

06 Jan


Originally posted by boong_ga

"Serverlist pretending every game is in the US"

This didn't change for me (EU).
Yesterday every server was still in the US and only "far" servers were found.

And today? Make sure your game is updated. The bug shouldn’t be able to stick around, unless something else is causing it for you (PlayStation region setting/VPN)

05 Jan


Originally posted by Musibat24-7

So the issue we are facing where we can’t invite or join our friends is not part of this patch?

The EA battle front issue resolution never worked. And the issue was never fixed. Infact the issue EA has with the new battle field is even worse.

Btw congrats on launching on PlayStation. Rock and stone.

Other than this invite and joining issue there are not many bugs in the game. Nearly flawless launch. Impressive.

Suggestion can you make the menus respond more responsive cuz atm it acts really weird. E.g can’t move they menu with R1 n R2 unless you click on the above section. And this it’s hard to change volume or sensitivity cuz the bars won’t move with left or right but we have to click on the bar as if we are using a mouse.

But that all can wait. Please give us a hot fix that allows us to invite our friends or join them.

Rock and stone!

We still need to figure out why it happens, because it’s not an issue everyone is having, so tracking the error is very hard. Friend invites is one of the things that Sony will test internally, and the game can’t release without it working, so it working most of the time for most people just makes it harder to locate and fix.


First hotfix have been deployed on PlayStation, and should be available anytime soon.


  • Crash caused by impatient dwarves spamming X on the start screen
  • Serverlist pretending every game is in the US
  • US players not getting the sign-on bonus from Starter/Ultimate DLC

IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS CONNECTING TO GAMES: This is a fairly known but annoying bug for all PS games, you can try and fix it by turning your modem/router off then on again. We will continue to investigate a possible solution. More info here from another game: ...

Read more External link →

Originally posted by Theycallmetheherald

Thanks for being active on the reddit. I've seen you a couple of times in the last few years, every time i drop by. This communication is an example for other developers.

Rock and stone.

I can reveal that we’ve changed it internally, but I’m not sure if it will be rolled out before Season 2


Are you running 120Hz? We’re seeing a similar issue with running the game in 120Hz which will force the game into 1080p if the tv isn’t running HDMI2.1 or above (or using a proper HDMI2.1 supported cable if it is).


Originally posted by Pixeresque

I was wondering what is up with the server list showing only US servers and only Far distance. Didnt pay much attention to it since i still managed to get in games but i am glad that already a great experience will be even better.

The servers should still be close by. They’re simply mislabeled due to the way we normally calculate distance mistakenly interpretes what I assume is PSNs servers in the US


I believe the reason that PS5 has gotten it, is that it is required to do a separate build, making it possible for features like this. It’s not required to do so on Xbox, and it’s honestly a load of our shoulders not having to test an extra version currently. That said; it’s not out of the question that we will.

04 Jan


🎶 We found love in a Hoxxes place. 🎶

03 Jan


Originally posted by Kumqwatwhat

Does that imply you're in the minority opinion on the dev team and you being for reversion but it remaining in game is how things will continue, or that the devs as a whole see the community unhappiness and it might actually get reverted (/have a toggle/whatever acceptable solution/etc)?

No, it doesn’t really imply anything other than I don’t want people to think my “no” was in regards to changing it back.

That said, I looked into it, and it looks like it’s an old feature that was left in the code and was reactivated during a recent optimization. I imagine it will be changed, but not sure it will happen until Season 2.


Just to clarify my earlier comment, I’m definitely on team “change it back”. 😅


Originally posted by The_Turbatron


I’ve passed it on to design, tho.


Originally posted by The_Turbatron

u/GSG_Jacob i know you're active on this sub, notice this please!!


01 Jan


From my point of view dwarven hatred towards elves isn’t necessarily based on them being elves, but more based on something the elves at some point did. Lorewise both races have very long lives, which leaves room for petty squabbles easily spanning centuries, since it’s the same people hating each other. In some versions of lore dwarves also carry grudges for ages. TLDR; they don’t hate elves because they are elves but because the elves at some point borrowed the lawnmower and returned it broken or took the last piece of pizza.

31 Dec


Originally posted by PropaneVox

you heard of elf on the shelf now get ready for..

being dead on the Mine Head


Originally posted by stephano5671

Just for clarification this won't be active for ps4 on launch will it? I figured not since the event ends 2 days before.

It won’t. The Xmas event ends when Xmas is over. The hats will be available again next year.


Originally posted by TuomariXP

And yes i forgot to say that i know its a plus game next month but i dont have plus so id just buy the game

While the game is playable solo, you might want to reconsider getting it, as it really shines in multiplayer - and if you’re not going to be able to play it online, you might be disappointed.


Originally posted by dirthurts

It's definitely doable. There is no technical reason they couldn't.

There’s actually several reasons why we haven’t (but are not ruling it out). Off the top of my head: - Console versions and Steam versions and not 1:1 copies. Due to hardware limitations, cave gen on Xbox/WinStore versions are slightly less complex. - If crossplay was added, all versions would need to be updated at the same time, which would present several issues. We currently use the faster deployment on Steam to catch and fix a lot of the most serious bugs as deploying updates to consoles are way more cumbersome and it’s something you want to limit if you can. - It would most likely require a server setup to handle this which is resource heavy to run, and the game isn’t build around it. It’s also one more point that can fail horrendously. - Having to test five versions of the game for release on the same day would probably make our QA team launch themselves into the Sun. We like them, so we don’t really want to put them in that situation.

29 Dec


Originally posted by RoseVoidew

I’m use steam account

That’s odd. If you’ve played before it should have all your saves there. If it’s greyed out: If you are in the tutorial, you need to exit it and not join any games.


Originally posted by RoseVoidew

I click it but nothing In there

Are you on the Windows Store version?