

09 Sep


Originally posted by Flogger23MLD

I do see this being beneficial in co-op, which I think is where the purpose will best fit. Communicating over voice can be hard for people and I think this is a good augment for communications.

For maps with hastily drawn floor plans, will those appear on the tablet in said hastily drawn form?

You better believe it! We even have some outdated floorplans, which will be fun. All levels will have one though, either leaning towards highly valuable pre-game information or towards worldbuilding and storytelling, depending on what serves to provide a cooler experience.


Originally posted by kreamerez

Certainly a better dev log than usual. Good to see VOID are making decent steps.

Aiming to improve em across the board.

07 Sep


Originally posted by Flogger23MLD

More tools can't hurt, and I think this is more for the aspect of communication without using a mic for co-op gameplay. But from a realism perspective I doubt a SWAT team would use this much.

Thanks for your feedback. I like to think these things will provide some use but ultimately help new players understand some levels better than others, as well as give players who wish to use it an opportunity to communicate plans a little better. From a realism perspective, they keep it pretty high level and yeah, just talk about entries and any known threats. A lot of this will be covered in our briefings, so this just acts as another tool in the belt for people who wanna use it.


Originally posted by DizzieM8

Nice to see the red flair back on this sub.

Will we see more of you moving forward?

As we get closer, yeah for sure. I've been glued to my damn chair for the whole year so any time off of looking at UE4 or Jira is time I can spend with my family, away from work. But I will be more present especially as more stuff gets shown.

06 Sep


Originally posted by FauxReignNew

It would make sense for Voll, since that was a planned out raid, but not for something like Neon, as there would be no time to get that stuff ready.

They vary depending on the type of response and situation. :)

05 Apr


Originally posted by rudyschultz

Amen!! I’m always looking for more work. Really hoping I can keep scoring gigs as cool as this one was.

You will. :)

08 Mar



Banned from reddit


Originally posted by mayumer

The game lore and universe keeps on growing, love the devs

Just doing our thang


SWAT AI are getting a nice, fat rework. Stay tuned! But glad it's so hard, that's the intent ;)


Originally posted by Kendyslice

Yeah, this one kinda pissed me off as a FNG. I feel like they were really difficult to find lol. Walking around after everyone is dead In a house full of meth looking for a parcel of meth.

It's certainly something we're gonna change.. it's very strange as far as a design choice.

04 Mar


Originally posted by HypeDancingMan

u/raihaku12 u/Gruntr Are there any plans to further improve the players and SWAT AI animations?

Mocapping some movement from some german tac guys soon (our optical studio is in Frankfurt). Stay tuned!

28 Dec


Originally posted by PM_ME_SAD_STUFF_PLZ

Nice effortpost, lots of great suggestions here.

Most definitely!

16 Dec


Originally posted by devin13132

It was a bit of hyperbole but thanks for the answer. It's not a big deal I'm glad you guys have put in the work you have. Also appreciate the activity in the subreddit. Looking forward to this being fixed whenever you guys get to it but glad the team is fixing more important bugs

All good. Current implementation is a bit hacky but yeah hopefully you like what you see in the future!


Originally posted by BoT_Cheesecake

I’ll have to try that in a minute. Thanks

It’s a chance btw. Not consistent.


Originally posted by devin13132

Literally all they gotta do is move the gun model up the hand or the hand model down the gun. It's been almost a year and something this simple isn't fixed. I'm glad they're focused on bigger more important things but this should've been in a bug fix months ago. If they can fix third person grips they can fix this

You move the gun up the hand the finger clips into the trigger guard and all of the anims are misaligned. Then other gloves are also misaligned since we have a few types. We’re gonna replace stuff anyway so it doesn’t matter, but it’s not an “all they gotta do” thing.


Originally posted by MrDedan

This started to happen with one of the hotfixes I think, I have this issue aswell. No mods installed, never had mods installed btw

Not true. Always been this way.

15 Dec


Originally posted by specter800

Yeah I think it wasn't signaled or a glitch in the accuracy decrease. I've had guys strafe corners and jumpscare me before so they can definitely do it, something else went wrong here.

Yeah it’s a tricky thing. Lots can go wrong, especially when networking is involved (if it is here). There are so many things it can be, but I’m sure we will find it soon enough.


Originally posted by AxiomSyntaxStructure

So, there's kind of an escalation, per se? I can see that working in some cases, but I see it going the opposite way in others. This is the kind of dynamism needed, I guess, for the unpredictability at the essence of RON being nerve-wracking room to room. I'm only scared this is being diluted from how action oriented it has become - aggression the norm.

I can understand the concern but we do want to make sure the way the suspects perform when aggressive is tuned very well, and then as we introduce mode reworks, they’ll bring different challenges to the player. Such as yeah, the prioritisation of tense split-second decision making happening in a level for one mode, vs. an all out escalated gunfight in another.


Originally posted by extremelack

You could definitely have this vary from map to map but I think in some cases, sweeping a high percentage of the level's suspects could decrease morale and make them more scared/submissive or maybe so demoralized that they start having a much higher chance of opting for suicide/hostage taking.

Most certainly. We will keep adjusting our AI in any case. The whole system is very adjustable so once modders have it I can imagine levels with their own entirely unique behaviours and ai. we build all of this with the community in mind so that on full release people can just download a mod and hop in a server to get any experience they’d like. Of course, the base experience needs to be fun so that’s why we’re constantly working on it. :)


Originally posted by DevastatingAdmin

I am no expert on "gang behaviour". wouldn't the cowards fall back and surrender more easily when the bold guys in front already failed?

Depends if you want a game that becomes progressively easier or harder. This is where some of the modes will offer different challenges! Realistically most of these suspects wouldn’t fight to the death except The Hand and the Left Behind guys.