

30 May


Just to be clear, the old paint job is moving to the performance pass replacing 100 Umanite, so sorry if you needed that.

There is no “old framework” to add - the framework in the reworked DLC is the same framework but with a bit more spice to it. We also realized that the old video sort of misrepresented the framework as the cool details were facing downwards. (For the record; Paint jobs are colour schemes while frameworks are the look/theme of the weapon.)


Originally posted by Chamben1

This is great news!!

My question is though, was anything removed from the Performance Pass to make room for the old skins?

100 Umanite.


Originally posted by Nazarick1337

Very great news, but now I have a question about the next performance pass. As they're adding the original to it, will the original be put there instead of frameworks they had prepared for this season? Will we get double the amount of frameworks in this season? Will they use the frameworks meant for season pass later? (I know we didn't see season pass tree yet, but with two weeks before start of season, I think it's safe to assume they had most of the frameworks and skins ready)

I’ll double check, but I believe it’s next season pass as in Season 5.

Edit: It’s in Season 4. It won’t be in the cosmetic tree, but will be one of the performance pass levels - it replaced 100 Umanite.

29 May


Heya! I think Ser Pounce summed it up pretty well, but just to address some of your points; We sort of are capitalizing on our growing fanbase, just not in a predatory way. The game is selling well and so is our cosmetic DLCs and being a small team that’s all we really need to be a success - and I believe part of that success is steering clear of those monetary models. So, the thing about more money allowing us to hire more devs is a double edged sword. Adding more people does not equal more content. We are adding new people at a pace that we are comfortable with, but keep in mind that more people also requires more management, and that is also a balance act. We’re also currently situated in a office that is almost at capacity. We’d like to expand the team further, but we also need more space, and we want that space to be proper and a setup we can use for a long time even with growth.


Originally posted by crisplinethebumer

It's mod ?

It’s a preview of Season 4.


Originally posted by Sneaky-77

Hello I am jacobs alt account and this idea is very rock and stone or something

No you’re not ಠ_ಠ


Originally posted by InterestingCreme9264

Dude, I can replicate it daily... unbelievable...

That’s not really helpful. We need to be able to replicate it to fix it, and we can’t replicate it because we do not have the info necessary to track down the bug.

28 May


Originally posted by NEVIS-

will there be more info soon?

About what?

27 May


Originally posted by InterestingCreme9264

Fix the disconnect issues u/GSG_Jacob Season 4 is almost here and you cant sort this thing out, got to the pinned steam post by Amanda, 19 pages and counting and you keep ignoring the problem.

The post is there because we're not ignoring the problem. The issue is that it's an issue only very few have, so it might not be related to the game itself. We can't possibly know what the issue is until we're able to replicate it, which is why the thread exists. It might be some obscure combination of drivers, internet provider, or something similar, so we need all the info we can get to solve the issue. It is being brought up internally all the time, but we can't fix it until we know how and why it happens.


Originally posted by iron_infidel123

How about you work on Rockcocks update

No, I don't think I will.

26 May


Originally posted by Video_Mode

Be funny if HQ said that the foam we were using was apparently food for the Rock Pox and made it worse.

“You made the rock pox worse!”

“… worse… or better?”

25 May


Originally posted by Effendoor

Anyone know when season 4 drops specifically? My wife just made a comment today about really liking some of the cosmetics from season 3 So I need to determine how much blitzing we're going to have to do

June 15 on Steam, and Xbox, Windows, and PlayStation on June 22.


Originally posted by DoukyBooty

Will we ever get new beer and effects? It's fun doing different combinations.

What do you see above?


Originally posted by BlueLobster47

Just release it already... it's been Season 3 for 7 months...



Originally posted by NameTaken25

But have you fixed the spinning bug? I clipped it making you sick and sent it to like 10 people cause it was hilarious.

We need to figure out how it happens first.


Originally posted by RyanW1019

This is my first season. Haven’t new weapons and/or grenades come out during every season so far? I didn’t think the game launched with 3 primaries, 3 secondaries, and 4 grenades for each class.

We moved from updates to themed seasons, so if we do weapons again, it will be during a season.

23 May


Originally posted by Hylir

I am finding it so hard to make sense of this sentence...

That’s okay. Sense is not my first language. 🤗