

10 Jun


Originally posted by TRJ-AUDIO

Hi. TRJ Audio here, the guy who this thread is about. All I can say is WOW!!!! I'm completely floored by all the comments here, on YT and on steam. Seriously, THANK YOU guys and gals. Really. From the bottom of my heart. I have been super lucky to be a part of the DRG adventure.Thanks for being awesome everyone.
If you want to follow my future adventures, you can always check my YT channel now and then ( Also I am currently working on music ( I do all the composing) and sound design for an upcoming game "Void Crew". I will also be working on different projects in the future.

Thanks again poeple. YOU ARE AWESOME!!!





Originally posted by TheeLinker

What it is is that the pod that brings you has the fuel to go half the trip with Molly and your four fat asses, and then only enough left to do the return half of the trip empty.

The pod that brings you back has the fuel to bring your four fat asses and a stocked Molly back only because it did the first half of the trip empty.

Management doesn't want to stuff more fuel on the first pod (so it could do both halves of the trip full of dwarves) just because maybe you'll do some weird-ass thing where you refuse to leave the pod and make Bosco get all the eggs.

☝️This dwarf mines.


Originally posted by Vinccool96

/u/GSG_Jacob opinion? Should the first drop pod be a the extraction pod if it’s still there?

Nope, it doesn’t have the fuel to haul your four fat asses + Minerals back into space.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Do you play with sound effects off too?


Originally posted by TheOfficialRamZ who is going to be the new Sound Designer?

Not me.


Originally posted by CaptainQuickDicken

Wait what's happening someone plz explain

Read the blog.

09 Jun


Originally posted by _Surge

i thought the music was made by someone else? a nephew of one of the employees or something?

Troels produced the sh*t out of those already great tracks. Check his YouTube channel TRJ Audio for a breakdown of the process.


Originally posted by Beachbum118

No sir can you tell me what happened please?

No ಠ_ಠ


Originally posted by Beachbum118

Who and what happened?

Have you read the blog?


Originally posted by RizzMustbolt

This is like the fifth Coffee Stain studios departure this month...

I wonder what's in the works...

We’re not Coffee Stain, though.


Originally posted by Goodmainman

I didn’t hear about this, what happened?

Have you read the blog?


We’d love it if you’d leave a comment below telling us about your favorite sound bite from DRG. We’ll force Troels to read them all.

Edit: If you want to know more about how he produced the sh*t out of the great tunes our composer came up with, go visit his Youtube Channel.

Edit 2: Reply from the man himself.

07 Jun


This is definitely in the top 10 of the craziest things I’ve seen in my years at Ghost Ship Games.


Thanks for usernames, OP! It’s been a rough week and I needed someone to take it out on.

Just kidding

06 Jun


Pinned this, because Rock & Stone.

Also because we're getting a lot of posts related to this.


Locking this until I get time to weed out the transphobes.

05 Jun


Originally posted by cowrangler

So since this guy wrote four paragraphs with links to back him up you'd look like a fool to delete his comment so you don't. I wish I could see the other guys comment you did delete. It seems like you ought to delete this one according to the logic you used for your earlier 'moderation'. I get it though, every petty manager has to exert their petty power somehow or else they'd feel useless.

Since I didn’t delete it, I guess you’re extra wrong. 😘

Also, he had some good points, why would I delete that?


Originally posted by Mrguy377

Yeah…except there was no new patch that added this, it was already in the game a week ago.

Calm down people. He’s actually right. The original screenshot with the red cross is from the Experimental version, while OP’s screenshot is from the live version where it’s been fixed for while.