

09 Feb


As noted once before, we do have plans to include a score board down the line that puts more focus on cooperative stats than promote tunnel vision plays, putting a focus on cooperative play than personal glory. Whether or not we present personal glory to individuals isn’t entirely defined but we’ve seen the feedback throughout the varying threads on this matter over the past months so we’ll see what comes of it.

I am going to lock this up though as it’s framed in a manner that’s prone to incite one camp versus the other and we’re all honestly getting a little exhausted from the volume of infighting going on in the boards.

08 Feb



You should now have an option to change theme to the light one. Note, it may not contain all the features of the Dark Mode as it isn’t actively developed as there was little demand for it.

06 Feb


I’ve removed the madness interwoven in the thread, now please keep this on topic or it’ll be either locked up (sadge) or off topic posters given a time out.




No one in this thread is multiboxing accounts to report (it’s super easy for us to see).

If multiple people are reporting posts, then look at the posts. Not those reporting them :slight_smile:

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Anything that isn’t on topic of ‘what is depth’ is off topic.

Anything that’s just combative is inappropriate.

Anything unrelated to anything is spam.

Please stay on topic. It’s an interesting discussion being mired by folks fighting each other.

27 Jan


The hotfix has gone out on Microsoft Store now.


OP can DM either myself, Aqshy or Catfish with details so we can look in to it, as can anyone who has issues with any action taken against them. We’ve overturned discord bans so I’m not saying the mods get it right every time, but more often than not (almost entirely in fact) they remove people who just flagrantly make the Discord a much worse place for the majority of decent people.

26 Jan


Hey :slight_smile: You definitely agreed to an EULA if you played before. This EULA is word for word the same but with additional line breaks.


Yep sorry for the wobble there. Should be solved now


Can we please receive an official communication on why GamePass for PC users were left hung out to dry with pushing today’s hotfix through to your servers without time for it to clear MS certification?

This is solved and microsoft players can login now.

25 Jan


We appreciate that everyone has an opinion (differing in some cases, and of varying degrees of strength) on the communication that went out last night, we’d ask that folks rein in the hostilities against each other and avoid the PvP. Thank you :two_hearts:

23 Jan


As noted elsewhere we’ll have word out to you soon. In the mean time regular moderation activities will continue.


You were suspended for reporting a moderation comment as spam or off topic, nothing more nor less. You can see throughout the forums we do not take action against critics or negative commentary though. That said, creating burner accounts to bypass account sanctions is a gross violation of the forum guidelines.

DMd you earlier :slight_smile:...

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Cut out a bunch of derailing/off topic stuff, thread remains open.

16 Jan


This thread has run it’s course. Lock applied.

13 Jan


Looking in to what happened as I wasn’t involved in this situation, there is a fair bit more to it than this, but I don’t fancy airing this laundry in the open unless you want that to happen. Happy to take this up in DM though.

06 Jan


Thread reopened for now.

05 Jan