So the issue we are facing where we can’t invite or join our friends is not part of this patch?
The EA battle front issue resolution never worked. And the issue was never fixed. Infact the issue EA has with the new battle field is even worse.
Btw congrats on launching on PlayStation.
Rock and stone.
Other than this invite and joining issue there are not many bugs in the game. Nearly flawless launch. Impressive.
Suggestion can you make the menus respond more responsive cuz atm it acts really weird. E.g can’t move they menu with R1 n R2 unless you click on the above section. And this it’s hard to change volume or sensitivity cuz the bars won’t move with left or right but we have to click on the bar as if we are using a mouse.
But that all can wait. Please give us a hot fix that allows us to invite our friends or join them.
Rock and stone!