

22 Dec


Originally posted by YODEADGUY

I have not seen anything in my gameplay time to suggest you lose damage from using a silencer. I want to say recoil feels better but I haven't sat down and tested it to see if it's that much of a difference.

on hostage rescue silencers are a necessity due to the fact any sound alerts the enemies to kill the hostages. the one thing I do see them help with is if you silently enter a room and take out the people in the room without them firing first, it won't alert the people in the next room over. That being said, the AI is very quick to shoot you. Only way silencers benefit in my opinion is if you're doing hostage rescue and are able to one tap EVERYONE you see until you reach the hostage room, then you can flash/stinger breach that room.

As a side note for some suppressors I believe the damage is slightly buffed, but i dont think it makes a huge difference.


Originally posted by peckarino_romano

The impact method also needs a nerf, it's way too easy. I've been hit directly with a pepperbal 5 round burst in training, it's just a painful paintball impact, it is not as effective as ingame. Maybe bare stomach or a thin tshirt it can stop those who are surprised.

Maybe if they replaced the TAC700 with the FN303 in the final game the impact's effect would make sense. Most people don't even shoot people with it in training because it's too powerful and can cause more serious injury.

Chemical agents in general need more of a delay for effectiveness, suspects with glasses and gas masks should appropriately reduce effectiveness, and suspects in armor should be immune to pepperball impacts and beanbags to the chest.

I've actually never spoken to anyone who has been hit by pepperballs. Could you share some more insight into this? Very interesting. Area saturation currently doesnt exist but its on the list right now.


Good grief. Would be scared to face you in PVP..


Originally posted by icemoo

The AI are cracked imo. Literal aimbots like the bad guys and with microsecond decision making of the ROE, they instantly notice of a bad guy starts going for a gun with a fake surrender where it make take a real person a second to see the animation start playing.

The only downsides is that unlike swat 4, you cannot coordinate dual breaches through the helmet cam. Hope that feature makes a return in this game cause that was my favorite part, fullscreening the camera and having a duel flashbang breach on big rooms.

As a kid i played swat 4 with only AI, will play this game with only AI cause f**k random players.

It shall make its way in as a feature! soon as we figure out how


We could look into this. Thanks!


I love DRG. Actually one of the inspirations for our lobby. Though arguably they do it a lot better


Originally posted by UnironicFemboyLover

I love you. Also your game is incredible keep up the good work. Grabbed the base game when it dropped on steam and loved it so much I jumped ship into the supporter edition last night. Thank you and have a great holiday.

Thank you! Much love.


They used to change things a lot more, such as ads speed and horizontal recoil. It ended up feeling really strange so now they're just waiting to be updated. Probably fed into our procedural recoil system more than the camera recoil (weapon climb and shake vs. screen rotation)


I'll follow up with our programmers when they're back.

21 Dec


We don't have any damage specs available right now but likely they will come with a load-out/customization UI update.


Originally posted by zzguy1

We appreciate the continued communication

All in a days work. This is my baby so seeing so much support (and concern!) is really good, and we all wanna engage with it.


Originally posted by OMGWTHEFBBQ

Yeah, I'm on a 2080Ti and 9900K, and when I walk along the glass in 2nd floor dealership the performance drops a noticeable amount. DX11

It's that damn blurry glass.


Seeing more talk about coop involving more than 5 players. Might be fun to add but we've tested with it in the past and it can get pretty clunky.


Originally posted by TaxLive1727

Same, but I‘m kinda worried about the amount of content. I was super hyped for this game, but after around 20 hours im feeling some fatigue

I‘ve played every single map like 5 times already. There isn’t a lot to do besides clear maps again and again. Player count will drop off drastically probably by the end of the month.

The devs really need to keep at it with new content. A progression system is quite simple to implement, but will add reasons to actually play

Were all slowing down for Christmas and having a much-needed break after slugging it out for so long.

Content (maps, weapons, VO, characters) is already in the works however and hopefully the next big update is gonna help maintain excitement (I hope!).

No word on when they will be though. Definitely not too long.


Yeah for sure. We will be improving it. Thanks for your feedback.

20 Dec


Oh for sure. If you notice even parts of Gas depending on the mission is either bare or full of props, destructible lights and items.. Im currently on a holiday so I kinda had to cram in a bunch of work before I left and that was the result.

So expect more of that as we go and a greater attention to detail. Meth is still a standout for me, at least the houses. The caves could do with some more love.