

26 Apr


Originally posted by merraxes

So I just checked and they actually made a post detailing the changes. Health gained per infinity stone was nerfed for the chitauri team, but the damage done by iron man’s gauntlets was nerfed as well. Thor was buffed. I would link the post but I’m on mobile.

25 Apr


Originally posted by randomguy301048

it's sad because they won't look at the data after this day 1 "hotfix" either. since once the collect stone challenge is done the villians won't ever win

Actually, we monitor LTM data on a daily basis.


Originally posted by PlantPowerPhysicist

I guess they'll have pretty good statistics soon about how far from 50/50 the win rate is. They should probably listen to that even more than random people shouting on Twitter.

Yeah, last I checked Team Thanos was winning about 60% of matches, which is a little higher rate than what we want. Thus the latest hotfix.


Thanks for the input.

FYI, we are preparing a hotfix to buff Thor and nerf Iron Man & the Chitauri. The bad guy team is winning too often, Thor is underperforming by a bunch & Iron Man is a liiiiitle too easy to fly around and get free kills with. We should be pushing this fix pretty soon.

Mostly we are happy with the Day 1 performance, so I don't anticipate any major changes to the mode.

19 Apr


Originally posted by PrestoMovie

I’m a total bot who pretty much only plays Team Rumble now because I’m hopeless in any of the other modes. I’ve played over 800 games and this mode FINALLY got me my first Victory Umbrella(s)!

My hands were shaking.

This mode’s so much fun. This is exactly where the planes should stay, and I hope we see this mode often. Such a fun way to shake things up.

I love hearing stories like this, thanks :)


Originally posted by gameaddict12345

if the plane itself has an altitude limit, what's the purpose of the storm ceiling?

The purpose is to compact the game space over time, bringing the players together. It's also IMO more exciting to fight low to the ground due to the better sense of speed.


Originally posted by Thy_Meme_King

Yes, plus the arcade power ups type play style is so fun, they definitely need more fun Arcady modes

Glad you guys like it & thanks for the feedback!


Originally posted by Unicrash1

YES, I always get shot down in the endgame by my own teammates

That bug was fixed w/this morning's patch.

02 Apr


They drop fairly often in the Sniper Shootout mode.

29 Mar


This mode has extra llamas :)

28 Mar


Originally posted by [deleted]

Will the rotation between solos/duos/squads be every day? Also thank you for putting this LTM in. Really enjoying it so far.

Most days, not every ;). Check in at 9am EST

27 Mar


Originally posted by Cheez30

Can you guys at epic try making this ltm squads, duos, and solo at the same time is it not possible?

No, that many playlists would make matchmaking take longer than desired.


Originally posted by NYIJY22

Just updated my game, have the arena mode options but no option for floor is lava mode :/

Try either restarting the client or briefly readying up in another mode (which will check the servers for updates & give you the correct playlists).


Originally posted by Timren1

Any chance for it to be a large team mode? Would be epic with island warfare.

Maybe some day, but not in the works at this time.


We typically rotate LTMs at 9am EST.


We typically rotate LTM's at 9am EST - help spread the word! :)


We will be rotating this mode through solo/duos/squads. Squads will be up this weekend.


Originally posted by KelbySmith

That would be more than awesome! We definitely can't wait!

Sorry, I get a lot of messages, so it's tough having extended convos on reddit - hope you understand

25 Mar


Originally posted by claytonsnow

One Shot is my squad's fave mode, but when we logged on post content update it was duos, then next thing we knew it was gone and replaced Solid Gold Squads, so we missed it entirely. We were pretty bummed.

We will definitely be bringing it back around.