

21 Aug


Originally posted by dbz9

when you stop by a thread and you see "Bungie Replied x35" you KNOW dat boi /u/EdgarVerona is on the scene. you rock edgar.

Ha, thanks! Though I wish I could be of more help than just saying "we're investigating Steam issues" at the moment! Hopefully this should be resolved soon.


Originally posted by KinetiClutch

Anyone getting errors authenticating steam

Indeed, unfortunately we're experiencing issues when attempting to communicate with Steam's authentication servers at the moment. Hang tight, investigation is ongoing!


Originally posted by merkwerk

Hey so I was able to get through cross save authentication, but now when I try to log in on b.net I just keep getting servers not available (which clearly isn't the case)....wondering if something got messed up with my account with cross save?


Can you send me your bungie.net profile URL? I will pass this on to folks who can investigate on the game side.


Originally posted by omegasaga

No plug ins. Under settings cookies are allowed. My guess is that it is related to how the mobile app opens additional tabs and windows. But mobile web browsers aren't my area of expertise.

What mobile browser are you using?


Originally posted by polychlorinated

having the same issue

Oy, aye. Hang tight - investigation/talk with Steam is ongoing. Some are able to connect, but it is intermittent.


Originally posted by omegasaga

Just turned of the wifi and used mobile data and the same thing happened.

Hmm... do you happen to have anything that might be blocking or filtering out your cookies from being sent to us?


Originally posted by djthememelord

I'm getting the 500 error code whenever I try to link steam, PSN and Battle.net linked fine. Should I just wait for less traffic or do you have a solution?

We're investigating presently - we're having difficulty consistently connecting to Steam, folks are looking into it as we speak!


Originally posted by RoguexA

I haven't seen anyone mention that CLOUDFLARE was involved with the error messages, is this something that you were aware of?

Hmm, I've not heard about that one! Can you hit refresh and see if it continues to occur?


Originally posted by ShottyBiondi

I switched from work PC to my phone via network data and it worked the second time, unfortunately I'm just getting the 500 internal server error for Steam which I'm guessing is just the amount of traffic happening.

Yes, unfortunately we're currently experiencing issues being able to connect to Steam's auth servers. We're working on it presently!


Originally posted by omegasaga

Just turned of the wifi and used mobile data and the same thing happened.

Hmm, okay new potential questions - do you have anything like a plugin or router setting that might be clearing/blocking your cookies, or forcing cookies to not be honored in your browser?


Originally posted by HypersonicSmash

Can’t authenticate more than one platform at a time, anyone else having this problem?

We're investigating this - if you're on a network that might be quickly rotating your outgoing IP address, could you try performing the cross save on a different network (for instance, if you're on a work network, try using your phone and don't connect to wifi. If you're logged into some kind of proxy layer, log out of that before you try) Let me know if that helps. (doing that should also help with other issues you might regularly experience on Bungie.net, such as changes to your account not looking like they changed immediately)


Originally posted by Bladewar

Internal error when authenticating Steam account. I should have waited to link my Bnet to Steam.

We're tracking difficulties connecting to Steam right now. It looks like it's going through for some and failing to connect to Steam for others. Looking into it presently!


Originally posted by Lemonxisonfire

So I’m trying to authenticate my accounts but every time I try to authenticate steam after I authenticate blizzard, the authentication for blizzard disappears.

We're investigating this - if you're on a network that might be quickly rotating your outgoing IP address, could you try performing the cross save on a different network (for instance, if you're on a work network, try using your phone and don't connect to wifi. If you're logged into some kind of proxy layer, log out of that before you try) Let me know if that helps. (doing that should also help with other issues you might regularly experience on Bungie.net, such as changes to your account not looking like they changed immediately)


Originally posted by AscendantShard

I’m having an issue where when I try to authenticate my Steam account, it just keeps bringing me to an error page and I’m not sure what to do because it’s holding me back from cross-save

Yes, unfortunately we're tracking an issue where we can't communicate with Steam's authentication servers at the moment. We're investigating/hitting folks up now.


Originally posted by omegasaga

I am in a fixed location (at work) connected to wi-fi. Not an odd question at all. I appreciate y'all and am here to help!

It is possible that our mechanisms to track whether you've successfully authenticated with all your linked accounts isn't going to work through your network at work, depending on how they route traffic. I'm going to propose a longer term fix for that, but for now you may have to try it when you get on another network. It may be worth trying to disconnect from your work wi-fi as well and give it a shot there.

As a separate issue, we're having difficulty communicating with Steam for authentication at this time, which could cause other problems. We're investigating.


Originally posted by omegasaga

Now with crosssave on mobile I can only authenticate one account at a time and then my other authentications vanish.

Hmm, this is going to sound like a totally strange question but are you on the move while you are trying? Can you try connecting to a wifi network before you attempt?


Originally posted by Adrinalin90

Suspicious glances.

Just kidding, stuff happens, keep up the good work (and don't overdo it!).



Originally posted by omegasaga

I was having issues clicking "I agree" (it stayed grey) on mobile (chrome) but I just did it on a computer and it was fine. Figured youd want to know about that oddity.

Oh yeah, I think you happened to hit it while we briefly had everything but the actual ability to complete the process enabled. Try it now!

EDIT: Ah, you already did. sweet!


Originally posted by Hawkmoona_Matata

but I have no knowledge (positive or negative) about the future

So you’re telling me there’s a chance....

Oy, ha!


Originally posted by DeathstormDAG

Thank you for the answer i’m very grateful. Still very sad but very grateful. I know this is naïve of me to ask but what is stopping you guys technically from just putting the option in. Like not merging accounts but just allowing the dialogue itself to be an option you can enable? That is my last question.

I don't think I have permission to go into depth on this one, but there's definitely challenges unfortunately. But I did bubble up the fact that folks are requesting it!