

10 Mar


Thanks for reporting, what platform did this happen on? Has this only happened one time so far or more? If it happens again can you go into the game menu, submit a bug report and then let me know. Or if you're on PC you can send me your game log files in a message via Discord.


Thanks for reporting, saw your comment that you're on xbox. Has this only happened one time so far or more? If it happens again can you go into the game menu, submit a bug report and then let me know. I can see your user name in the video so no need to worry about that.


Hey GammaHax, see your comment about you being on PS4. Is this happening often or just only this one time?

The next time it happens can you submit a bug report in game and then send me a DM with your user name so our QA team can take a look at your report to see what happened.


This will be announced when the patch notes go live most likely Tuesday the 13th. But here is what the post will say.

Battle Pass XP Update

With the laucnh of Chapter 4 Season 2 we’ll be updating Battle Pass XP to the following:

Quest XP has been reduced slightly. Mission XP (and the daily cap) have been increased.
The combined XP rate will be similar.

XP for Wargames Dailies was changed so that only the first daily quest you do rewards XP.

06 Mar


Originally posted by pinkdecorations

Do I just find you on the fortnite official discord and then send you a message with those logs?

Yep! Its FreightTrain #6330

04 Mar


Originally posted by Riki4646

I think it accidentally went to everyone instead

It was my misunderstanding on it, its also for some matchmaking issues. So long as you logged in, you should be granted this reward.

03 Mar


This is for PC players that logged in when the crashes were taking place.

02 Mar


If you're playing on PC and having these issues you can send me a message on Discord with your logs. Instructions for that can be found here: Where can I find the Fortnite game logs?

If you're on console, once the issues happens, take a quick moment and go into the settings and send a report and DM your user name so our team can find the report. You can DM me your user name here on reddit, thats fine.


Beyond stutters, what specific issues are you running into? For the stutters, what platform are you playing on? We're looking into some Xbox console issues right now,


How often are you getting the same choices? Is it always the Keymaster or are other augments doing the same?


Originally posted by BiscuitBarrel179

Okay, just off the top of my head. Tropical biome has issues with objectives spawning in the terrain. Autumn Foothills biome has issues with objectives spawning in tbe terrain. Canny Valley endurance spawns are broken on wave 9. Numerous locations in all storm shields where you should be able to build but cannot place builds. In Stonewood, Plankerton and Canny Valley endurance there are numerous cross spawns. Players are able to rush SSD's in Plankerton and Canny Valley and skip all of the story in those zones. Players under PL122 are able to access the Myrhic Storm King level as long as they have completed all of their storm shield defenses in Twine Peaks. Numerous duplication glitches are still in the game. Game crashing issues endurance in all zones. Survivors bonuses except for trap durability not applying correctly.

These are just the tip of the iceberg, they have been mentioned countless times on this sub reddit over an extremely long period of time and to ...

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Do you have any videos with some of the locations that these objectives are spawning in terrian in these zones? Without any specifics, this is something that will be difficult to pin down.

01 Mar


Originally posted by BiscuitBarrel179

Okay, just off the top of my head. Tropical biome has issues with objectives spawning in the terrain. Autumn Foothills biome has issues with objectives spawning in tbe terrain. Canny Valley endurance spawns are broken on wave 9. Numerous locations in all storm shields where you should be able to build but cannot place builds. In Stonewood, Plankerton and Canny Valley endurance there are numerous cross spawns. Players are able to rush SSD's in Plankerton and Canny Valley and skip all of the story in those zones. Players under PL122 are able to access the Myrhic Storm King level as long as they have completed all of their storm shield defenses in Twine Peaks. Numerous duplication glitches are still in the game. Game crashing issues endurance in all zones. Survivors bonuses except for trap durability not applying correctly.

These are just the tip of the iceberg, they have been mentioned countless times on this sub reddit over an extremely long period of time and to ...

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again, i said for some reason could be considered new. Its possible even if they are posted but maybe I havent been tagged in it or reddit just has it on its 3rd page that it may have never been reported.

I cant speak for previous folks who worked on STW in regards to gathering bug reports and sending them over but i can only speak for me. If im tagged and see something they are getting put forward to our QA and getting looked at. Does that mean fixed? It just depends, some issues get backlogged pending on game impact and such.

Something like the terrian issue im going to double check on as that feels pretty high impact.


Originally posted by BiscuitBarrel179

Is there any possibility, no matter how small that possibility is on news about the extremely long standing and extremely well known bugs? Like even a we arent going to bother fixing them so now they are gameplay features.

You'd have to inform me of what bugs specifically you're speaking about. I dont know what "long-standing" or " "extremely well known" bugs or issues you mean.

What you might consider long standing might be something back logged for some reason or extremely well known might be new due to a lack of reports to our QA team.


Originally posted by Struckxd

u/FreightTrainUSA This issue still remains after today's update.

While we want to make performance mode the best looking that it can be, there are some expecations that not everything will look the same. Some aspects in performance mode are reasonable fixes others are not.

I can bring this up as a bug but i want to set the expectation that this might not get resolved at all or is put into a backlog for some time well down the line.

28 Feb


Originally posted by i_was_dartacus

u/FreightTrainUsa - sorry to ping but this has been reported widely here and on Discord, seems to be a fairly serious crashing issue with the latest update.


Thanks for bringing this up. Seems like this fix/feature didnt actually make it into the v23.50 update as was expected. I'll look to amend that patch notes when i can and hopefully this will be included in the next update.

27 Feb


Originally posted by Glory_To_Atom

So what is your opinion regarding the current community issues? It's mostly players abusing the private match system to carry low leveled players into high end of the game. Not to mention how ventures makes people unlock every evolution levels from there instead of playing normal quests. Further worsening the game's progression. What's also annoying is the PL160 challenge is too much effort for so little reward.

One more thing, Magyst before he left said you guys will rework the report system. When will that actually happen?

Cant really speak to the main question. For the report system i can see what happened.


If you can send me a DM with your Epic user name/ID that would be helpful for the team to continue to look into this.


Originally posted by RIP_STW

I still regularly do PWO missions in Stonewood, Plankerton, Canny, and early Twine, and while you can find muppets in all areas of the game, my experience in public lobbies in high Twine is the worst. Way too much of the playerbase there are useless. (And that is the area of the game where it actually matters to have useful teammates)

Last night, for instance, I did the 160 four atlas mission for the survivor. At the end of the mission me and two others had building scores in the range of 3-5k. The fourth player? Well he literally had a building score of zero. 😑

The one glimmer of hope is the 160 RTS mission where you can easily get away without building anything other than walls and roof around the objective, so it doesn’t matter so much in that mission if teammates don’t help build.

My theory is that a key reason public lobbies in the 140/160 zones are so bad is because a lot of the good players really do just play solo or play on private with friends. I p...

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I can provide the feedback given here but i cant really speak on any plans at this time.


Originally posted by RIP_STW

There are a few areas (including two tunnels) in the Canny stormshield with the same problem. The weird thing is that about two years ago they fixed a third tunnel in Canny that had this problem, but didn’t fix the other problem areas.

u/freighttrainusa any chance the devs could go through the Plankerton and Canny SSD maps and fix the areas where it doesn’t let you place structures?

Also, melee heavy attacks have been bugged for months.

Was mostly absent last week due to being sick so catching up on stuff now. Can pass this along and see what can be done.