

27 Feb


Originally posted by Glory_To_Atom


This is another bug with the third rail

Was mostly absent last week due to being sick so catching up on stuff now. Can pass this along and see what can be done.


Originally posted by Riki4646

Was mostly absent last week due to being sick so catching up on stuff now. Can pass this along and see what can be done.

15 Feb


Originally posted by Bee10301

since they got tagged, I uploaded my test replay video.
I moved the angle so you can see the red line is still blocked by traps and do 0 damage.

Thanks for the video, these are always helpful.

14 Feb


This is just a visual issue, the button selection resets after reopening the game mode. What setting you've selected should be recognized still.

13 Feb

02 Feb


thanks for posting this and having a video attached, its extremely helpful! Im sending this to folks now.

01 Feb


They definitely knocked out a large majority of these issues but obviously its possible that a few instances would remain. If and when this happens again, you can send a bug report then DM me your username/ID. i can send it along to make sure we continue to look at any lingering terrain issues in the Autumn Foothills biome.

31 Jan


Originally posted by Struckxd

u/FreightTrainUSA just in case you haven’t seen this yet

Is this still happening with the patch today?


Originally posted by Papilla64

Hello. This video was taken in the br lobby seconds after exiting Save the world, which was also having extreme stuttering. I tried reporting things in the game before but i can't text anything, it only lets me take a screenshot.

The screenshot being taken is normal as it tries to capture your screen for the dev team. Dont worry so much about that, the report itself + your user name is enough to find it.


Are you getting this 1fps in the lobby? Is it also in the BR lobby? We're looking into perf issues while in game. Can you put in a bug report in the game menu and send me a DM with your user name?


Passed this along to the face lift team :)


Since you're on PC if you can send over your logs via a discord message ( reddit doesnt allow sending files) I can put your logs into the current bug report the devs are working off of.


Ok, so it should be this link with a v


Originally posted by doct0rdo0m

Link is deleted or suspended.

The link typically takes a short amount of time to connect to the site once the patch notes have been published. But the shortlink does work.

26 Jan


Technically..... Fortnite does have a train 👋

24 Jan


Are you playing on PC? If so you can follow these instructions and send your game logs over via Discord DMs to FreightTrain#6330 If you're in the FN server you'll be able to message directly, other was send a friend request with a note you're providing game logs.

23 Jan


Seen a lot of comments on this post from over the weekend and just wanted to follow up with the obvious response in potentially buffing Anti-Air to help. This is something i'll bring up and see what happens.

Beyond that i'd direct folks to the last comment i made in regards to feedback and such here\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Originally posted by Glory_To_Atom

Epic is aware of the problem, it is tad bit complex to fix.

u/FreightTrainUSA, Me and a friend of mine did identify some of the causes:

  • Getting close to a radar can cause the performance issues to happen

  • Getting close to the frisbee launcher can cause a lot of performance issues.

  • Getting close to a survivor can cause even worse performance issues. Especially noticeable in Rescue The Survivors mission.

  • Getting close to an orb, a storm chest or any other encounter type can cause the FPS drops.

  • Elemental husks spawning from patrols and during defense in any defense-type mission can cause FPS drops.

TL;DR: Basically it's general UI causing such problems.

I can pass this info along and see if it helps ID the cause.


Originally posted by NovaTheLoneHunter

Important note. Report Performance turns off when the following occurs:

  • When the player is in the Save the World lobby and turns it on. It'll turn off when loading into a mission.
  • When the player is in a mission and turns it on. It'll turn off after the mission and the player returns to the Save the World lobby.

It does not stay on in my experience on PS4.

As a work around you can attempt to turn in on while in the game itself vs in the front end or the lobby.