

13 Jan


870 for that sweet sweet magcheck CHK CHK


Originally posted by Rainyrain90

Takes too long to go off in my experience and hostages are instantly killed. I propably replayed the gas station like 100 times at this point. But if its for gameplay reasons then why make it so that a door kick alerts the whole map you know. It also doesnt make much sense that ai shots wont trigger ai to kill hostages , even if you get shot at you can still taze the guy silently after as long as your team doesnt fire a single shot.

Yeah hostage rescue in the current build thats public is really, really, really tough. Hopefully this next patch is gonna make it a lot of fun though!


Originally posted by NegligentWarreN19

So whats going on here? What is this referencing? I have so many questions

You'll find out.. ;)


Was he behind the door possibly? I haven't seen any instances of this happening. What are your specs?


Originally posted by Cleebo8

The reason doors don’t swing one way is because it’s a nightmare to code the pathfinding around. A lot of people ask for it, but honestly they swung both ways in SWAT 4 and it never seemed to both me.

Bingo. It's a major pain in the ass.


Originally posted by pm_me_your_dodo

"tweaked reaction speed" does this mean suspects wont start shooting the very millisecond a single pixel of you is in their line of fire?



Originally posted by FORCExRECON

Can we see our torso though or just legs when you look down? If I can look down and see my vest and everything, I will open mouth kiss the devs.

Won't be able to right now but i would love for that to exist in the future. Can we settle for a light forehead smooch instead?


Originally posted by manboysteve

I really hope they also remove the mandatory 20 seconds of waiting time before a mission. It is especially bothersome in singleplayer! As well as in missions that lend themselves to frequent restarts (Hostage, Active Shooter).

Pls Void!

It's unfortunately required right now to allow the game to perform setup in the background. But we're working on improving it, hopefully gonna knock it down to ten seconds soon enough.

12 Jan


Originally posted by Stibawub

Hey I just wanted to ask, do y’all have any plans to add steam workshop? I think community made maps and other content would add a ludicrous amount of replayability, just as it has for many similar games, and it could take the pressure of map making off of y’all as you could officially add the really good community maps like they do in killing floor 2.

It's my number 1 ambition for RoN outside of the gameplay.


Phasmophobia collaboration when

10 Jan


Originally posted by Tulired

Perfectionism is a blessing and a curse. It makes sometimes better outcome to just settle on good enough. In VOIDs case i have no idea of the reason, but i hope it's just not perfection seeking, which is probably not the case solely.

There was this scultor and painter in my country, highly renowned, that destroyed all his work if someone didn't come and take them away in time as he was so perfectionist, so he started to destroy them in couple days time of making them.

Problem was due to AI navigation and the requirement for these animations to drive the movement speed and location separately. As such you'd have AI walking into walls and off the navmesh, or running too fast/slow which meant we couldn't calculate the final location accurately. So it was too expensive to run with lots of AI, it needed a lot more data, was harder to achieve realistic navigation, and it was less precise. When we went back to a legacy system it became easy to work on the gameplay loop, because we weren't battling our anim system at the same time. :)

It works and would still work for a player using a controller in third person. But that's just not our game unfortunately.


There's an option in the settings to change the weapon reload type. :)


We have a "pick up" animation set that could be used for this. I'll talk to the guys.


Originally posted by RychValle

Most likely a Spanish / Portuguese person, here we say IA as Inteligência Artificial. Sometimes it just slips out

This sounds way cooler


Just as a note its possible you shot him and he moved (or he was in the doorway on the right)! I would've loved to have seen a perspective from the AI on this one


Originally posted by UnironicFemboyLover

This is arguably one of the best early access titles I have ever played. Best of luck to the devs.

That's very nice of you, thank you!


Originally posted by Captain-Fubar

They have a live feed to the team's headcams so they know exactly when to start ripping on their instruments

I'm really incentivized to make a band room in the HQ with monitors everywhere now..


Originally posted by RhasaTheSunderer

Don't worry I saw in the roadmap that is on their top priority list

The projector is Public Enemy #1