

12 Jun


Originally posted by OnlyThotsRibbit

Then how in the flip is the rocket launcher still in the game.

Rocket launcher has a better tell, moves slower, and thus can be fairly easily blocked by a single wall. Although we did lower the spawn rate for them by quite a bit a few weeks ago, as they are still very strong.


Originally posted by commonsensecoder

My first thought as well. The timing is really odd. It's not like this is a new issue.

Removing it has been on the to-do list for a while, but the LTM team has been busy cooking up other stuff, so we weren’t able to push the fix until today.

03 Jun


Originally posted by Tech_e_Coyote

Hey, kinda late here! Is there a hope that you'll bring the john wick skin in the shop back too if you plan on re-adding the Bounty LTM?

That would likely happen if we ran Wick's Bounty again, not sure it would if we just ran it as a standalone Bounty mode.

28 May


Originally posted by Jeff03blue_Instinct

Another one is the chest at the top of the selves in the north side of the Mall, right after going down the down ramp for trucks to unload, in Mega Mall.

When you build up to it, it gets destroyed.

If you send me a pic I can take a look, not sure exactly which one you mean.

25 May


Originally posted by AoSFan03

I understood that reference!

Edit: is that it?

Yes!! I knew I could count on you guys.

24 May


Originally posted by HybrydN

Thank u for ur work and have nice day )

Fixed the tent & Junk problems, and couldn't find any floating grass, so I think someone else already got that one. Fixes will be in 9.20. Thanks again.


Originally posted by TheShoobaLord

Holy crap! The god himself responded! That’s what I assumed was the answer, just didn’t want to sound dumb I guess..

There's only one God, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like me...

(there's only one correct answer to this comment, I'm counting on you guys)


Thanks for pointing those out, will take a look at fixing them tomorrow.


Originally posted by otterwolfy

I never said I don't want building in the game. Ground game has building and makes you have to plan your building more, and manage your mats differently, rather than building a sky scraper when you get shot at. I like this game and I enjoy playing it and will probably keep playing it regardless.

I don’t think we will bring back GG, it didn’t get much traction. But we have some other LTM ideas revolving around limited mat use that we’ll put out to see what you guys think in the next couple months.


Originally posted by TheShoobaLord

What do they mean by they would have to go through the hassle and change the names?

Sorry, was just making a dumb joke... they are “limited time” modes so if we kept them on they’d no longer be limited time and we’d have to call them something else. I was probably tired when I said that. Carry on...


Originally posted by cydon1999

Its my favorite game mode and epic has made a point of keeping a permanent respawn mode in the game for players who like them at most if not all times.

If 50v50 comes back you either add a permanent respawn to it or it goes into the other LTM slot and team tumble stays.

Team Rumble was created because 50v50 with respawning won’t run well mid to late game. It’s likely we will bring fifties around again from time to time, but the large team respawn modes are much more popular.

23 May


Originally posted by Suck_My_Turnip

That’s a very interesting reply. By performance expectations do you mean how well it ran on the system or how many people played it?

The latter - how much players play a mode is usually the best indicator of how fun a mode is :)


Originally posted by [deleted]


It really do


Look, I fight for truth, justice, and the American... hmm, well... not-floating chests, I guess.

22 May


Originally posted by Suck_My_Turnip

Epic for the love of god start having some sense to solo/duo/squad rotations. 14 hours of solos? What about people who were about to go to bed and now have work in the morning? It should be a full 24 hours. You're a world wide game.

We actually weren't planning on running the mode in solos, but when it beat performance expectations we realized Monday morning (our time) that we could afford to have that version of the mode on for the planned remainder of the event.

20 May


Originally posted by DarthFreakinRollins

Solos! Really?!

Crap, anybody know how long it's got left? It's 1am here and I won't be able to play until tomorrow afternoon.

Edit* got it first try bb

You have roughly 14 hours.

17 May


Originally posted by Harry_Flugelman

This totally happened to me yesterday. V annoying. Would love a response from epic. That umbrella should be mine!!

Are you sure you didn't get the umbrella? We are theorizing that this may only be a visual end screen bug, and that you actually were granted a win if this happened to you.


Originally posted by B4Nd1d0s

Will have the QA guys see if they can reproduce this. Please let me know if you guys are only seeing this when 1v1, or if it occurs in other situations as well.


Wow, that's a weird one. For those who have had this happen, was it always when you were 1v1 at the end of the match?