EVE Online

EVE Online

10 Jan

21 Dec

Celebrated capsuleers,
A new year is almost upon us, and what a year 2023 has been for EVE Online! The 20th year of New Eden was filled with excitement and chaos, with pilots pulling off heists, joining pirate factions, and filling the cluster with life and death.

“Wow, what a year! A fitting one for the 20th Anniversary, with two incredible expansions in Viridian and Havoc, a record breaking Fanfest, EVE Vanguard First Strike earlier this month, and whole lot more in between! I can say hand on heart that New Eden is full of life and vibrancy right now, evidenced both in higher concurrent capsuleers in space, but also in the unbelievable stories you continue to create. It’s incredibly exciting to again have boots on the ground in New Eden, and in the coming year, we will continue building on that core experience, creating an FPS experience with the community that we can all be proud of. We had ambitious goals for this year and we hope you agree we've delivered on a lo... Read more

12 Dec

Formidable capsuleers,
New Eden is in turmoil, thanks to Havoc being wrought by pirate insurgents and empire militia fighting to suppress corruption. A brand new update to EVE Online’s Havoc expansion only adds to the chaos by introducing an exciting Ice Refinery Heist activity and AIR Daily Goals.

NEW EDEN IS SHAPED ON THE FRONTLINES Recently, fearless mercenaries went boots-on-the-ground in the EVE Vanguard[vanguard.eveonline.com] First Strike event, which gave Omega players the opportunity to jump into the new multiplayer sandbox FPS module for EVE Online. As Vanguard, pl... Read more

07 Dec

Greetings, capsuleers!
Watch as Alton Haveri reports for the Scope on the latest developments from Pirate Insurgency zones, where the Guristas Pirates ambushed a task force including heavily modified Mordu’s Legion Bowhead freighters. With one of the freighters crash-landing on the planet of Hevrice III, it is rumored that the Deathless Circle have deployed experimental “Vanguard” clone troops to the planet to retrieve equipment valuable to their interests.

The Scope is the leading news agency in the world of EVE. Though based in the Gallente Federation, the company takes pride in its total independence and operates separate agencies throughout New Eden. The Scope swings slightly to the left, but it is conservative enough to be considered a reliable news agency even to the toughest businessmen and politicians.

06 Dec

05 Dec

Festive capsuleers,
Today marks the beginning of the Winter Nexus[www.eveonline.com], and what a party it will be! Multiple snowstorms have started to travel around New Eden, creating a winter wonderland filled with festive Yoiul challenges and sensational rewards. The event runs until 4 January, and it pays to get started right away, as there are amazing daily rewards to be claimed!

SNOWSTORMY FUN Head to the heart of the stormy systems to find stunning winter environments filled... Read more

30 Nov

28 Nov

Chilly capsuleers,
The Winter Nexus festival[www.eveonline.com] is coming on 5 December, bringing with it a cornucopia of gifts, games and glory. Multiple snowy metaliminal[wiki.eveuniversity.org] storms will travel around the cluster, turning New Eden into a winter wonderland filled with Yoiul challenges ... Read more

23 Nov


The latest episode of the Pulse comes to you from a hidden location, featuring the new Havoc expansion, EVE Vanguard First Strike, Winter Nexus, the Nullsec heist & more!

This week's episode contains details on the following:

00:00 - Intro
00:21 - Havoc: Pirate Insurgencies & Corp Projects
01:52 - Havoc: New fleet-oriented site
02:34 - EVE Vanguard First Strike & tech test
03:22 - SCC update on EverMark donations
03:40 - Athounon – Samanuni stargate
03:54 - Winter Nexus
04:40 - Luminaire snowball fight
04:55 - Nullsec heist
05:49 - New EVE launcher
06:06 - EVE Academy
06:26 - Havoc & Black Friday offers
07:09 - Outro

17 Nov

14 Nov

Chaotic capsuleers,
The gates to the recently discovered Zarzakh system are open to all who dare enter, and now is the time to venture forth and choose where your loyalties lie. Will you side with the Angel Cartel or Guristas pirate factions, becoming an insurgent, or do you intend to play the hero with empire militias?

EVE Online: Havoc is the second major expansion for EVE Online in 2023, and as of today, it opens up a wealth of choices, adventures, and combat options. It is a hazardous world, filled with ancient mysteries, and it gives pilots the opportunity to live a pirate’s life in New Eden. In addition to new ships, activities, and locations such as the visually stunning Jovian megastructure, “The Fulcrum”, capsuleers can expect great adventures as pirates attempt to corrupt systems, spurre... Read more