

21 Jul


Originally posted by RocketMooses

Very little about the API should change with the move to steam. However you will likely need to account for some changes from Armor 2.0, and Cross Save, depending on what you are trying to do. For the most up-to-date information, check out the Destiy API Github.

Indeed, from an API perspective not much of anything will change with Steam and the Blizzard-to-Steam Migration. I can't go into detail yet, but users of the API should indeed keep an eye on the Github for more information when we're able to share more.

The more concerning changes will be centered around Cross Save - reading this document should prepare you:


Shadowkeep changes like Armor 2.0 are also something I can't talk about in detail just yet, but suffice to say Sockets and Plugs are getting even mo...

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26 Jun


Originally posted by Zahand

You dropped a '

My injection attack failed!


Originally posted by spaced_bar

You guys work in SQL??

Indeed, a variety of tech! I don't know how much I can go into it, but indeed SQL is part of our decently diverse stack. There's a surprisingly large amount of infrastructure on the server side of the game and Bungie.net!


Originally posted by Andowsdan

And things like this is why we think you're awesome.



Originally posted by inspector_wombat

With my limited understanding, it sounds like a networking syntax joke.

Sort of! It's a SQL injection attack joke, stolen shamelessly from https://xkcd.com/327/


Originally posted by freshwordsalad

Damn, that's a f**king long time.

Little Bobby Tables gonna be putting in work.

Funny story, I convinced the last place I worked to name one of its conference rooms Little Bobby Tables.

I could not convince them to name it ); DROP TABLE ConferenceRooms; --

14 Jun


Originally posted by itsnotunusual_rk

Hey, thanks again for giving us an inside look! Looking forward to the future :)

No problem, I'm glad to when I can! I'm looking forward to it too - hopefully you all will enjoy it! (I think you will!)


Originally posted by itsnotunusual_rk

Hey /u/EdgarVerona Hope you are doing well. Has there been time for any development on picking up bounties via API? Cheers and thank you

Greetings! Unfortunately, I've had my hands full working on Cross Save! We haven't had much time to work on new features for the API, though I've been getting some help lately to at least keep the current features going.

Hopefully we'll be able to loop back and look at improving the API again once all of the quickly approaching deadlines are behind us!

21 May



(our bad, we're fixing this - it's just an error on the API/Companion's part)

17 Apr


Originally posted by Fright_chicken

Awesome! Thanks for all your work on this great game!

Thanks! Glad to be of help!


Looping back to this - turns out indeed that this is just an old test item that never ended up getting used. We'll pull it out the next time we release - it'll be a couple of weeks, but it should disappear by the end of the month!

13 Apr


Originally posted by floatingatoll

Let me know if you need a github issue, otherwise cheers :)

Yeah, go for it! Gives us a good place to relay info for future reference!


Originally posted by floatingatoll

/u/EdgarVerona This might be a classification error?

First I have heard of the item! I can ask around on Monday, but I'm about 80% sure this is just something that never actually became a real feature and was never removed.

04 Apr


Yes, check out https://github.com/Bungie-net/api/ for more information! You'll find that there's an ocean of both static information (which includes the images and "definitions" of items etc you are looking for) which you can grab either via downloading JSON files or grabbing our mobile SQLite databases, and live data that you can get by hitting our endpoints.

It's a bit of an involved process, but that's the best place to start up!

As far as what you're allowed to do with it, when you generate an API key for your application at:


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Do you get a two-factor auth prompt?

If so, this is an issue that we are currently attempting to resolve with Sony. As a workaround, if you have any other platform credential linked to the same bungie.net account, try logging in with that.

More info here, this is the best place to get updates about this particular issue:


03 Apr


We're currently looking into the 2 factor authorization issues - I apologize for the hassle! If you happen to have a different account linked to the same Bungie.net account (like a Blizzard or XBox account), you can use that as your login mechanism for the time being. If you don't have a second account linked, unfortunately we won't have a good workaround until we resolve this issue with Sony.

Keep an eye out at the following location in the meantime, once we resolve this issue we'll update there: h...

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13 Mar


Originally posted by Awsomonium

Thanks for the response mate. I love that you're always willing to talk to us about this stuff.

Just out of interest, what's the coolest new thing that your team is working on your allowed to talk about?

Thanks, I love chatting when I'm able to!

Unfortunately I don't know if anything we're working on at the moment is anything I'm allowed to talk about just yet, but hopefully soon! Since January my plate's been filled with non-API-related tasks (including the work we had to do to begin moving away some things that were being hosted by Activision). Life at home has been keeping me busy too: I got married at the end of January, and we just got back from our honeymoon a week or so ago!

My current work is... tangentially related to the API, or at least to the Bungie.net backend: but nothing that results in cool new user-facing features in the API unfortunately. But my hope is that I'll be able to loop back to it once all of this current work is done! The API's backlog of feature requests grows weekly, there's so much to do and so little time!

12 Mar


Originally posted by Awsomonium

It would only SHOW you YOURS, but it would be in the servers data, that it has to keep track of. Otherwise we'd be able to lose items when we're transferring. We can infer that it's NOT as simple as a simple tiny data file from the fact that they could implement mass shader deletion easily.

We also know that things like inventory size can have an effect on things from this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/awuxus/bungie_why_are_we_able_to_mass_delete_enhancement/ehpj5ib/?context=1000

Quote from DMG04: "If you dismantled a stack of 999, or if you and a few other people in the tower did at the same time, there would be potential for issues to arise."

On the server, on EACH tower instance, it'd have a temporary tracking profile for everyone in that tower instance. Under each profile it would hav...

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There's a lot in there that I don't actually know about being on the API side, so I don't have the expertise to talk about it (for example, what performance constraints exist when you're in the tower specifically).

I can say that, indeed, vault transfer and other features that you can get at from the API are essentially managed by their own logic on our servers, and can be accessed at any time (barring certain restrictions put in place intentionally to prevent potential harmful edge cases, like how some actions aren't allowed to be performed while in an activity). That divide is also why some actions are theoretically possible from the API where others aren't: it all depends on what types of servers performing what actions the API has access to.

For instance, you'll note that we can't return you an accurate statement for information like the current amount of ammunition you still have available: that's handled by a different set of infrastructure that the API can't...

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06 Mar


Originally posted by mabrown74

Congrats! And thanks for the fantastic work you guys are doing!

Thank you! <3

04 Mar


Originally posted by Awsomonium

Congratulations mate. :)

Thank you! <3