

11 Jul


Originally posted by ColumbusCityOfKings

Hopefully Teams of 12 & Teams of 20 get some love (I'd even take Final Fight), rather than just a bunch of 50v50 flavors.

They were significantly more fun than 50v50, and a single player/duo/squad could make a much bigger impact on the game. More strategic fights. Less hide and seek at the end, too.

We will do some of the other team sizes as well.


In an effort to provide more Limited Time Mode variety as well as to keep our legions of Team Rumble players happy, we have a bit of an announcement to make regarding our large-team LTMs.

Our new plan is to leave Team Rumble in as a default always on mode, continue rotating small team LTMs every two or three days, and to activate our various large team modes on Fri-Sun. First up for the large team rotation is 50v50, going live tomorrow.

If the playrates are solid enough for this playlist setup, we will continue this pattern for the foreseeable future. Let me know if you have any questions and I hope to see everyone on the battle bus!

External link →

09 Jul


Originally posted by JoshieYoshie

Aww. That’s a shame. I really liked Tag. But anyways, I cannot wait to see what you and the Team have planned for future LTM’s! 👍

Keep up with the great work.

Thanks for the kind words & thanks for playing the game!


Originally posted by TheMarioManiac

If I may ask back in season 5 wasn’t 50v50 very popular as it was run all the time? Why was the change to respawn modes needed?

It was popular before we started running respawn modes, the last couple times we ran it, it didn't do very well. But we will put it in the mix soon and see what happens!


Originally posted by JoshieYoshie

Hi Dusty. Hope you had a great Summer break! Will their be a chance that the Tag LTM would come back? I really LOVED playing it! 👍🙏

Glad you liked it! We still have to go through the numbers and see which modes were played enough to warrant bringing them back. I believe Tag was a little on the low end unfortunately, so not sure if it comes around again or not. :/

08 Jul


Originally posted by ferman731

Why are solo ltms rare. Even one got bugged and switched, so in all of the 14 days of summer event, we only got 1 solo ltm

We run them less often because they are played a lot less than duo & squad modes. In any given week, we try as much as possible to have something that appeals to as many of our players as possible, but it's hard to justify running Solo LTMs since people simply don't play them very much.


Originally posted by TheMarioManiac

May I ask why it wasn’t initially ran in the 14 days of summer even though it was meant to be? But thanks for finally listening to the fanbase who wants 50v50! :D

An LTM is never late... nor is it early. It arrives precisely when it means to!

Leaked info isn't always correct... we've been planning to bring the various big modes back into rotation, just hadn't quite settled internally when or how that would happen during our vacation. Due to the massive popularity of large team respawn modes, we decided to just let Rumble roll on throughout the 14 days and then figure out how and when to get 50s back in the game when our break was over.


Originally posted by Plugfix27

Thq so much!!!!

Any new changes to be made to the game mode? Like perhaps having reboot vans and stuff?

Not immediately, it will be the same as it was the last time we ran it for now.


Originally posted by Plugfix27

Any chance of having 50v50 anytime soon?

Yes, we are hoping to get it live pretty soon.

30 Jun

23 Jun


Originally posted by CommonTwist

Can we get these ltm's more often than once in 6 months? I mean Team Rumble is literally a permanent mode... but Wicks Bounty and Ground Game are also such great modes. A bit more variation would be cool



Originally posted by braiiiiiiins

Thanks for putting GG back into rotation, last night was a lot of fun :)

Yeah I had a blast playing it too. Hoping to be able to rotate it in more frequently, it did pretty well!


Originally posted by arrrrjt

So, how did it do? Our group was obsessed.

Pretty well actually, I think we can start rotating it in.

Did everyone like it as Duos? The thought process was we wanted to enable some social play but also that four players would be able to destroy builds super fast, so we thought we’d try Duos this time.

21 Jun


Originally posted by [deleted]


Sorry - first shot accuracy. Crouch & aim for a bit before firing each shot.


Originally posted by BearShots

you are a legend i love you dusty Devo is best epic employee

Have fun and don't stay up ALL night :)


Originally posted by Cheechers23

Will prop hunt be released as an LTM, similar to how Downtown drop was? To make it easier to find other people and get into bigger games?

We will probably bring the tech into an LTM using the big map, can't say when though. Next season, most likely.


Originally posted by Cheez30

I wish they reduced the bloom and stuff in this mode though so aim mattered more than spraying though.

Be sure to take advantage of FSA! It really helps in this mode.


We are going to be increasing the core LTM rotation variety starting today with Ground Game. We will still be running the favorites like Solid Gold (especially on weekends), but we intend to mix things up more going forward.


Also, good idea - will look into that before we run either of the sniper modes again.