We see this error usually when an Anti-Virus or Firewall is interfering!
We see this error usually when an Anti-Virus or Firewall is interfering!
Issues of this nature usually have a driver or hardware-related cause, please have a look at: https://support.fatshark.se/hc/en-us/articles/360038965013--PC-How-to-Resolve-PC-Crashes-Loss-of-Responsiveness-or-Blue-Screens-BSOD-
Added to our database. Thank you!
Just attempting to collect some more information for our developers. Could you let us know using the poll below if any of these options have helped in reducing or resolving your crashes?
0 voters
Are your audio channels set accordingly?: https://support.fatshark.se/hc/en-us/articles/360021425153--PC-How-to-Resolve-Audio-Issues
Is this still occurring for you? We were experiencing some disruption at the time.
Please include the crash report produced. Thank you!
It is odd that this would happen so long after an update. Has it occurred for you since?
I suspect there is some underlying hardware or driver-related issue. I recommend having a look here: https://support.fatshark.se/hc/en-us/articles/360038965013--PC-How-to-Resolve-PC-Crashes-Loss-of-Responsiveness-or-Blue-Screens-BSOD-
There should now be some improvement, our Backend Engineers believe they have addressed the issue.
Thank you for your report, we’re looking in to very similar issues.
Our developers have been working on it, but in the mean time you should be able to play in premades of 4.
It would be appreciated if you could include some more information - console logs, Steam URLs, etc. please!
I’ve raised your issue to our database. Thank you for your report!
We’ve asked Easy Anti-Cheat to include Darktide, perhaps in the mean time you could select Vermintide 2. They should still be able to help regardless of the product selected.
We’re looking in to similar issues - I’ll add your report to our database.
Please include the console log from the associated session. Thank you!
It would be helpful to know some more information about your PC, any crash reports, console logs, anything of that nature!
Thank you for your report. The crash you’ve experienced is in our database!
Thank you for reporting this to us - we’re looking in to very similar issues.