when the dwarves say "Peck" is it referencing the Danish word "peek" meaning small annoying creature. since the devs are Danish?
The real answer is below, but how is "peek" a small annoying creature in Danish?
My dad used to say that to me with that exact rhythm and intonation when I was younger because of that exact scene in Willow. 90% sure it's a reference to that because I think it has that same intonation.
I put it in the game, and that's the exact reference, peck!
What have we done?
I take the fact that he goes for a second dip as a 5 star recommendation.
That’s what we get for not having Oktoberfest for three years… an Oktoberfest lasting three years.
u/GSG_Jacob Any ETA on a fix for HDR being implemented back into the game?
We’re currently debating leaving it out, putting it back in broken as it was, or see if we can make it a toggle, so people can pick their poison.
I am locking this for later cleanup. Friendly reminder that being a dick is not acceptable, no matter what you or they choose to do in their own time. Hide the posts, and move on if you don't like it, but write a hateful comment and get you'll get metaphorically impact axed.
I’m giving a fair warning before I spent the rest of my weekend going through the posts, banning people leaving hateful comments. If you see something you don’t like, you can downvote it, you can hide it, or you can ignore it - or all of the above. If you choose to sh*t all over someone instead of picking one of those, you’re getting the hammer. Let people enjoy stuff you don’t, as long as they’re not hurting anyone.
They really need to stop putting out new content until they fix the network code. Since the beginning of Oktoberfest it only seems to have gotten worse. Every single round I play, someone gets disconnected. I just got disconnected during stage 2 of the edd, after our engi dc'd in the first stage. Its becoming a major issue.
At the very least, they need to have a workable solution for reconnecting to a game.
Please report any issues through our Discord. If there’s an uptick in problems, it helps us spot and reproduce it, making it a lot more likely to be fixed. At the very least add a bit more detail like platform, is it only with a certain host or any possible pattern or info you could imagine could be important.
That said, the people producing the content aren’t the people that are able to fix the netcode, so that wouldn’t really do much.
Roughly, when does the new season start?
That’s in another teaser.
That’s Discord bugging out. I think it removes reactions after a while for performance purposes.
Is this the origin story of Karl Dillerdwarf, the great ancestor of John Dillermand?
I wish I could see the devs live react to shit like this
The first thing I do is send it to Mike.
We didn't have time to do specific voice lines for this one.
Warning: If they’re unspent at Season end, they’re lost.
What’s the new gunner grenade?
Currently [REDACTED]
You raised my hopes and dashed them expertly, sir!
All in a days work! I see people getting really excited about using it during Escort, but I imagine it's less effective in larger tunnels.
Don’t grow too attached. Based on this video alone, Mike is already planning to nerf it.
As always, everything is subject to change as we approach the release of Season 3.