

29 Jun


Originally posted by Falikosek

Yeah, a lot of content feels literally balanced around dwarves having dash, because it basically requires you to have dash, since otherwise you're physically unable to dodge certain attacks. The only other option is hiding behind cover, but that requires: a) having a nice cave layout, which is extremely rare; b) having a driller, which isn't always available; c) having a lot of nitra for resupplies and hiding behind them. With that last option you also kind of expect the enemy not to rapidly approach you around that cover, so it's a bit less viable on Haz5.

I don’t think I’ve ever used Dash more than once in 2000 hours of playtime.


Originally posted by DankBear32

it is true that you give a birthday hat in game for ours birthday
or my friend tell me a lie again

We do it for our birthday.


Originally posted by 1ThePilot

Jacob what are you doing here man get back to work

I’m on Dad Leave, you’re not my mom.

26 Jun


Originally posted by sSorne_

You cannot lie to us Jacob

I’m not. I’m saying that the video wasn’t from the New Year event.

22 Jun


Originally posted by amedeus

Me: "Thank god season 4 is coming out. I'm so sick of doing lithophage outbreak spikes."

Season 4:

The spike walks now? :)

21 Jun


I’ve contactee them, and they want me to send side-by-side screenshots of the copyright infingement. So basically I have to send them two of the same screenshot saying “this is ours, and this is the same ours that they’re using.” It’s pretty dumb.

20 Jun


Originally posted by JaymesMarkham2nd

It's the top link in old.reddit sidebar. In caps. With arrows pointing at it.



Originally posted by Hivemind_soup

Linky pls

Should be in the sidebar. Not sure about old Reddit tho.


Originally posted by MattBrixx




Originally posted by wraithkt

I don't suppose you're still talking to Mood all the time are you? We're now 40 days on from their last update, and there's still been no word at all to UK backers. The comments section on Kickstarter is beginning to fill with resentment and Mood are no where to be seen.

There have been hints that people who pre-ordered after the Kickstarter have received their copies as a trial to see if that would avoid extra taxes being added, but that's only come to light on Reddit.

It would just be nice to have an idea of what is going on.

We’re in contact with them regularly, but consider that more a reassurance that they haven’t taken the money and fled with it. I’m not a part of that loop. It’s true that some games have finally been shipped as a test run, so hopefully that’s be resolved soon. It sucks that it’s hit every possible bump on the Road to delivery :(

18 Jun


Originally posted by wafflezcol

Actually it loads a whole different cave. All the minerals are fake and placed elsewhere. The other players cannot see or mine it, and whatever you mine is fake.

You can’t see what they mine, nor can you get any.

(I had footage a while ago but deleted it since I reported it, but I don’t think jts been patched)

Yes, and no. It’s happened before, and is an issue between the host and one or more clients (or at least it used to be) where the Minerals spawn differently on a client, but doesn’t register as being collected as that’s presumably registered on the host. When we’ve had it while player on stream, it’s usually a client that can’t mine - I don’t see why a host shouldn’t ve able to, so if that is the case, something is even more wrong. We’ve registered it in cases where the system clocks are not running the same time which I assume our procedural generation is using as a seed.


Originally posted by Philslaya

He asked us, "Be you angels?"

And we said "Nay! We are but Dwarfs, rock!"



Originally posted by op89x

Not just latejoin. I was host and had this issue multiple missions.

That sounds weird. The host shouldn’t suffer from this.