I click review your setup and nothing happens it just brings me back the start the cross save process is this a problem on your side or mine? I also realised that I would like to link my battle.net account so that I can play over the next month I would have to rebuy but I dont mind of course but is it too late to link, I would need to make a battle.net account to play but I'm not sure that cross save is enabled or not.
Any help appreciated!
Is there any chance that you only linked a single non-Battle.net platform and a Steam platform together?
If so, there's a bug right now where if you only do [SINGLE NON-BATTLENET PLATFORM] + [STEAM] Cross Saving, the act of cross saving doesn't actually happen. In the worst case if that ends up being the actual setup you want, you may have to wait until Steam becomes a playable platform (when Steam goes live) before you can engage Cross Save.
But if you link Battle.net, then it should work fine! And it sounds like you do - and I would advise it, as your purchases for Battle.net specifically will transfer to the linked steam account as soon as Shadowkeep goes live! And it will let you engage with Cross Save right away!