I think we included that info in the latest Steam post, but yes - new music is in there - price goes up a bit after launch.
I think we included that info in the latest Steam post, but yes - new music is in there - price goes up a bit after launch.
And to think they're gonna be releasing the game in less than 2 weeks in this utterly unplayable state. C'mon GSG.
Sorry, can hear you over the sound of my yacht speeding to my tropical Island!
This was not staged at all, wdym?
2 years happy with burning bugs left and right.
Found the driller.
Sorry to bother on this old topic, but I saw u speaking about a golden pickaxe in some other comment. Will that item be awarded to People that got the supporters edition before Full release, and it won't be obtainable anymore after full release, or is it just generally added to the supporters edition?
Generally added. Supporters edition isn't restricted like that. It's only the event hats that's being made available up until launch for everyone who's been joining us during early access. It's a thank you (also, the old system required you to buy it for each dwarf in the shop - now you claim all when you log in - some people missed them because of this).
Just waiting for 1.0 with the 2 year birthdayhat.
You need to grab it now. It’s too late at 1.0.
I totally missed the joke, I'm sorry. I take back what I said.
Thanks for the clarification and forwarding this issue. Rock and Stone!
It was my bad, really. Posting a half-assed joke close to midnight could only go wrong. :D
Not much actual content in the release? Excluding DLC you gotta pay for
Plenty of stuff, but on the small side. Last stretch before launching 1.0 has a lot of work focused on clearing the backlog of non-critical bugs and adjusting + correcting the current systems.
We’ll have more new content in the first big update after 1.0.
If that spelling error pisses you off, then you won’t like to know about the one that’s been in the space rig for who knows how long.
There's a couple more too. I really need access to fix these.
Edit: It was a joke and I missed it. I'm sorry.
Post on Reddit less
Good to see you guys are open to feedback.... With all the respect, but what kind of developer response is this? This post is a legit complaint, and you doesn't even seem to care a little bit.
When you chop up what I said and take it out of context like that, you kinda ruin the joke. I get that it wasn't obvious that I was kidding, which I should have emphasized. My bad. I've clarified elsewhere, that I've forwarded the issue to the designers.
Anyone joining us before 1.0 is a dwarf of outstanding character!
I feel like a old man whenever I remember before the abyss bar came out. How long hss it been
What year is this?!
You saw my memes Jacob, you know they suck
Okay, 9 was bad. I liked 8.. and 6.
Mining more isn't even the issue especially since i have been mining in this game for over 800 hours. It's the fact that you can't gather enough resources from level 1 to level 25 to promote. So then you have to end up playing with level 25 dwarves, wasting XP, just grinding for minerals just so you can keep leveling.
I was joking, sorry. It wasn't obvious. :D
I'm leveling my dwarf without any dev shenanigans, and getting closer to gold, it's getting costly. I've forwarded the request to the designers.
Is that the community trailer winner? Or have you not announced the winner yet?
No, this is just something we used for the announcement of leaving Early Access. We'll announce the winner of the competition around launch and are doing a countdown of the top 15 trailers submitted starting tomorrow. (or today, since it's past midnight)
Lol first time seeing a dev comment being downvoted. Yeah I guess we should just mine 8-10k minerals and who knows how many credits, ridiculous.
I shouldn't joke this close to midnight. :D I've forwarded it to the designers. You can save your downvotes for them.
Mine more, post on Reddit less.
Edit: If it's not clear, I'm kidding and I've raised the concerns with the designers.Now get back to work, Miners.
I'm more angry at that spelling error, tbh
Mine more, post on Reddit less.
Edit: If it's not clear, I'm kidding and I've raised the concerns with the designers.
Now get back to work, Miners.
Trailer is great but did anyone else notice the steam popup in the corner at 3:03? Might want to fix that bit.
We left it in intentionally, so we seem more like humans and less like robots.
Hey, that’s my birthday. FOR KARRRLL!
It's our birthday now.