Thank you for your report - we’re looking in to it.
Thank you for your report - we’re looking in to it.
Sorry about this. I can see the crash you’re experiencing is in our database and pending investigation.
I’ve sent this over to development. Thank you for your report.
As we release a new patch, you may observe the The strike team you are trying to join is running another version of the game.
error even if you have the latest patch installed.
Even if only one member of the Strike Team is running an outdated version, the error will be shown to everybody . We are working on this.
Existing reports may be merged here, to help us keep track of the issues being reported.
Our Backend Engineer is looking in to this.
I’ve raised this to our database. Thank you for your report!
This is a Steam hiccup. You might want to check out: How to Fix the Steam Disk Write Error
I’ve added this to our database. Could you also provide a console log, please?
I’ve added this to the database. Thank you!
We’re looking in to this. Thank you for your report!
This is on our radar. Thank you!
Sorry I have absolutely no idea at this point
Thank you for your detailed report, I’ve added this to our database!
Does anybody happen to know if they’re running IPv4 or IPv6?
Hmmm! Are you able to PM me a copy of the “problematic” DLL?
I’ve passed this on to our developers. Keep us posted!
Could everybody share the name of their ISP and the country they’re playing from, please?
I understand this has worked well for some of you. Keen to hear if this resolves anybody else’s issues.
Who has been able to solve this by changing or lowering their ‘Video’ options OR lowering their ‘Worker Thread’ count within the launcher’s ‘Settings’ menu?
Looking in to this! Thank you for the information.