

05 Jan


Originally posted by cellander

WIP shot from the "mini-dev-updates" channel on the supporter Discord. I did a comparison from what's currently in-game right now.

Great comparison, didn't expect it at all. Nice work.


Originally posted by lil_teste

My mum was a social worker and she’s said some junkie parents do take care of their kid as best they can. It’s never like this but the kids were always with some toys or plushies. Cheap one but a lot nonetheless. Unfortunately those are really rare occasions. Like one of her clients mother was a crack addict but you’d never know looking at her daughters room. Barbies and bratz everywhere and pink walls and a couple princess dresses. But since the mum was using she got sent off live with her Aunty up in NSW. Hopefully both of them are doing well but who knows.

A fellow aussie! Yeah that is the inspiration for this section of the level, obviously exaggerated though.


Originally posted by wiggeldy

Bro you didn't clear that first room at all. No wonder Weed-Wendy is searching you for munchies.



Originally posted by testicallyright

Ive tried stacking red and blue on seperate doors and then sequentially initiating breaches but they both just froze for the rest of the match stacked up prebreach

Argh. Got a video? Might be handy to debug.

04 Jan


Originally posted by I-wanna-fuck-SCP1471

It took an absurd amount of work, i had to do a lot of balancing for them too since they're obviously not supposed to work with players, such as about half of them having 0 recoill by default

Honestly, well done. This is kinda what I'd love to see when official mod support drops.


You can! Hold shift to hold a command and give orders to two teams, then select the element (gold) and execute by pressing 1.


Originally posted by I-wanna-fuck-SCP1471

You know you've made it big when your game has porn artists drawing stuff for it

I feel very accomplished right now.



Just kidding


I'm pretty impressed you got the suspect weapons working. I don't think I've ever seen any of them in the first person.

03 Jan


Originally posted by _downvote_me-

Gruntr i was talking about other devs not yours in particular. We really appreciate you letting the community mod the game and really appreciate all the work you and the other VOID devs are doing! Keep rocking bros!

Ohh! My apologies. Either way it really depends on the studio stance + what they need to keep servers running and stuff.. so depending on their practices, I get it. In our case, the mod scene is already so interesting and each new mod I see puts a big smile on my face. So cool. Rockin!


Originally posted by _downvote_me-

Because mods cut into their profits with DLC. VOID devs are smart and understand this will only make the game more popular, thus increasing sales.

We might be a bit stupid then (kidding) because we definitely want mods! There are already so many cool ones. But workshop support is something on the list, some good answers in here covering some of the risks though re: breaking the game each update etc.


We've talked about it, but it might not see its way into the game anytime soon. That sounds like more of an object for fun than for realism (since SWAT probably wouldnt carry batons), not saying it couldn't find its way in.


Oh my.


Someone's been playing enough with the AI to time it ;) Nice work


Originally posted by kickedbyconsole

Already refunded, too late!! 😈


02 Jan


Originally posted by ddsharknads

They spelled detectives wrong in one of the scenarios too. Can't recall which one. Shit happens, the game is still amazing

I'm an elite spellar

31 Dec


Yeah, its planned :)