

10 Jan


There's an option in the settings to change the weapon reload type. :)


We have a "pick up" animation set that could be used for this. I'll talk to the guys.


Originally posted by RychValle

Most likely a Spanish / Portuguese person, here we say IA as Inteligência Artificial. Sometimes it just slips out

This sounds way cooler


Just as a note its possible you shot him and he moved (or he was in the doorway on the right)! I would've loved to have seen a perspective from the AI on this one


Originally posted by UnironicFemboyLover

This is arguably one of the best early access titles I have ever played. Best of luck to the devs.

That's very nice of you, thank you!


Originally posted by Captain-Fubar

They have a live feed to the team's headcams so they know exactly when to start ripping on their instruments

I'm really incentivized to make a band room in the HQ with monitors everywhere now..


Originally posted by RhasaTheSunderer

Don't worry I saw in the roadmap that is on their top priority list

The projector is Public Enemy #1

08 Jan


Definitely gonna happen. Thanks for your post!

06 Jan


Originally posted by boshnider123

Thanks! I figured they’d be on vacation or taking some time off for the holidays. I was mainly curious if this was a form of communication with the devs, or if they mainly stuck to discord, email, etc.

I'm active on the Supporter Discord, Modding Discord, and here :)

05 Jan


Originally posted by survivor762x39

Tbh I like the M9A1 more. Probably because My Beretta 92fs is black.

We can make a black M9 as a skin. :)


Originally posted by Chase10784

While this may not be planned lol bummer, how about being able to reppel down and breach through windows would be cool ala rainbow six Vegas just adding more ways to engage a situation.

Sorry to say that I dont think rappelling will make its way into the game any time soon. Maybe in the future, though many maps aren't built for it, and we'd probably only allow abseiling vs. what Siege does where you can go up (which realistically is quite difficult!)


Originally posted by unclekisser

is the game any good? this is the first I've heard of it.

Ground Branch is great fun with a team. They've been making huge strides in their development lately too.


So this is something that we would need to rework for all guns, but absolutely something that we will approach in the future.

Currently we have a "bullet" mesh that we place in the mag when it has any rounds. But it's a mesh with a few bullets, so that's why you see the issue here.


Originally posted by cellander

I don't think it's confirmed as it's not on the Januray update list that VOID released. Maps will probably progressively be improved over time.

Definitely gonna be in that update. And yeah, maps will just grow in detail. Especially as new storylines appear and we build out the city's lore.


Great work guys. Makes me really happy to see the satisfaction you guys got from getting an S.


Some levels need it set correctly, but currently we are overhauling the NVG appearance.


Did you guys get into a match?