing for us, and so if the community thinks we're taking the wrong direction, we want to hear that, and work with our community to keep making Last Epoch the best it can be for everyone.

05 Sep

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug which could cause Fire Aura to stop dealing damage
  • Fixed an issue where targeting for skills were broken for gamepad

31 Jul

25 Jul

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

I should probably fix that.

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

:metal: unce unce unce unce :metal:

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello Travelers!

In patch 1.1.2 we introduced a fix which corrected an issue where conditional damage bonuses were applying incorrectly. This fix had some unintended consequences, which heavily impacted specific builds in ways players could not have anticipated. To correct this, we’re buffing these skills or effects to restore the power they had before this fix.

Normally we only provide advanced notice for nerfs to overperforming skills, however we understand these nerfs have been a bit of a pain point for many players, and so wanted to let you know - buffs are coming. We are currently planning for these changes to go out in next week’s planned patch (1.1.4), and are including the changes below for early review.

Upcoming ...

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    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct



Froststeel Nemesis

  • Reduced the area of the Orbiting Cold DoT ability.


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23 Jul

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

If you have other Steam programs running, such as Yolomouse, it can prevent other updates from occurring. This may be a potential cause of not receiving the update.

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Bug Fixes

  • Fixed several sources of desync issues and disconnects

21 Jul

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Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Seed of Ekkidrasi’s “Endurance applies to Mana” effect using uncapped endurance. This fixes the player becoming immortal with 100% endurance and 100% of damage dealt to mana.

18 Jul

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello Travelers,

We are aware of a current service outage and are working with our service providers to restore service as soon as possible. We will be back to update within the next hour and apologize for this interruption.

Latest Update

Update 2024-07-19T04:59:00Z

We are starting to re-open servers. Please be aware there may be some initial turbulence as the gates open and more servers start to become available. Thank you very much for your patience through this outage, and we will be continuing to monitor stability as players populate the servers.

Previous Updates


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16 Jul

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct



  • Added controller integration for Dungeon Door Panels and Boss Fight Confirmation Windows
  • “B” or “Start” on Controller will now close the Nemesis panel

Visuals & UI

  • Updated graphics for “Void Cultist” enemies
  • Added Backer Reward painting to Arena Lobby
  • Adde...
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