So I just checked on our server status and there is showing no issues.
If you have another drop could you please run a WGCheck with "check network connection" enabled?
So I just checked on our server status and there is showing no issues.
If you have another drop could you please run a WGCheck with "check network connection" enabled?
Understand folks that rewards for daily missions or regular missions will always be changing. We typically don't keep the same rewards all the time.
That being said the line that shows 8 days IS a typo, follow the graphic! It is being corrected as we speak.
I can't speak for the battle he was in but I just did 10 Coops and everyone in those battles said they have been changed... plus the two screenshots I took.
And here is a 4 cap Domination, so I can confirm it IS working.... more than likely the battle that was screenied earlier was not DOMINATION mode.
Yep, I noted, and am trying to play coop to find if this is true. I asked the folks in the coop battles I played and all of them said that it had changed... so I am not sure whats going on.
So I am in a Coop right now, Domination.....
So yeah....
Of course I can send this up.
Top up on Soviet cruisers early access containers this month when watching World of Warships on Twitch.
Read it on the portal
Top up on Soviet cruisers early access containers this month when watching World of Warships on Twitch. Leer en el portal
Top up on Soviet cruisers early access containers this month when watching World of Warships on Twitch. Leia no portal
Não perca as recompensas e bônus disponíveis! Você encontrará mais detalhes de como pegá-los abaixo. Leia no portal
¡No se pierdan las recompensas y bonificaciones disponibles! A continuación encontrarán los detalles para obtenerlas. Leer en el portal
Don't miss out on the available rewards and bonuses! You’ll find the details on how you can grab them below. Read it on the portal
Gostou de assistir os episódios sobre o detetive Kléberot e o shinobi Hayate? Então não perca o próximo episódio de Histórias de Navios de Guerra! Leia no portal
¿Disfrutaron viendo los episodios sobre el detective Kléberot y el shinobi Hayate? ¡Entonces asegúrense de ver nuestro siguiente episodio de Historias de Barcos! Leer en el portal
$151,268!!!! Y'all are rockstars!!!!
That is not true, with Yamato, if you take it your turret rotation is seriously nerfed, this can have real effect on the game play of that ship and with HIndenberg you are seriously giving up Rudder shift which is already not the best. Plus you're giving up other bonus' from builds you might have using the mods that go in those slots.
No worries.
People don't need to be shamed, he asked a question, an answer is just as simple as the trolling.